Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Freedom of Speech

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Islam and Muslim has again been put under the limelight, and this time by the stupid (mind my language) Kouachi brothers who takes matters to their own hands when they attacked the Charlei Hebdo HQ (where they publish the cartoon that mock Rasulullah SAW) and massacred police and civillian alike. Not long after that, another episode of terror happened in Paris, making the impact of the attack even more severe.

Today, Paris held a rally to demonstrate solidarity with Charlie Hebdo and people all over the world (at least around Europe) also held the same rally, shouting for Freedom of Speech. What is freedom of speech? Can you just say anything about anyone? Really? I don't think so.

Charlie Hebdo has produced the satire that mocks Rasulullah SAW, and they even mocked the monarch, the Christians and any other things that they fancy. So when all these people go on those rally, and carrying out the banner, fighting for freedom of speech, does that means these people are fighting for vulgarity? foul languages? mockery? Is that what today's world has become?

Its sad...when people are condoning foul languages out in the open. I pity the cartoonist that died, but there are not innocent either. If they choose a more respectful way to critic in their work, it would not lead to this event. Every action has a cause, what are the cause of all these? Its purely uncalled for provocation. While I condemn that magazine and what their products are, I 200%  do not condone killing them.

"I do not know of single (XXX words not clear) in the whole world of whatever mazdhab, of whatever methodology or theology who says that a lone Muslim, anywhere in the world can become judge, jury and executioner. and just go and start killing people and rampaging, this is especially in a land that never claims to be rule in the laws of Islam."

As Sheikh Yasir Qadhi rightly said, what Charlie Hebdo is fighting for is not freedom of speech, rather, its freedom to insult Islam. 

Wallahua'lam. Till next time, wassalam.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Secret Admirer?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh...

For the past few days, I have been strolling old emails to screen through any good job that I have done which worth mentioning in order to complete my technical assessment. And somehow or rather, I stumbled upon many many personal emails. I group my emails by date, not by topic, hence all work related and personal emails are in the same folder.

I realized I am not the same person, say 5-6 years back. I think I was better then. Somehow, I have declined, in terms or my inner peace. This morning I found this, forwarded by a friend 6 years back.

Secret Admirer?
Saya bertanya kepada emak, "mana satu pilihan hati, orang yang sayangkan kita atau yang kita sayang? "

Mak jawab, "dua-dua bukan.."

Saya tercengang..Mak mengukir senyuman.

"Pilihan hati mak adalah yang sayangkan kita kerana Allah.." Saya menarik nafas dalam-dalam.

"Macam mana nak tau orang tu sayang kita kerana apa?" Mak diam sekejap berfikir dan kemudian tersenyum.

Rasanya mak dapat menduga apa yang sedang bermain dalam hati anak perempuannya. Mana mungkin saya mampu menyorokkan rahsia hati dari mak sedangkan sekilas saya pun mak mampu membacanya. "Yang paling tahu hanya Allah.." mak merenung dalam-dalam wajah anaknya. "Kerana hanya Allah mampu membaca hati hambaNya.. " mak menyusun ayat-ayatnya. "Dan keikhlasan kerana Allah itu akan terserlah keberkatannya tanpa perlu sengaja ditonjokan oleh seseorang tu.."

Saya memintas, "Tak faham.."

Mak menyambung "Cinta di dalam jalan Allah.. Bertemu kerana sama-sama mencari redha Allah.." Mak menyambung lagi, "begini, setiap insan yang bergelar manusia telah Allah ciptakan berpasang-pasangan. Rasa ingin dikasihi antara seorang suami dan isteri suatu fitrah. Automatik boleh ada daya tarikan magnet tu.." Wajah saya merah, sedikit cemas jika mak dapat mengesan gelora jiwa muda ini.. Mak menyambung "Setiap manusia telah Allah tetapkan rezeki,jodoh dan maut sejak azali lagi..Persoalannya ialah.. Siapakah jodohnya itu?" mak berhenti seketika. Saya tunduk malu, cuba menyorokkan rasa panas di pipi. Emak buat-buat tidak nampak.

Secret Admire

"Kakak, mak dulu masa besar ada secret admire.. Rajin betul dia hantar surat..Masa tu mak dah tahu yang bercinta sebelum kahwin ni tak halal..Dan masa tu mak tekad tak mahu layan sebab mak takut arwah tokwan kena seksa dalam kubur.. Mak sedar mak anak yatim, anak orang miskin, adik beradik ramai.. Mak nak belajar sungguh-sungguh.. Lama budak tu tunggu mak.. Akhirnya mak bagi kata putus, mak hanya akan membalas cinta dia jika dia sah suami mak.. Dan dia memang bukan jodoh mak, maka tak pernah dia menerima balasan cinta tu." Mak merenung jauh. Saya merapatkan badan kepada emak, semakin berminat dengan kisah lama mak..

"Mak memang tak ada perasaan lansung pada dia ke?" saya menyoal sambil memandang tajam wajah mak. Emak ketawa kecil. "Walaupun mungkin ada, mak tak pernah bagi peluang pada diri mak untuk mengisytiharkan perasaan tu.. Mak takut pada Allah. Mak bukan seperti rakan sebaya mak yang lain.. Mak, seperti kakak.." mak memandang saya sambil memegang pipi dan dagu saya. Kemudian tangannya mengusap rambut di kepala saya.

"Mak anak ustaz ustazah.. Tapi zaman tu ustaz ustazah nya masih berkebaya pendek dan ketat. Tok wan mak kiyai. Mungkin berkat doa keturunan sebelum ni yang soleh-soleh, hati mak tertarik sangat pada agama walaupun tiada sesiapa yang mendorong.. Bila di sekolah, mak pelajar pertama yang bertudung.. Mak membawa imej agama. Kawan-kawan dan cikgu-cikgu panggil mak dengan gelaran mak Aji.. Sebab zaman tu hujung 70an dan awal 80an tak ramai lagi yang bertudung betul menutup auratnya..Zaman tudung nipis dan nampak jambul. Kemudian kawan-kawan mak sikit-sikit ikut bertudung. Akhirnya kami semua dipanggil di perhimpunan. Kami dimarah guru besar kerana bertudung sedangkan ustazah kami bertudung tapi nampak jambulnya.." emak melemparkan pandangan ke lantai. "Selepas tu ustazah jumpa kami secara persendirian. Ustazah kata dia tak mampu nak pakai seperti kami. Dia suruh kami teruskan.." sambung emak. Ada getar di hujung suara emak. Kisah silam perjuangan emak di sekolah dahulu sikit-sikit emak ceritakan pada saya. Itulah juga salah satu inspirasi kepada saya untuk bangkit semula setiap kali terjatuh ketika berjuang di sekolah dulu.

