Friday, April 18, 2008

The Easter Bunny is real, you just have to go to Stansbury Island to find him.

In the move, Matt and I misplaced our camera and then when we found the camera, we found that we couldn't find the battery charger....ANYWAY...we haven't been able to take pictures for awhile which should explain the boring word only posts. HOWEVER, Matt's wonderful cousin Tina just sent me some pictures taken at the annual Stansbury Island Easter Egg Hunt and I thought I would share!It seems my adorable little child likes to pose for the camera!

Here we are...our most recent family photo-op! Check out Emma's Hunting Haul. She did a pretty good job and we were happy Dad could help this year since last year he and all of the boys decided to climb to the top of the mountain you see in the background and it took up the entire afternoon! We had a good time. Thanks for the pics, Tina!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hearts Beats

Today we heard the heartbeat. It didn't seem real despite the nausea and exhaustion and is true, there is a person growing inside of me! Person number two! I think that having gone through it once before made the moment I could hear the thump-thumping of this little one more emotional. And it was fun to have Emma there. Logically I feel that she shouldn't be able to comprehend what is going on, but I think her heart and spirit are speaking to her when she will randomly talk about a baby brother and when she got quiet and calm when she heard the rythmic beating of the heart of her sibling. No, we don't know it is a boy and won't for a few more weeks, but that is how she always refers to it - a baby brother.

For those of you who didn't know before reading this post, we are sorry we did not tell - like I said it didn't seem real until now. And with the reassurance that comes when you hear a steady, healthy, perfect little heartbeat - we felt like we could finally announce it to the world! Or at least to whoever reads this blog! Yes - we are thrilled! Yes - we would, like Emma, love to have a little brother to round out our family for a time BUT we would also like it to be known that we would also be thrilled with a little girl! And, as for how I am feeling, I like to think that I am over the nausea and that I can finally enjoy eating again after so many weeks - I guess we will see how it goes.

We love all of you and are excited to once again share this special experience with you! We will keep you posted - Oh, and just so you know, I am 12 weeks along so we'll (hopefully) know if it really is a baby brother in about 6-8 weeks.

Sarah and the nut