Thursday, March 31, 2011

Walking Around

Need a Laugh?

Go to youtube and in the searh box, type in "Kid History". It's hilarious!! Here's one of them. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


No, this post is not me throwing jokes about lawyers, even though I love to. This blog is for any of you who are lawyers or have friends/family that are lawyers. I need some free advice I guess. I have a friend who after 4+ years is STILL being messed up by her husband. The divorice is final and a divorce degree has been made but she is still paying for everything. Utah has a law that it doesn't matter what a divorce degree states, if companies and business can't find one spouse (divorce or not) they can force the other spouse (divorce or not) to pay. He has taken her name and social security number and used them and she is now having to pay for all of the things he has done (AFTER the divorce). Her wages are being garnished and isn't allowed to get a new SS number. She is a single parent, barely making by. The justice system has really been screwing her over as well. She has paid $60,000+ in lawyer fees just for the divorce alone and can't afford more. Does anyone have law advice that can help her? Or know of someone who can talk to her and give advice? Please let me know. The stress of everything she is going through is actually making her physically sick and help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Agent P

If you've noticed from my sidebar, I'm referring to my baby as Agent P. I figured that since P is getting bigger, I wouldn't broadcast his name anymore. His Godmother Steph calls him Agent P, so we'll use that. :)

*Agent P is the secret agent platypus from Phineus & Ferb.

Got Caught!

Hutch has just cleaned out the gift wrapping drawer and put stuff in a bag to send to recycling. P found it. Then Hutch found P. It was hilarious!

When Dad Dresses Agent P

See anything wrong?I did make Hutch fix it. He saw the buttons and thought they were the front. Until I pointed out the picture. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday Night=Vegetarian Night

Hutch and I have put together a food item for each day of the week. This is to help us think of things to make for dinner and to help us be healthier. Monday is chicken, Tuesday is pasta, Wednesday is fish, Thursday is vegetarian and Friday and Saturday are open to anything. We usually have Sunday dinners at one of our parents house.

Thursday is vegetarian day and I tried a new recipe. I get the Womens Day magazine and it always has fun recipes that I say I'll make but don't actually do it. I finally did. It's called Rustic Butternut Squash Tart. It was very good. Here's a picture:
It's butter-nut squash, red onions, sharp cheddar, olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme. When I made it I added zucchini and mozarella cheese. I didn't have sharp cheddar. You mix all of those ingredients together and put it in a pie crust. It says to roll the crust out to 14 inches but I couldn't find my rolling pin so it was about 9 inches or a bit bigger. (used a pre-paid crust). Put it all in the center and fold the edges over, then brush egg around it and cooked it in a 400 degree oven for about 25 minutes. We both really liked it. I have left over stuff so we'll probably make it again in a few days.