"Mungkin kerana personaliti mak, mak menjadi tempat rujukan kawan-kawan mak.. Jadi, bila mak nak ambil sesuatu tindakan, mak kena fikir betul-betul sama ada tindakan mak tu akan menyebabkan Allah marah atau tidak. Mak ayah berdosa tak? Dan maruah pembawa agama terjejas tak? Kalau mak membalas cinta si lelaki tadi, bermakna mak sedang menconteng arang di muka-muka pembawa-pembawa agama. Orang akan pandang serong terhadap orang yang bertudung sedangkan kesilapan tu hanya seorang dua yang buat. Besar fitnah akan timbul apabila orang-orang agama mengambil ringan batas syariat duhai anak.." mak menelan air liurnya. Saya diam. Fikiran saya sedang cuba memahami maksud mak saya.

Adakah ia suatu diskriminasi?

"Kakak.. Jatuh cinta perkara biasa. Apabila kita jatuh cinta pada seseorang, itu tandanya ada sesuatu keistimewaan pada seseorang tu. Apatah lagi orang yang kita jatuh cinta tu di atas jalan dakwah ni..Tetapi kita kena ingat.. Kita tak akan dikahwinkan dengan seseorang atas sebab jatuh cinta atau saling cinta mencintai.. Bercouple mungkin.. Tetapi bukan berkahwin.. Kerana kita berkahwin dengan jodoh kita, jodoh yang Allah dah tetapkan sejak azali.. Dan tak mustahil orang yang kita paling benci itulah jodoh kita yang kita akan dikahwinkan dengannya.." Tiba-tiba air mata saya mengalir. Argh! Ego saya kalah bila mendengar hujah emak. Emak meneruskan, "Allah itu Maha Adil.. Dia tak pernah menzalimi hambaNya..Sesungguhnya, yang selalu menzalimi hambaNya ialah diri hamba tu sendiri.. Sebabnyam hamba tu degil. Dia mahukan yang bukan haknya, yang bukan milik dia. Mencintai seseorang tidak semestinya memilikinya.

Dalam Islam, kita dah diajar untuk saling mencintai antara satu sama lain seperti diri sendiri.. Jadi apabila kita mencintai saudara perempuan, kita bebas peluk dia. Tetapi bila dengan lelaki, kita ada batas-batasnya. Orang kafir kata batas-batas ini suatu diskriminasi, tetapi sebenarnya batas-batas syariat itulah yang memelihara kehormatan seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan. Cuba kakak renungkan, kita mengenali seorang insan yang amat baik, sempurna agamanya dan rajin. Lalu kita jatuh hati padanya. Ditakdirkan jodohnya dengan insan lain, kita pula dengan yang lain.. Tetapi itu tidak bermakna ukhwah antara kita dan dia terputus.. Kita dan dia sama-sama mencari redha Allah.. Kita dan dia masih boleh sama-sama bekerjasama untuk mencari redha Allah.. Perbezaannya, dia halal untuk isterinya sedangkan untuk kita, dia tetap lelaki ajnabi seperti yang awalnya." emak berhenti seketika..

Bukan luar biasa

Tentu kering tekak emak menerangkan kepada saya persoalan hati ini. "Kakak.. jadi di sini mak nak kakak faham, jatuh cinta bukan perkara luar biasa.Dan berkahwin pun bukan suatu jaminan untuk tak jatuh cinta pada lelaki lain.. Kerana itulah ramai isteri yang curang, suami yang curang.. Ada orang tukar pasangan macam tukar baju. Apa yang penting ialah kita kena perjelaskan pada diri kita supaya setiap kali kita jatuh cinta, jatuh cinta itu kerana kita jatuh cinta kepada Pencipta dia. Kita bagi tau pada diri kita berulang kali yang kita mencintai Allah, kerana itu kita mencintai si dia. Letakkan Allah sebagai sempadan hati kita, segala perkara yang kita cintai dan sayangi termasuk mak abah adalah kerana mencintai Allah.. Dan apabila kita membenci seseorang atau sesuatu, beri tahu pada diri sendiri berulangkali yang kita benci sekian-sekian hal kerana Allah semata-mata.. "

"Kakak.. Hati kita ni walaupun dalam dada kita sendiri, ia tetap bukan milik kita. Kita tak mampu untuk mengawalnya.. Hanya Allah yang boleh memegangnya.. Sebab tu kita kena dekatkan diri dengan Allah.. Sebab kita nak dia pegang kukuh-kukuh hati kita. Bila dia pelihara dan masuk dalam hati kita, itulah nikmat lazatnnya bercinta. Masa tu biarpun satu dunia menyakiti kita, kita tak rasa sakit sebab kita asyik dengan nikmat bercinta dengan Allah..Bercinta dengan Allah sangat berbeza dari bercinta dengan manusia. Kerana tentulah pegalaman bercinta dengan lelaki kaya,rupawan, sempurna dan bijaksana tak sama rasanya bercinta dengan lelaki miskin, hodoh,cacat dan dungu.. Betapa nikmatnya cinta Allah, hanya mereka yang pernah merasai sahaja yang mampu mengerti. "


"Kakak.. Walau siapapun jodoh yang Allah hantarkan untuk kakak, terimalah dengan hati yang redha.. Tak mustahil dia adalah orang yang kita benci. Kalau yang kakak sayang, tak jadi hal lah.. Tapi kalau dapat yang kakak tak nak, lantaran kelemahan yang ada pada dia, ingatlah bahawa dalam diri setiap insan telah Allah ciptakan dengan kelebihan masing-masing. Dan mungkin kakak ada kekuatan yang dapat mengubah si lelaki tadi supaya hidup dia bermakna dan mungkin kakak sahaja yang mampu mencungkil kelebihan yang ada pada dia.. Mungkin juga si lelaki ini ada sesuatu kelebihan yang kakak sangat-sangat perlukan yang satu dunia tak mampu bagi pada kakak.. Alangkah bertuahnya kakak kalau kakak mengerti setiap pemberian Allah dan belajar untuk bersyukur.. " Sekali lagi berjuraian air mata saya turun. Terasa lemah lutut hendak berdiri.

