Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sienna is a ham

So this has become a regular "outfit" for Sienna. She wears her dance leotard, church tights (over her leo) and her new church heels we got for her blessing... HILARIOUS! This girl is such a ham! Mom and I were talking last night about how if she wasnt so shy, she would make a great actress. Sigh. One day maybe. That would be pretty cool as long as she doesnt end up like Lindsey Lohan. Can you say trainwreck?

Little Jack man got his first real booboo this week. He decided to faceplant into the tv stand and cut the corner of his eye. Poor little man was so distraught. It was difficult to see him so upset. But just days later its already almost fully healed. He had some Ham lunchmeat yesterday for lunch for the very first time!. He LOVED it!! Gobbled up two slices!

I've had a really difficult time with Sienna lately. It seems like no matter how I react to her, she thrives on negative attention. She'll talk back to me, scream at me, hit, kick, push-down her brother, all for no reason.I'll put her in her three minute time-out and she'll apologize and then five minutes later go back to doing it again. It's exhausting and so frustrating!! I've been praying about it for weeks with no answer. Tuesday night I was up late and just crying to Jeff about it. I blame myself. I was never bonded to her like I am with Jack. The situation was so much different. I resented her bio-father. He left me in a postion I wasnt ready for and because of that I resented Sienna. I love her. I do. But I don't feel apart of her. I wish I did and need to find out a way to be. Every night I feel like I'm convincing myself that I love her. Yesterday I woke up and went online. A friend of mine posted this blog and it tore me apart. I havent cried like that in a really long time. It made me understand and realize just how lucky I am to have her. I realized that no matter how much we fight and argue, she loves me and I love her. She is a blessing and a challenge from God. I need to cherish her everyday because one day she may not be on this earth anymore.

On Sunday we went to Mesa and were able to walk through the cancer center that Jeff has been so busy working on. It was really neat to see the almost finished product of what he does everyday. I love that man so much and am so proud of all he does. I know I dont tell him that everyday and I'm going to try my best to do so.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Year

I am going to do my best to post a weekly blog. I can do it. I can do it. I really dont know why I haven't. Its not like I do anything.

Things here have been great. We're living with my mom. She's planning on moving to California in the next couple months so we'll have the house to ourselves.

Jeff has been really busy at work mostly working on the rec center at NAU, the cancer center at Banner Baywood and a new project at ASU. He enjoys his work and enjoys his time off with his family.

Sienna has been going to dance class once a week. Its a Tap/ Ballet/ Gymnastic combo class and she LOVES it!! She really thrives. We started going to a playgroup once a week with the ladies from our Relief Society. This week it was at a park by our house and the kids decorated sugar cookies for Valentines Day.

Jack is growing like a WEED!! He's still a tiny little thing but his motorskills are really up there. That kid is fast. He loves to play with his toys and with his big sister. He loves her so much.

As for me, nothing new here. Just taking each day as it comes my way. Some days are worse than others. Today has been a great day. Sienna has spent most of the day playing outside and allowing me to have some one on one playtime with the little man!