Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The happiest morning in 2011

On one fine morning, Aden wake up asking for milk, and I jumped off the bed to make for him.

When I was making the milk, he said this:

Before I responsed, ccw was complaining:
Aden, I always make milk for you, how come you never say that to me?

So, Aden is forced to say the same thing to ccw!

Whenever I talked about it, ccw sure said he pandai "ambil hati"!
Jealous la, Aden was saying it based on what he felt! ;p

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My son and Santa Claus

This year, we told my son about Santa Claus. An old man who gives out presents to all the good boys and girls on Christmas eve. The better you are, the bigger gift you get. However, it wont be too big as Santa Claus is giving gifts to many children.

We reminded Aden to be good boy almost everyday so that Santa Claus will include him in his list. I can see that he really try hard to behave!

Towards Christmas Day, I told Aden that he must like whatever Santa Claus gives to him so that he will continue to receive gift the following year.

We went to buy Buzz Lightyear for him as we know he loves it. It was quite a big box which is not suitable to put on bed. So we put it near door where Aden will get to see it the first thing in the morning before going out the room.

When he woke up on Christmas day, he sat up from bed turn his head right and left to search for gift, but he could not see any. He was sad and told us he wanted to go to popo's room. So, I said: OK, mummy still want sleep for a while. So, he grabbed his snowman and dolphin and pillow then got down the bed and moved towards the door. We were observing him. When he saw the gift, he just put down his snowman, dolphin and pillow, and moved the gift aside so that he can open the door. But the door is locked! So, I quickly jumped down the bed and offered to help. When I reached him, I acted surprise to see the gift.

Mummy: Aden, what is that?
Aden: A present.
Mummy: come there is a present here?
Aden: *rubbing his eyes* Someone simply put it and did not keep it.
Mummy: Whose gift?
Aden: Bulat koko de..(He saw me wrapping my nephews' gifts the night before)
Mummy: Huh? Mummy did not put his gift here. It is outside, this one is not Bulat koko de.
Aden: *awake abit*
Mummy: Is it from Santa Claus to Aden?
Aden: *Excited and nearly jumped up*
Papa: Aden got gift from Santa Claus? Let's open it and see what is inside!
Aden: *All brighten up* I want to open it! *Opening the gift* It is Buzz Lightyear!
Papa: Wow, Santa Claus knows you like Buzz Lightyear!
Aden: *happy*
Mummy: Go show your Buzz Lightyear to popo, tell her it is from Santa Claus!
Aden: *Get out the room happily with his new toy*

However, Buzz Lightyear was spoilt before Christmas end! The button was broken. Aden was crying because he has yet show to Bulat koko and all. So, papa told him maybe he could fix it. But after trying, mission fail. When we talk about it again...
Popo: Aden, why Santa Claus buy lousy toy for you?
Aden: Santa Clause is poor ma, he need to buy many toys for children.
Popo: Why he need to buy so many toys to children?
Aden: He wants to make them happy :) son! He really listen to every words we told him.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What could make my 3yo boy cries?

1. The loss of his car.

And there is another reason which I forgot to mention in my previous post which is Keropok!

He loves keropok! But it is junk food, which is not good for health. So, we do not really let him have it. As a result, he treats Keropok as his gold!

So, whenever people gave him keropok, he will eat slowly, take small bite so that the piece of keropok can last. And if people gave him more than a piece, he will always keep the last piece and bring back home to show popo with jolly face!

Aduh, as a mom, am abit heartache to see him so "kesian", it is just keropok! Sigh.

Then, 3 nights ago, his cousin gave him a small packet of keropok. So, he brought it home and showed me. Then he went downstair (I forbade him eating inside room/upstair), suddenly he cried like in pain again! When I asked what happened? He said he cant find the keropok plastic bag, I then found it and he cried again as he said how come it is empty? Popo already poured the keropok into container, but he wanted it inside the plastic bag. Popo put back the keropok then only he continued eating the 2 pieces of keropok in his hands! He was just too sad to think that what he is holding is the last 2 pieces and he not even want to finish them!

Poor boy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 years + 3 months + 17 days

It has been such a long while since I last recorded my son's development here.

Weight: 19kg
Height: 112cm

Physically, he does not look like a 3yo boy at all! He just look like a 4yo boy! My fil told me Aden is reaching my waist, very soon he will grow taller than me. My mom kept saying that he will soon grow taller than Bulat who is 2 years older. As for myself, when I was sitting with him at the back of the car last night, I also think that he is much older than 3yo by looking at him sitting upright quietly. Gosh, he is such a big boy now!

After nearly a year of hard work teaching him to recognise the number from 1-10, he can finally recognise 1-8! Last night, when I taught him 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16... he can actually add teen after 7 when I showed him 17, and the same to 18. When I showed him 20, he actually shouted out TWO-TEEN! LOL! Very proud of him!

He loves his cars. You will never know how much he love it until you get to know what happened tonight. When I was driving him home, he suddenly cried out at the back seat! He cried like he was in pain! Real painful type of cries. I was shocked and kept asking him what happened! I stopped at a junction. He just cried and when I raised my voice, he said his foot is painful! I was wondering what causing it and told him to take off his crocs, he did but he was still crying but softer. Then I told him let's find out what bite his foot when we got home and I need to pay attention on the road. But after a while,  he CRIED as loud as earlier on. I actually saw him reaching his hand into the car seat cushion searching for something before he cried again. So I asked him what happened? He finally told me that his toy car dropped into the "hole"! Then I told him, it is ok, I can take it out for him once we reach home. But he was still crying, the tears is flowing like a river. He said he scared that the sport car cant be found! I have to assure him that sure I can find it back for him and then only he turned to sob. I told him don't cry anymore as I need to drive home. He then asked: "Mommy, can my sport car still moving?" Sigh...all he has in his mind is - the sport car!

He is a good boy except that he is still waking up at night for milk! Omg! Sometimes, I really cant stand him waking up twice for milk! Even his little sis only wake up once! Fine. One bad habit of him, if we tried not to make him milk, he will kick us or cry, and we have no choice to continue "manja" him!

One sweet and cute thing, he knows how to explain his little sis's chinese name to others. He just learn it by listening from us for a few times and then suddenly we caught him telling people his sis's name, which chinese word of it, like this 一个雨,一个林. And, now, I am trying to teach him, how to tell people about his own name! Quite funny that he knows the sister's name but dunno his own right?

He is also getting more outgoing and less shy. He dare to talk to "jie jie" (stranger) met at a dining place and jiejie is speaking English! So, I told him to ask jiejie name, and he did that!

Love him heaps! :D