Emak menarik tubuh saya dan memeluk erat. Pelukan emak sangat-sangat kuat. "Emak dah didik anak emak dari belum lahir untuk mencintai Allah.. Sekarang emak serahkan anak emak yang mak sayang sangat ni pada Allah untuk Dia pelihara.." Emak mengakhiri kata-katanya dengan suara sebak dan air mata yang mengalir ke bahu saya.

I need this now more than ever, thank you Allah, for guiding me back right this very moment when I am straying from your path.

Redha, regardless what is the end result, what I do now will be accounted for in the akhirat, as it is, I have countless bad deeds, is it worth to add more to it just because my heart says so? I don't think so.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh..

Its hard to predict somebody's mood first thing in the morning, especially if that somebody is someone you are fond off, but all doubts are cast away, once that person smile... :) Alhamdulillah..

Smile is a forgotten sunnah.

Here is a a story of the sahabah which I think many of us knew.

Whenever Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) saw the Prophet he would find his blessed face as bright as the full moon, and whenever he (peace be upon him) gazed upon Anas, he would smile. Every encounter was met with a smile which caused the heart of this great companion to be greatly affected – so much so that he felt that he was the most beloved to him. Naturally he wanted his thoughts confirmed, so he asked the Prophet as to who the most beloved person to him was. The Prophet replied “Abu Bakr.” Hoping that he would be the most adored to the Prophet after Abu Bakr, he repeated the question and to Anas’s surprise, it wasn’t him but instead Umar. From this simple act, the Prophet was able to make Anas think that he was the most beloved person to him. It was with these small but greatly effective gestures that did not take much effort that made the Prophet so beloved to all people of his time. In fact, Abdullah ibn Haarith (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “I did not see anyone who smiled more than the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).”[1]

Smile is contagious, keep on smiling :)


Friday, October 3, 2014

Of Scholars, Hijab and Arrogance

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Pardon me for the value-less post previously. It was spur of the moment. Having been here alone, there is not many outlet that I can share my feelings, so ya, pardon me for that :) I thought of deleting it, but hey, nobody reads this but me, and the fact that I was happy for that one particular moment, I think I should not delete it. Let it be a memory, and this blog will remind me later should I loose my mind, or my memory..hehehe..

Back to the actual things that I wanted to share today. These past few days, there has been some incidents that has made me a sad Muslim. I have been following few scholars from the West, reason being is that I think their delivery are more in tuned with my thinking style. I have nothing but high respect with the local Malaysian scholars, but sometimes, when they speak, they carry more of a Malay mindset rather than Islamic one, I would not delve into details, just saying that their style does not suite me. Ok, about the western scholars, I was shocked to see Br Yusha Evans sharing a link that states 10 reasons why people should not follow Imam Suhaib Webb. I went through the list, and all of the things mentioned paint a bad picture of Imam Suhaib.

I respect both men, Br Yusha for his quest of truth, and Imam Suhaib due to his vast knowledge of tafseer. Days apart, Imam Suhaib issued a statement to refute one of the item, and his reasoning seems valid. But what makes me sad is, these two gentleman are good scholars to begin with, and to let the dispute came out in the open, its just not right. I see points in both sides and I pray to Allah that both of them are protected from any further slander. To me, Br Yusha is like Umar al Khattab, he is stern in his words and action and he is not about to keep quiet if he sees something that is not right. I hope Allah soften his heart and clear whatever misunderstanding that he has with Imam Suhaib. It really makes me sad to see the cyber war that has been going on between these two camps.

Second is, a long time friend, she has reached a certain goal in life, and as a result, she decided to put on the hijab. As a friend we were definitely very happy. The thing is, she is now on holiday, and we see pictures of her slowly loosing the hijab. We started to raise question among our small circle of friends and I decided to message her privately. I just want to find out why and remind her she needs to look inside, find out why she put on the hijab in the first place. Maybe the way I asked the questions intimidate her, she quickly became defensive. And for her to say that I woulds not understand how difficult it is for her to put on the hijab, it makes me even more sad. We all have challenges in being a good Muslim, it might not be about hijab, there are a lot of other things and temptations that is ever willing to drive away from the straight path.

She was mentioning, the more people push, the more she won't do it, as if telling me to shut my mouth and she has the right to do whatever she wants. Its sad, really, it really is. I asked her to seek the strength from Allah SWT. We face challenges day in and day out. We fall and get back on track most of the time, but we should never close a door for somebody that is trying to remind us. Maybe I am reading too much into this. I don't know. I have said my piece, its up to her how she wants to take it. I pray the best for her, and if the question of hijab is so sensitive to her such that she does not want any reminder at all, so be it. I know she will come to her senses, and I hope its not too late then. We never know when our time is due in this world.

I had a chat with a non Muslim last few days. He was born a Christian, but according to him, he and his family were not really practicing it, and he was amazed at me and another Muslim that has been fully observing what Islam requires us to do. The conversation went on, and somehow I mentioned to him that Islam consider everybody are born as Muslim, but the way they were brought up makes them a non-Muslim, as we should call them, the not yet Muslim. So when the not yet Muslim returned to Islam, we called them revert, instead of convert. His reaction to this idea took me by surprised. He said, that is an arrogant statement, are you saying that you are right, everybody else is wrong, they just don't know it yet? I was dumbfounded, when he put it that way, it does sound arrogant. But that was not what I meant, shoot, I said the right things, but he took it the wrong way, maybe its because of the way I said it. Allahu akbar..... I need to read more, I need to correct his perception, and in order for me to do that, I have to be well equipped. May Allah make it easy for me.

Till next time, (bila nak update pasai kebun ni..hehehe...)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....

Its been a while I shared my book reviews (as if I wrote that many reviews :P). Its been a while as well since I last finished a complete book. Time seems to pass by very quickly, especially when you are alone. You would have thought that being alone means you get to do more things, yes, but on condition that you have to be discipline. Me and discipline does not go hand in hand.

I started on this book more than 6 months ago. My first English books after a string of demam novel melayu....hehehe... I have never really read a chick flick/ chick lit, last was the one I shared here about a girl's trip to NY on new years' eve. I have never bought Sophie Kinsella's book, just not drawn to it I guess. So this is an attempt to see if I can survive the genre. (survived for 6 months that is!!)

