Aug 18, 2012

Akhirnya...kantoi ^_____^

You maybe hate me.
But i'm really glad that someone 'kantoi' kan you.
Sooooo glad. heh!

saya tahu Allah maha adil.
dan saya tahu saya tidak mahu memalukan awak walaupun awak sudah memalukan..memanipulasi..dan sebagainya....lagi2 memburukkan saya....i've heard.
Saya sudah melupakan hal lama-lama walaupun sebenarnya sangat susah...lagi2 bila dengar awak masih belom berhenti...

kan saya kata "berpijaklah di bumi nyata..."
just like i tought...YOU ARE SICK and you need help.
tapi...its up to you.

i don't care....I don't know..and i don't want to know.
ok bye.

kantoi kantoi kantoi.

Check it out!


by Reza Abedi on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 12:46pm ·
Dear Izzat,

While I thank you for your honesty in confessing to your fault of posting photos other people have taken and claiming them as your own, that is not the root of the issue Aysha, Jasman and myself sought to make you understand. We are happy that you have shut down your photo blog and your Twitter account and that you have removed the photos in question. Do not worry, we have them screencaptured for posterity.

You see, we do not care that you are using your God-given gifts of manipulation and storytelling to trick people into believing you lead a certain enviable lifestyle. That is your choice. What we do not get, however, is how you are using this improved perception you have created in the minds of the thousands of gullible people who BELIEVE you are this made up person to support your "Charitable Organization", Jiwaa, which up until yesterday (when we confronted you) you were the Co-Founder of, along with Marina Mahathir (that's what you told Aysha).

Now to all of you who have smelled "stink" when you've heard of Izzat's globe trotting adventures but have never been bothered enough to do something about it, this is our chain of reasoning of why these plagiarized photos cast reasonable doubt to Izzat's physical location during the time of the posting (he was supposedly traveling across the United States, making a documentary about Islamophobia over summer), and subsequently lead us to wonder whether he is actually doing what he claims he is doing at all.

You see, to most people being lied to is a forgiveable offence, and I have to admit I allow it more often than I would like. However, to be lied to year after year and to see other people get lied to, that to me is a wrong which cannot be perpetuated. A liar who uses his fancy words and fake instagram pictures to make people believe he represents a cause and is worthy of their support is no better than a con man.

Also, the fact that this liar in particular has continually maintained this stance to us for all these years implies that this liar, Izzat, thinks us as idiots. I do not claim to be a smart person, but I am no idiot, and I hate being lied to.

It could be true that Izzat has been doing charitable work, we do not deny the possibility of that for we have never seen izzat doing charity work so we cannot say that he hasn't done it. However, have any of you SEEN him donating clothes which Jiwaa collects to orphanages? Have you HEARD him as he laughed with joy seeing the faces of all those happy children? Do you have any firsthand sensory perception which confirms Izzat is doing what he claims to be doing?

For most of us, no, we have not seen or heard any of this.

I have never heard Izzat play the Saxophone when he claimed to be a member of a prestigious international philharmonic orchestra which supposedly gives him free LV luggage bags. None of my friends who play in orchestras have heard of a tubby somewhat cute dark skinned boy who plays the Sax called Izzat. The men Izzat claims to be friends with in Facebook (whom Izzat introduced Yuna to) aren't even his friends on facebook.

Now, why would a person need to plagiarize a photo of a mosque in NY from some random guy's Flickr account, proceed to edit it so as to look as if it were instagrammed, and then post it on facebook, complete with a fake instagram link? Wouldn't it be easier, if that person really were in New York, to simply take that photo with his smartphone, instagram it there and post it to facebook? It sure saves A LOT OF STEPS, and by logic wouldn't it seem as if this person was going through all this trouble to pretend to be somewhere he was not? The same reasoning goes to the plagiarized photo of a purple bird he "took" whilst visiting a Wildlife Sanctuary in Boston.

Speaking of Boston, do you guys know that Harvard does not offer Microbiology as an Undergraduate Degree? How very strange it is then for Izzat to be pursuing said degree at that prestigious institution.Now, why would Izzat lie about being in the United States? If he wasn't here in the United States, how could he have directed and made that brilliant (oddly professionally made) video about Islamophobia, complete with interviews with important people? Why would Izzat not want to meet with Jasman and Reza, his two debate buddies who together won the Inter MRSM Nationals in 2009 when he was in San Francisco, right across the bay from Berkeley? Are we just "people that he used to know" or does he have something to hide?

Why would Izzat post a photo of a call card, complete with a fake number on facebook? Jasman tried repeatedly to call that number to talk to Izzat and organize a meetup since Jasman was going to San Francisco on a nearly daily basis, visiting museums and other touristy attractions, but what he really wanted to do was to see his old friend.

I ask you take a step back and evaluate for yourself all the fanciful claims Izzat has told you about his life. Do you know anything about him such as what his parents work as so as to afford him such a decadent lifestyle? Do you know where he lives? Do you even know HIS REAL NAME? People, wake up. The Izzat you know today is a made up persona which will be rehashed over and over, with a different crowd each time. He will get your hopes up, trick you into believing him, become ridiculously popular for the lies he spews and later he will disappear from your lives without a trace.

This is his choice, and we do not care about that. What we really care about is whether or not Izzat is using his made up influence and popularity to mismanage the funds of a charitable organization, an inexcusable crime. This is especially worrying as Izzat (posting on behalf of Jiwaa) has beena asking or DONATIONS to help support a Jiwaa mission to help the Rohingya of Myannmar. If this organization, like much of Izzat's life, is part fairytale and part truth, what will become of those funds? Izzat, It was very clever of you to try and make our accusations seem as petty as "making you realize it is wrong to post other people's work without their permission", but after reading this I hope that the slimy eel that is Izzat will be grilled into tasty Unagi for us all to eat. Thank you.

P.S. Izzat, never mess with Debaters.


Feb 23, 2012

Yesterday was suck!

Mula beberapa minggu yang lalu dah suck.
MAsuk minggu ni dah nampak suck-suck.
Yesterday sangat SUCK.
so today..tak mau SUCK dah.

TERUK sudah perasaan kelmarin so, hari ini isap air minuman limau ais lagi BEST.

Hari ini TAK MAHU tengok muka mereka-mereka yang membosankan dan melemaukan,
Hari ni MAHU buat kerja yang happy-happy,
Hari ini MAHU menyorok...hehe.

Mengembalikan ketenangan jiwa yang parah

Feb 22, 2012

Hak aku?

"Apa-apa sahaja di dalam adalah HAK dalam tak yah complain-complain atau emosional....hak sapa-sapa nak guna silakan..hormatlah barang orang lain...tak perlu emosional...."


"TEAMWORK...............untuk menjaga RAHSIA.........."


Semua memang fakingup lately.Every year kena lalui saat-saat menyampah macam ini.
Tiada guna antara cakap elok-elok dan bising-mengamuk.Kot mana pun mesti kena jugak.
KEJI sangat aih!Bila la PERANGAI keji-keji nak blah...?

*Umpama lemak tepu yang nak kena liposuction pun tak mau keluaq aih..dah la keji memburukkan suasana badan pastu KETEGAQ macam semua hanya depa-depa saja betul*

beb, internet ialah tempat everthing people can share everything?
Kalau tak suka teknologi..and shouts kat FB, sila unfriend saya.
Kui kui.