So. Let's talk about May, shall we?
It started off with a little of this:

And kept on being pretty stellar the rest of the time. I got to go to the live taping of Oprah at Radio City Music Hall, thanks to my lovely clients at Harpo. It was a lot of fun and also extremely amusing because everyone was decked out in their cutest outfits in bright spring colors (I didn't look to bad myself, if I do say so). O even commented on it when she came out in her pink sequined floor-length skirt. Anyway, we didn't come away with any swag, but it was a good time all around.
A few days after that, I got to go home to California for a visit. Two of my sisters were visiting at the same time, so I got to see most of the fam, which was great. Some highlights:

Visiting the Jelly Belly factory.

In-N-Out runs.

Flying kites in the park.

Kissing scrumptious baby cheeks.Other activities included Ostler favorites: eating lots of delicious food, playing games, winning at
Buzz (me), watching movies, squealing during Wii Super Mario, taking walks, and laughing a lot. I also got to see
Marisa and Rob for the first time in far too long, but apparently we did not take any pictures. We did eat ice cream though, so win some, lose some.
I had a great time at home, as always. I love living in New York, but I've realized that it's necessary to get out of the city every now and then in order to keep enjoying it. Otherwise it starts feeling a little claustrophobic. So this was the perfect way to relax and just be able to hang out with a lot of people that I happen to really like.
The week after I came back to the city, I did half marathon #3, in Brooklyn.

Lauren and I post-race.
I did this race last year, which was my
first half marathon. I didn't break my goal, unfortunately, but I did run it much faster than last year and my knees didn't give me any problems (which has been my biggest concern lately), so it's all right. I'm taking a summer hiatus from races (running in 90 degree humidity does not seem that appealing to me) but already have plans for the fall:
Warrior Dash. I don't think I need to say anymore about that.
May ended with a road trip to Montreal with a couple of my girlfriends, which will be a separate post. In the meantime, more May pictures can be found