The story started off slow, very slow, and its no way a page turner, but I had promise myself to finish this book before moving on to a new one. A simple friendship story with series of trouble among two girls that later in life brought them to two different paths. I can recognize one of the character in me, and that's the point it starts to hook me into reading it further. The plot is predictable, with a bit of suspense here and there but of course not to a level a thriller can give you chills. I think it would make a so-so drama that would probably survive one season. The tagline on the cover actually got me hooked .

I keep on reading to find out what the betrayal is, who betrayed who, as it can potentially goes both ways. And finally it happened, maybe I have not read enough chick lit, I didn't really see it coming, oh well.... there it is. Based on other people's review, they were quite pissed with how the two characters were brought together, so cliché, they say...hahaha... what do you expect, I wouldn't put high hopes in chick lit for the twist and turn. 

Reading this book, I began to reflect on my own, how solitary lives can impact me, it has, and I hope I am handling it well. Years worth of friendship does not guarantee anything. Friendship, as any other relationship goes through ups and downs, mine has pretty much been plateau for the very much part of it, be it with anybody. I managed to steer clear of just having one BFFs. I have big groups of girl friends, which I know when push comes to shove, they will be there for me emotionally. (Can't really count on physical support, each has their own commitment, I have to deal with it)

One of my close friend has just had a rough patch with another close friend (they still are as we are talking now). I listened to both sides, trying to be impartial, but somehow I tend to side with one of them, advises were given, but the outlook is not good. How far can you go in intervening somebody's else's problem? I found this video by Syeikh Yasir Qadhi helps a lot. 

Watch from minute 28 onwards, the second part of the khtbah. May it all help us as well. 


Monday, April 28, 2014

A Tour of Paradise and Hellfire - Abdul Nasir Jangda - Quran Weekly

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh...

A 1.5 hours well spent to get the idea of how Jannah and Jahannam looks or feels like. Loads of lesson to be extracted. 


Friday, December 13, 2013

Alkisah Sebuah Rumah

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....

Lama tak share benda yang bermanfaat di sini, came across this one in FB, definitely worth sharing. :)

Petang itu kedengaran rungutan tangga sudah tidak terbendung lagi. Dia terus berleter.

“Penat letih jadi tangga. Waktu orang naik, aku kena pijak. Waktu turun pun orang pijak aku. Seronok jadi atap. Tak pernah kena pijak. “

Mendengarkan kata kata tangga. Atap terus bersuara.

"Hoi tangga. Aku lagi sakit tau. Berpanas berhujan siang malam. Mendidih kepanasan bila tengahari. Bila hujan aku terpaksa menahan kesejukan. Yang seronok jadi tiang. Tak kena panas. Tak kena hujan. Tak kena pijak.”

Mendengarkan kata atap, tiang terus bersuara.

“Mana kamu tahu? Aku dok tahan pikul atap, segala alang rumah bertan-tan siang malam. Aku terpaksa pikul jugak. Tuhan saja tahu betapa beratnya. Yang seronok jadi dinding. Tak payah pikul. Tak kena panas. Tak kena pijak.”

Mendengar kata-kata tiang, lalu dinding menjawab.

“Akulah pelindung khazanah rumah ni. Aku lindung aurat tuan rumah, hartanya bahkan aku terpaksa jaga sepanjang masa. Kalau aku tak ada semua tak guna.“

Wahai anakku,
Aku ceritakan ini untuk mengingatkan engkau bahawa setiap manusia mempunyai tugasnya sendiri. Kamu buatlah kerja yang diamanahkan padamu sebaiknya. Jangan sesekali engkau berdengki pada orang lain. Sebab mata kamu hanya dikurniakan penglihatan daripada segi zahirnya sahaja. Sedangkan realitinya mungkin tidak seindah yang kamu lihat di minda. Jadilah diri sendiri, jangan cuba jadi orang lain.

Manusia hari ini suka sangka-sangka

Ada sangka baik

Ada sangka buruk

Orang beribadah disangka riak

Orang rileks disangka malas

Orang berpakaian baru disangka menunjuk

Orang berpakaian buruk disangka hina

Orang makan banyak disangka pelahap

Orang makan sedikit disangka diet

Orang yang senyum disangka mengejek

Orang yang masam disangka merajuk

Orang berbincang disangka mengumpat

Orang yang diam disangka menyendiri

Orang yang menawan disangka menggoda

Orang yang ceria disangka mengada

Orang yang bertanya disangka menyibuk


Mana tahu yang senyum itu kerana bersedekah

Mana tahu yang masam itu kerana mengenang dosa

Mana tahu yang berbincang itu memberi pendapat

Mana tahu yang diam itu kerana beribadah

Mana tahu yang menawan itu bersih wataknya

Mana tahu yang ceria itu cerdas mindanya

Mana tahu yang bertanya itu perihatin orangnya

Justeru itu….

Sesuatu perkara yang kita lihat

Jangan suka sangka-sangka

Sikap sangka-sangka akan memusnahkan jiwa

Kerap sangka-sangka mengundang celaka

Jangan terlalu bersangka-sangka

Jauhi sikap sangka-sangka

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.

Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 12.

Nukilan asal :

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Massacre of Karbala: A Historical Analysis - Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Karbala is celebrated every year by the Shiah, here is some analysis by Dr Yasir Qadhi.

May Allah guide us all. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh..

This took place just now.

We were talking about the next aulad program and then I suddenly broke the news..

Me: I am at the final stage of collecting my documents, just waiting for another document from Krakow then they will advise me the first day payroll only then I can proceed to apply my visa.
Dr K: Your first start date should be when..some time in June (with a big grin on his face..)
Me: You mean what...2014? Nooooo....I've been waiting since March...!! 
Dr K: Then December macam tu la kan? This will be your last program here la..
Me: I don't know, maybe..
Dr K: Nigeria eh...? I don't know whether we have any usrah there or not, I know we have some in Iraq, but most of them are Petronas. You do know Rafee is moving to Iraq.
Me: Yup..
Dr K: We also have some brothers in the UK, know, there are people that did video conferencing as well..
Me: Malay takde la, but there is Bosnian family, which I tak jumpa lagi, we'll see how la...maybe I'll start a cult over there..hehehehe...
Dr K: Hehehe... hhmm... I'll try to ask around, maybe we'll pass you to the brothers over there, kalau ade...

