Wednesday, January 07, 2009


.. to a brand new premise.

Please proceed to
Its still me peeps hehehe even without my RedKebaya. so see you there ok.

All are welcome :D

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Wishing YOU

.. a blessed 2009 ahead!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And the cycle continues

... with 2 down and one more to go.


Its that time again. by week's end it'll just be us women (3 generation worth) left behind to fend for ourselves, and our only hope of 'protection' comes in the form of 3 lazy fur-balls... namely nicolei, adik and mamat. the lovable, incorrigibly manja and ofttimes a tad dusty, tomcats.

We saw the man jetsetting into the nite to his faraway destination on christmas. then it was AI, who incidentally is starting to look more and more like his father these days (except that he's probably the 'celup tepung' version hehehe.. abe jangan le marah, black has always been beautiful in my book ok lol). he left for lendu alone yesterday amidst the afternoon drizzle, much to my dismay. thank god he made it to registration well and in good time.

And by saturday its AF's turn. he plans to leave for sg petani by lunchtime (i think). its his final semester before getting his first posting. but right now he's in denial. he has this final paper to finish but he's been deliberately keeping himself busy with, among other things, playing out zombie marathons with his band of 4 (himself, AI, AH and any willing & able body.. usually one of his cousins).

Sheesh, tinggal brape hari je la aie... u better get that butt going my darling. otherwise, you're gonna be facing some pretty loud music i can betcha!!

Mak, me and my girl. so what else is new?

I need to run!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Maal Hijrah

Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430H

Doa Awal Tahun & Doa Akhir Tahun.. a refresher as usual :)

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah.

Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata: "Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun"

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam satu Muharram.

Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata: "Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan".

Doa Akhir Tahun:

Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, apa yang telah aku lakukan dalam tahun ini daripada perkara-perkara yang Engkau tegah daripada aku melakukannya dan aku belum bertaubat daripadanya. Sedangkan Engkau tidak redha dan tidak melupakannya. Dan aku telah melakukannya di dalam keadaan di mana Engkau berupaya untuk menghukumku, tetapi Engkau mengilhamkanku dengan taubat selepas keberanianku melakukan dosa-dosa itu semuanya. Sesungguhnya aku memohon keampunanMu, maka ampunilah aku. Dan tidaklah aku melakukan yang demikian daripada apa yang Engkau redhainya dan Engkau menjanjikanku dengan pahala atas yang sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon kepadaMu.

Wahai Tuhan! Wahai yang Maha Pemurah! Wahai Yang Maha Agung dan wahai Yang Maha Mulia agar Engkau menerima taubat itu dariku dan janganlah Engkau menghampakan harapanku kepadaMu Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah. Dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mengurniakan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Doa Awal Tahun:

Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, Engkaulah yang kekal abadi, yang qadim. yang awal dan ke atas kelebihanMu yang besar dan kemurahanMu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang telah muncul di hadapan kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan dariMu di sepanjang tahun ini dari syaitan dan pembantu-pembantunya dan tentera-tenteranya dan juga pertolongan terhadap diri yang diperintahkan melakukan kejahatan dan usaha yang mendekatkanku kepadaMu Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mulia.

Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha pengasih dari mereka yang mengasihi dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad. Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Another first

... in a series of firsts.

We usually recall with a certain fondness the 'firsts' in our lives, most likely bcos.. well lol, it is the first, yang pertama, yang mula. first loves, first dates, first kisses, first fights.. and baby's first steps, their first words (hey dia cakap ba-ba la.. eh no, ma-ma la), their first tooth.

And today, joining that memorable list of firsts is..... the discovery of my first grey hair!! right in front at the top of my head!! ish ish ish dah beruban rupanye cik tipah ni ekekeh!!

So abe, sama la kite skarang. but it does seem that i have a lot of catching up to do ;)

Moving on.. i really enjoyed today's aerobic session at the dataran. the instructor grilled the lot of us almost non-stop for more than 30 mins and altho the movements became a little repetitive (read: boring) after a while, the up-beat music more than made up for it. the strong hip-hop flavour was just the way i liked it to be :)

I love dancing and moving to music (even at this age) but the man just sings so i've only managed to meet that need during aerobics (and the privacy of my bedroom of course lol). i've toyed with the idea of joining dance classes/groups.. but malas la pulak nak susah2 squeeze it into my already longer than long 'to-do' list!!

So its readily available aerobics for me... and each time before it starts i send a little prayer that the instructor doesnt have any hindustani or pop yea yea songs in his repertoire of music lol!!

The boys are going back to college soon so today will probably be filled with related activities (read: beli barang2 keperluan kanak2 riang). and of course its awal muharram tomorrow, time for renewed hope, enthusiasm and passion :)

AM - Aerobics/dataran shah alam/moderate pace/50 mins

p.s. Abe, soooo glad u're finally safe in tashkent after the bad weather fiasco.. risau sangat (and of course my overactive imagination didnt help one bit)!! rest when u can and do take care my love :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

He's gone again

... and each time he does that i feel my soul shriveling up that much more. as this goes on and on and on i begin to wonder, will there come a time when it will eventually disappear into nothingness?

Of course i am not incapicitated, nor am i rendered completely useless. you'll still see a fully functional makcik going about her business. the only difference is, her heart is not with her.. its in a godforsaken land, far far away with the love of her life. and her greatest hope is that it will be kept safe and not trampled over in the excitement & challenge of a totally different environment; one that includes beautiful sights & sounds.

Nope, being apart like this doesnt seem to be getting better with age. nor is it any easier even when it is the 2nd time around. long gone is the bravado that i used to have when i was younger, and fast on its heels is the strength to bear the weight of the responsibilities alone. i find myself seeking, wanting.. no, needing the shelter & protection that his presence provide.

Its no fun going about it alone.



Dan rindu.. yang teramat.

Monday, December 22, 2008


.. we're back.

But something's just not right. in fact something might even be very very wrong. i can feel it in my bones.


Bandung was bittersweet. time for some serious deliberation.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

With love

from the bunch of us in Paris...

... Paris Van Java that is ekekekeh ;) btw thats AF's hand, just to show that he's also around lol

We were more than overjoyed to find out we had free internet access at the hotel.. gratis gratis gratis!! it sorta made up for the cessation of almost all maxis services (the kids are in sms withdrawal right now heheh) maybe because of the mountain ranges or something, dunno.

Oh and AH seem to have sprouted wings here in west java!! hmm, i wonder when mine would start growing?!?