The Redford Family

Our crazy, loud, busy, noisy, happy family!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Utah Fun...

On Christmas day, I left for Utah with Brooklyn and Easton. Eric stayed home with the two little boys. I drove all day...we stopped twice...quick stops. I made it to Utah in less then 12 hours...a record! We discovered that McDonald's is the only restaurant open on Christmas Day. The drive was good. Brooklyn and Easton were great.
We got there and met the family at Temple Square. It was cold but very pretty. I was surprised how many people were there. It was worth the stop. Very beautiful!
As soon as we got to my parents...the kids had to open presents. My mom spent hours making each family a big blanket. I love her blankets. We sleep with them every night. She also made Brooklyn and I matching really soft blankets. Easton was excited about Legos and Brooklyn got stamping craft set.
 Rod and Jo came to Utah too, so we wanted to get together and hang out. We met up at Mike's and we headed to his school to play in the gym. It was a lot of fun. We played kickball, basketball, soccer, tag...the cousins just had so much fun playing together. Had a great time.
 After spending the day at the gym, we headed to Michael and Jamie's to go sledding. Man was it FUN. The hill was crazy steep and crazy fun. Michael knows how to go extreme sledding. We had a great time. I went down the big hill one time, but since it took me forever to climb back up...that was it. Great day sledding!
After a couple of full days of shopping, staying at Alex and Amanda's, girls movie night...We headed to St. George. We spent a couple days swimming, chilling, shopping and having a fun New Years Eve Party, and we saw Frozen with the cousins!
New Years Eve Party!
Minute to Win it games, A Dance, Hot tub, Food, & New Years toast 
Happy 2014!!!!
We drove home on January 2. It was a great trip. I was excited to come home and see my little boys. I missed them. Ryder learned to say "Momma" while I was gone. That made me a little home sick.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Christmas 2013...
It was a great celebration. We celebrated it on Christmas Eve this year since I was leaving for Utah with the big kids on Christmas Day. We got lunch at Subway and then headed to the park. After we had lunch we headed home and surprised the kids when they saw all their presents under the tree and also their stocking left out. Sneaky Mommy. We had a great time. We talked about Christ's birth, and the story about the orange.  The kids loved opening presents. Happy happy kids. Ryder even had a great time opening presents. The night was spent playing with all their new toys and games. 
Christmas was perfect this year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Elfie is back...

Elfie came back and sure had fun around the house.
Another big hit this year...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Redfords!

More December Memories...

We always look forward to the night when Santa comes around on the fire truck. He never disappoints. The kids loved it. And it was fun hanging out with our neighbors while we waited. 
Oh Cooper...he took Eric trimmer and cut his hair...nice and straight line.  All the way to the scalp. Then Eric painted the stripe with the arrow. Funny daddy.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Photos, New Camera...

I got a new camera...I like it...I played with it for a couple of days.
And of course I had to take photos of my cute kids and husband!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Trains!

Our favorite Christmas tradition!
Always lots of family fun!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter-wonderland at Six Flags...

Six Flags-Holiday in the Park
Michelle and I took the kids to Six Flags and spent the day riding big scary rides, eating popcorn, sledding in real snow, jumping in a snow globe, watching an amazing dolphin show and listening to Christmas music. It was cold and got really cold once the sun went down, but it was totally worth it. We had a great time and it was really nice spending the day with my two big kids. They loved it. They loved the big rides...scared me to death. They went on the huge swing multiple times...I couldn't wait to get off. I think I am totally afraid of heights. Old age will do that to you. We got season passes for 2014 so we will have more fun days at Six Flags!


We visited Santa...
Who's been Naughty & Who's been Nice?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving and early Christmas in Moses Lake

Driving to Washington to see Grandma and Grandpa...and Jon & Traci.
It was a long long drive...we were very happy to get there.
It was a great weekend spending Thanksgiving in Washington with Eric's family. The kids were excited to have an early Christmas with Grandma. Grandma gave them some fun gifts.
The weekend was filled with lots of  food, shopping, cousins playing, dinner and movie date, and just hanging out having a great time with Jon & Traci and Grandma & Grandpa. It was a nice visit in Moses Lake.