Aaaawwwwwww........ I feel so much loved, jazakumullahu khayran doc!! (the price of an ukhwah..)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Secrets of Surah al-Kahf

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

I've found and shared this via FB but I could not find it ever since, hence I searched again and alhamduliilah found it. Posting it here so that I can keep the lesson with me insyaAllah all the time.

Ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad(SAW) asked us to recite Surat Al-Kahf every Friday?
Let’s find out today inshaAllah…

This Surah has Four stories in it,having some morals,lets see them and understand what they are saying to us:

1) The People Of The Cave
Its the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate for the sake of Allah and run away. -Allah rewards them with mercy in the cave and protection from the sun - They woke up and found the entire village believers.

2) The Owner Of Two Gardens
A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife.So His garden was destroyed - He regretted ,but was too late and his regret did not benefit him .

3) Musa(AS) and Khidr(AS)
When Musa(AS) was asked-“Who’s the most knowledgeable of the people of earth?”” Musa(AS) said:Me…,but Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who Knows more than him.Musa(AS) traveled to the man and learnt how the Divine Wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.

4) Dhul-Qarnayn
Its a story of the great King that was given knowledge and power and was going around the world,helping people and spreading all that’s good.He was able to overcome the problem of Yajooj-Majooj and build a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.

In the middle Allah mentions Iblees as the one who stirs these trials:
Behold! We said to the angels “Bow down to Adam”: they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrongdoers!

Now let us see what’s the relationship between Surat Al-Kahf and the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)?

Dajjal will appear before Day of Judgement with the 4 trials:

***He’ll ask people to worship him and not Allah : Trial of Faith .

***He’ll be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth : Trial of with his wealth. .

***He’ll trial people with the “knowledge” and news he gives them : Trial of Knowledge .

***He’ll control huge parts of the Earth. : Trial of Power .

How to survive these trials? The answers are in Surat Al-Kahf
Survival Kit 1: Good companionship.
“And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; no obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 28)

Survival Kit 2: Knowing the Truth of this World .
“Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies: the earth’s vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 45)

Survival Kit 3: Humbleness.
“Moses said: “Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught.””(Surat Al-Kahf, verse 69)

Survival Kit 4: Sincerity.
“Say: “I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.” (Surat Al- Kahf, verse 110)

Survival Kit 5: Calling to Allah .
“And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words, and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 27)

Survival Kit 6: Remembering the HereAfter .
“ One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them. And they will be marshalled before thy Lord in ranks, (with the announcement), “Now have ye come to Us (bare) as We created you first: aye, ye thought We shall not fulfil the appointment made to you to meet (Us)!”: And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, “Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great,but takes account thereof !” They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verses 47-49)

p/s: Project progress stuck at 10%.. huhuhuhu.. ;( buck up will ya!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Syria...where do we stand?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Felt the urge to post this, hence giving it a go via phone. Pardon for the potential cosmetics mishaps..hehehe..

Ok..back to business. 3 hours of watching CNN has triggered this question. For now White House is looking for allies to take military action on Syria. The last chemical weapon attacks to the civillians has strengthen the decision even more. They were intially looking at Britain to join them in yet another mission to save the world.

Surprisingly, more than half of Britain's parliamentary rejected the motion..leaving the Prime Minister to say NO to White House's proposal.
CNN showed the footage of the debate and there was a clear vibe among the parliament members that they want to avoid another Iraq...where up till now the WMD has yet to be found.

They will at least wait until the UN investigation concluded on the last incident that killed mostly among them women and kids, then they'll probably decide once again whether or not to join their ally, the US.

Back in the states, it was not a unanimous decision either...rallies were held in some part, refusing war on Syria. They too are strongly against another yet a repeat of Iraq invasion. They demand for solid proofs before any military action to be taken..

The states secretary are confident that the action is a go, regardless there allies to it or not. Russia refused to support the war on Syria. And while most of the countries in the world had condemned Assad and his regime, none of which are strongly behind the idea of war on Syria.

If US strike on Syria does happen, Assad will be greatly supported by Iran, and not to mentioned...the Isreal as well. It will be a very long battle. One could imagine what kind of war facilities Iran has up on their sleeves.

The question a Muslim, we detest what the regime has done to its people. Its clearly a Sunni-Shiite conflict. We all wish Assad to be defeated. But how? On one hand, one of the world's veto power has initiated what we wish we could do. But on the other hand, we know once US sends its troop to a country, much more casualties to be expected. Plus, the country will no longer be ruled by its own people. All kinds of puppet show will go on once US started to meddle into the country's business. Iraq and Afghanistan is the living proof of that.

So the question remains, where do we stand? hoping for Obama to stay true to his words and launch attack on Assad? Or at all cost avoid foreign invasion on Syria and let Assad and his dogs to continue mutilating our brothers and sisters over there...? Honestly, I don't know which one is better.

Pray to Allah SWT all the best to Syrian people. Its a long battle for them, to a point it is unimaginable to us. Being brought up in a free country, we should really appreciate what we have. The peace, the stability, the platform to say our piece, all of these did not come for free. And to maintain that will take even more hardwork and sound mind.

Selamat Hari Merdeka untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Doa saya moga Malaysia kekal aman dan kita akan berada di tempat yang membolehkan kita terus membantu umat Islam seluruh dunia...aamiinn.....

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Egypt Conflict for Dummies - a translated version

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....

(Its been a while I had two post in two days in a row..hehehe..) mojo is back? you wish...hehehe...

Received an email from a colleague, she asked whether am I interested to do some pro-bono translation work. She was referring to this link.

From the trail of comments, seems like they need help to get it translated to English. I am not saying I'm good in English, but I know enough and I think I can contribute in this way.Without much thought, I agreed. I honestly hope nothing gets lost in translation, insya Allah.

So here goes, my small deeds to spread the awareness of the current conflict in Egypt. May Allah bless our brothers and sisters over there and gives them the best. Allah knows best of what is good for them and for Islam in general.

Those highlighted portion are my comments, minor disputes with the original writer...hehehehe.. (nak jugak..!!) I even copied the pictures from the post, just to add some colour to this yet to be long and serious post :D


When I was asked at Pengicau, “Who is as-Sisi?” I knew that I had to pen down this post.
Based on the format of Israel-Palestine conflict for Dummies that was written quite some time back, Insya Allah I will be sharing facts and important points in relation to the on-going crisis in Egypt right now, for the benefits of all.

