Every night when it's time to say prayers before bed we have the same argument with Park when it's his turn to say it.
Park: I said it last night
Mommy: no, Annicka did. It's your turn.
Park: No, I said it last night.
Well, tonight it was Annicka's turn and you know what happened?
Mommy: Okay, Annicka, it's your turn to say it. Come fold arms.
Park: No, it's my turn.
Mommy: No, you said it last night. It's Annicka's turn to say it.
Then all of a sudden this argument broke out, but Park was the only one talking.
Park: It's your turn. No, you said it last night. No I didn't, you did, it's your turn. No, I didn't....
And on it went. I don't think that argument even made sense.
Quick Update
12 years ago