Of course, I will not be able to tell all about the crisis in this post and therefore I would only focus on 2 things for the time being:
1. Important facts on the on-going crisis
2. Significant historical background of the crisis.

Hopefully, after going through this post, you will, more or less have a clearer picture on what is actually happening in Egypt. Thereafter, it’s my wish that you would share these facts with friends, families, neighbour, or anybody you wish to. There are still a large amount of people out there that are still not aware of the actual situation in Egypt and relying heavily on the biased local mainstream media mostly originated from the West.

(I beg to differ, we have been given the freedom to choose, there will always be sources of news that is questionable, but lo and behold, I've watched TV Al-Hijrah almost every night and they are mainstream, but they do provide trustworthy news. Don't be too quick in judging the local mainstream media. They do have integrity)

And if you wish to know further, by all means you can go ahead and kick-start your own research. If you want to know more than that, the only way is resort to doing a live coverage from Egypt itself!

Fact #1
Let’s first have a look at Egypt’s history, so that we can further understand the socio-political condition that provided the base of turmoil that is currently happening in Egypt.

Egypt itself is rich in history. Among the earliest civilization that sees the rise of great monuments such as pyramid, the Sphinx and the Obelisk, not to mentioned, belly dancing too. Egypt was also part of the background location for Yusuf AS’s history that ends with the typical happily ever after when he was elected as the minister that took care of Egypt’s financial affair. And as it is widely known, he was reunited with his dear father, Ya’qub AS and the rest of his brothers.

Egypt has also been a witness to Musa AS’s and his brother Harun AS’s da’wah to Pharaoh laknatullah ‘alaih. Pharaoh’s cruelty was clearly mentioned in Al-Quran when he ordered the murder of all babies which are boys of Bani Israel and when his wizards turn their backs against him. Pharaoh and his men were finally drowned in the Red Sea, before he was able to seek repentance from Allah SWT.

And then there was a warrior named Saifuddin al-Qutuz, who had beaten the ferocious Mongols during his reign in Egypt. There is also Salahuddin al-Ayubi, the man responsible to free Baitulmaqdis from the Crusaders who was also originated from Egypt.

It’s clear, how significant Egypt is as a blessed land not only because of the anbia (the Prophets), but also because of many significant figures that fought their battle to uphold Islam.

Fact #2
The army involvement in Egypt’s modern history is not something new. King Farouk, the last monarchy of Egypt was overthrown by Muhammad Naquib and Jamal Abdul Nassir, which are both army officers. Muhammad Naquib later went on to become the first president of Egypt, and consequently was overthrown by Jamal Abdul Nassir after only one year in the office.

The military reign on Egypt was later continued by Anwar Sadat which was later assassinated by his own officers in the year 1981. Anwar was later replaced by Hosni Mubarak, whom ruled Egypt until early 2011, when he was later overthrown by the people during the infamous Arab Spring.
From the era of Jamal Abdul Nassir until Hosni Mubarak, the power was fully given to the military, over a period of 44 years.


(Based on my limited knowledge and reading, though its military based, there were still legit election held at the early stage of Mubarak's reign, but the election becomes questionable later on, so I am not sure how to classify what type of ruling (full military or not) and I am no political expert, so I am merely translating here..)

The Naguib and Jamal conspiracy

Fact #3
The turmoil that is currently happening in Egypt is the effect of military coup, led by General Abdul Fatah as-Sisi on President Muhammad Mursi who was brought down on 3rd of July 2013. In response to that, President Mursi’s supporters hold protest and peace demonstrations all over Egypt, but the main focus is in the capital, Cairo.

The overthrow of President Mursi was seen by many parties as illegal and illegitimate due to the fact that he won the election fair and square, when he secured more than 51% of the people’s vote. Ironically, the parties that hold demonstration to bring down President Mursi claimed themselves as fighters for democracy.

Fact #4
Egypt’s 2011 election, which for its first time in many years was hold fully transparent and fair, with almost no involvement by the military and deceit by the government sees Party al-Huraiyyah wal ‘Adalah (Freedom and Justice Party) which is the political wing of Ikhwanul Muslimin, had a big win when they managed to gather 37.5% of total votes, followed by Party Salafi an-Nur (27.8%) and Party al-Wafd (9.2%). Both FJP and an-Nur are based on Islamic ideology, so indirectly, the Egypt’s parliament has been dominated by those that are fighting to uphold Islam. This is an obvious threat to the liberal groups in Egypt.

Party al-Hurriyyah wal 'Adalah (Freedom and Justice party) 

In the beginning FJP did not want to send candidate to contest for the Presidency, as it is not their main goal. However, after seeing the potential harm of not contesting, and the greater good that needs to be defended, they have decided to send Khairat Shatir to be in the running for that position.

However, due to technical difficulties that to me I considered as small and petty, Khairat Shatir’s nomination has to be cancelled. Muhammad Mursi, which is the president of FJP, was sent in as the replacement. He officially won the presidential election on 24th June 2012 and became the first Egyptian president that was elected by a democratic election.

Fact #5
Among those that are behind the demonstration and protest that leads to the downfall of President Mursi are Muhammad el-Baradei, Amr Moussa, Hamdeen Sabahi and Hisham Bastawisy, almost all of them lost in the Egypt’s presidential election. Now, do you see what is at play here?

There were claims from Ikhwanul Muslimin how el-Baradei and his man are in cohorts with the Israeli Zionist and United States of America in planning the chaos in Egypt which ends up overthrowing President Mursi.
El-Baradei was appointed as the new Vice President for the temporary government that is after being protested by many parties that disagree to the proposition to elect him as the new Prime Minister.

Latest, el-Baradei has resigned as Vice President because he disagrees with the military action that killed the protesters in Rabaah Square and the area surrounding it.

Oh el-Baradei, that still would not clean your hands from the blood of the people of Egypt.

Fact #6
It’s an open secret that US, Israel and other enemy of Islam are behind the scheme to overthrow President Mursi and ends FJP authority in the parliament of Egypt.

The Tamarrud Campaign, a name given to protesters which is against President Mursi was proven to have received funding from the US, as reported by Al-Jazeera.

Among the first action taken by the temporary government led by President Adly Mansour is to close down the border at Rafah, which previously opened up by President Mursi. This border has been an important link to the Palestinian in getting their basic daily supplies. This closure has clearly shown the coalition between Israel and the new Egyptian government.

US and Israel is the real fighter for democracy..? really?!!

Fact #7
The other Arabic countries also play a part in the despicable conspiracy in overthrowing President Mursi. As soon as Adly Mansour was appointed as the new president for the temporary government, Saudi Arabia is among the first that sends its congratulatory message to Egypt.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE, each funds their financial support that worth billions of USD post the downfall of President Mursi. These countries are well known not in favour of Ikhwanul Muslimin for fear of the ideology that it brings.

On the other hand, two countries that been loudly voicing out their protest on the coup are Tunisia and Turkey. The president of Turkey, Reccep Tayyib Erdogan did not acknowledge the temporary government led by Adly Mansour and demand that President Morsi to be released and returned to his original position.

Fact #8
On July 3rd 2013, General Abdul Fatah as-Sisi announced on the Egypt’s national TV that the military has taken over the power from President Mursi due to his failure to fulfil few demands by the Tamarrud and the ultimatum was given by the military. President Mursi was arrested in an unknown location, apart by the military.

Who is as-Sisi? He was appointed by President Mursi to replace Muhammad Hussein Tantawi as the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces. He is seen as a moderate figure due to his strong religious stand, the most suitable candidate to replace the old Mubarak regime. Who would have known that he will be the main player in overthrowing his own boss?

After appointing Adly Mansour as the president for the temporary government, as-Sisi appointed himself as the new Minister of Defence apart from the Deputy Prime Minister.

As-Sisi, how much blood has you caused to shed? Have that answer ready in front of Allah SWT.

Fact #9
What/Who is Ikhwanul Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood)?
It would be nuts to explain about IM in one single fact!
Imam Hassan al Bana
Ikhwanul Muslimin is a da’wah movement that was founded by Imam Hassan al-Bana in the year 1928, as a direct response to the downfall of the Uthmaniah Caliphate in the year 1924. The history of this movement is very long and colourful, and suffices to say that the history of modern Egypt is heavily influenced by this movement.

The clash between the military and Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM) is very well known. IM members have been massively detained, thrown into jail and reprimanded during the era of Jamal Abdul Nassir, and total members that was caught was estimated to reach millions all over Egypt. Many of them were released when Anwar Sadat reign, but was later captured again when Hosni Mubarak took over. Among the prominent IM figure that lost their life during the dictatorship includes Sayyid Qutb, Abdul Qadir Audah dan Syaikh al-Faraghli.

Since then, IM was banned from actively moving, even more so in the political arena as the rulers sees them as a major threat. However, IM members keep on moving within the society hiding behind different names or different organization.

The popularity and influence of IM within the people is obvious when finally they are allowed to contest in the election post Mubarak downfall, it was an easy win in most places especially in rural area. Apart from that the people’s uprising against the overthrow of President Mursi involves millions of Egyptians that describes the solid support to the movement that is almost reaching its centenary.

To date, IM plays and important and active role in painting the picture of socio-political and economical of the Egyptians.

Fact #10

The massacre that happened to the protesters starting from 14th August 2013 happened when the military decided to clear the Rabaah Square, al-Nahda Square and Mustafa Mahmud Square in Giza off President Mursi’s supporters. Before this, there has been attack during early morning (Fajr) where Mursi’s supporters were shot by sharp shooters while performing Fajr prayer on 8th of July 2013. This is syaitan at play.

But the massacre that took place on the 14th of August is far worse and out of bound. They were not only murdered, the mosque was set on fire, the dead bodies of the martyr were burned and some were rolled over by bulldozers alive!! Total fatalities were quoted differently based on different sources, but the highest reported is more than 2,200 lives. This is outright cruelty that went way too overboard, and to make it worse, it was done by the Egyptians, to their own people. Some even describes the military’s action was pretty much a plot by Israelis and US, far more despicable and  sickening from Bashar as-Assad’s killing of his own people and the Israel towards the Palestinians. Their actions have violated all humanity values that have ever existed.

World’s reaction, as usual is predictable, only capable of condemning the cruel act of as-Sisi and his dogs. Even the US themselves, which the hands are smeared with the blood of the Egyptians joins the world to condemn the act.

Fact #11
Do I need to mention, what is the real reason President Mursi was overthrown? Or what was the justification used by the Tamarrud and the military to bring down President Mursi?

They claimed President Mursi had failed to keep his promise when he was first appointed as the President of Egypt. He had failed to reinstate the bad economic condition, apart from a few other political, economic and social factors. This includes more job opportunities, the police that vandalize the protesters and many others.
That was their justifications.

The truths is, it’s unreasonable for President Mursi to reinstate fully the almost ruined Egypt from all aspect post Mubarak’s regime years of ruling in just one year. Mursi would need Harry Potter’s wand or countless magic spells to turn Egypt to a prosper, peaceful country in the blink of an eye.

Regardless, President Mursi’ biggest ‘sins’ that really cause uneasiness among the opponents are:

  1. Increase the productivity of wheat production from 20% to 60%
  2. Developed industrial factories such as electronics, arms and cars that open up job opportunity and reduce Egyptian’s dependence on import materials.
  3. Given the freedom to media, to a point they were not ashamed to slander him almost every day. Regardless, he was cool with it and handles that with patience. (if it happened in Mubarak’s time, the editor would have gone straight to jail)
  4. Memorize the al-Quran completely and became the imam at masjid.
  5. Refused to live in the president’s castle and refused to be protected by private bodyguards.
  6. Support the fight of the Palestinians, Syrians, and Myanmar, by opening up the Rafah border for the convenience of the Palestinians. 
  7. Freed up the Egyptians government from the military rule.
  8. And many others….

These are the real factors why he was brought down. The real factors as to why President Mursi was overthrown are because he brings out the Islamic ideology in his ruling. It’s fair, just, trustworthy, clean and wise. How can taghut (one who exceeds the limit, worship anything but Allah) and jahilliyah (stupidity or ignorant) resting quietly seeing such leader in power. If they let Mursi and IM continues bringing changes that leads to full implementation of Islamic nation, they know Islam will rise again. Therefore, they started to seed their evil ploy to bring Mursi down.

So that is it.

Now, you know a thing or two on what is happening in Egypt? As I mentioned earlier, a post this brief might not give a comprehensive understanding on the turmoil that is happening in Egypt. But I believe it is enough for you get a rough picture of the current situation.

The on-going crisis must not be taken lightly by any of us. Egypt is a blessed land that needs to be defended. It’s the entry point to free the al-Quds. And it’s not impossible that it might be the starting point to Islamic victory that just beyond reach!

I am very confident, whatever that our Egyptian brothers are facing right now is part of Allah’s test, to eradicate any existing elements of jahiliyyah and taghut, before Allah lift them to a higher standard. What our brothers and sisters are facing in Egypt is a trailer from Allah before he grants the more superior victory!

Allahu Akbar!

While we here in Malaysia, keep on sending our prayers for our brothers’ and sisters’ safety and victory in Egypt. Share and spread the trustworthy news and facts about what is currently going on. Educate our society to be aware on what is happening outside.

Because Egypt is not just a country in the Middle East, the Egyptian is not just a group of Arabic people. Egypt is not just a country that holds the legacy of Pharaoh, Haman, and Qarun.

It’s not impossible the condition in Egypt will be prolonged and leads to Civil War. Nauzubillah. If that happens, it would be much worse and even more atrocious than what happened in Syria. At least in Syria it’s a clear dispute between the Shiite and Sunni, but in Egypt, it’s between brothers of the same belief.

Their pain, suffering and tears over there, are ours too. 

The defeat of Egypt is our defeat too. But with the winning of Egypt, the superior light of Islam will be shining bright, Insya Allah!

Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Messenger said, “He who removes from a believer one of his difficulties of this world, Allah will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Judgement; and he who finds relief for a hard-pressed person, Allah will make things easy for him on the Day of Judgement; he who covers up (the faults) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults) in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah supports His slave as long as the slave is supportive of his brother; and he who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah makes that path easy, leading to Paradise for him.” (Muslim)

So where does that leaves us? Do we turn a blind eye, keep it silent and refuse to hear. While our brothers and sisters are being victimized, slaughtered and brutalized by the evil taghut..?

Go ahead and don’t forget to have a very good excuse to defend ourselves in front of Allah at Masyar later.


I have received request to include the reference sources to the facts that was presented. Most of the fact that was shared is widely known, so either it’s easy to get it online or based on memory from my previous reading.

Insya Allah, the facts that I have shared is legit and true, no reason for me to fabricate and twist the facts. Indeed, I am very scared of Allah’s punishment. But if however you found that the facts are doubtful or inaccurate, please correct me, so that we only share facts which are true and legit here.

There are request to translate this article to English. Honestly I do not have the capacity to do that for the time being. I welcomed any party that wish to do that.

Alhamdulillah, the feedback for this article is very welcoming. Please share and upgrade if you find it beneficial for the ummah and give the awareness to us that there is a lot more tarbiyah and da’wah that we need to do. Verily the victory for Islam is near, but it will not come without the sacrifices be it monetary, our energy and our soul.

May Allah bless us, biiznillah!

Alhamdulillah, I think I managed to keep it 90% close to the original post. All the good things are from Allah, and the bad one are my own doing. Wallahu 'alam...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Nouman Ali Khan in the house ;)

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

I am attending this, insyaAllah. I have never seen him spoken before, but two of my friends quoted him as their favorite speaker. So when I found out that he's coming to Malaysia, I quickly registered and sometime later I checked out his video on you tube. This one is an eye opener.
How can I miss this?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Salam Ramadhan 1434H

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Selamat berpuasa, selamat menyambut Ramadhan, selamat berusaha meningkatkan kualiti amal ibadat, selamat mengejar pahala di bulan seribu rahmat ini..dan selamat segalanya :)

printed out and posted this on my board,  really need the reminder, especially in this holy month of Ramadhan 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Boonaa Mohammed - Tricked By The Devil

Tricked by the Devil by Boonaa Mohammed

I was tricked by the devil
I really thought I could win, before he started his wis-was-whispering 
These sins are thanks to him, 
Before I could begin, He had stabbed me in the side, I was barely alive, 
About 3 seconds in, 
The doctor pulled me outside, and to my surprise he was already there
I kind of thought it wasn't fair, 
A thousand friends and not a friend to spare,
But a true enemy will meet you everywhere; 
I lived a life of fear
I knew he was out to get me, but I was never quite sure when and where
In high-school it was clear, 
You could never be alone with a girl because he was always there
A 3rd party to every party of naughty Kens and ditzy Barbies' 
Hardly ever needed a reason to visit me on the weekends 
I feel like I could almost see him
It feels like he is running through my veins, 
Like my yawning entertains 
My life has never been the same
Since I uncovered this conspiracy to keep me away from Heavens gates 
I almost thought it was too late
I thought it was the bottom of the 9th, 
Until I heard a statement that Allah loves those who repent
These words were heaven sent, 
Even for a sinner like me, 
Is it possible that I could be free?
When even my father got deceived 
It's hard to believe, the devil just suggested they should eat from the tree 
Are we really that naive, to deny his jealousy 
He is an open enemy, removed from the heavenly, so don't just blame Eve
For arrogance was his felony, technically we should take credit see
Because we are the vey cause of his false notion of supremacy 

So now he waits for night fall to befall upon us all
Before he makes the call for his helpers to sprawl 
Offering good times in dark alley ways and bars
On big screens he can be seen around movie stars
Throwing up the devil sign as rock stars smash guitars 
Patience is from Allah and hastiness is from Shaytan
In the mirror telling women who is the fairest of them all 
The devil is in the details of your 50, 000 dollar car 
His interest rests in the things that we obsess 
And when you stand to pray, he will place doubts in your head, 
He will help take a perfectly good deed and make it all for show
You can have everything you need but he`ll still make you want more 

He will take a husband from his wife, a drug addict from his life 
He will tell you that you da man, and you'll really think he is right
He will make the righteous fight despite their insight 
He is the reason why you can't get up to pray at night

He ties his 3 knots tight, and to his delight 
He will gladly make a deal with you for the right price 

In Ramadan he is gone, but we still sing all his songs
Bad dreams are from him and he eats with his left hand 
You can see him from a far, getting chased by a shooting star 
He loves procrastination and laziness; the friend of an atheist
He is the DJ at the party telling everyone to drop it low
He is the boyfriend promising you that nobody will ever know 
He is that guy on youtube writing all those stupid comments about our deen
He is the reason that masjid board member never wants to leave 
He will promise you the world but he doesn't own a seed 
He will whisper in your ear things he wants you to believe 
Come on sister loosen up that hijab, let your hair catch a breeze 
And don't be extreme; those jeans will make you every man's dream 
Brother you are so pious, you should be the one to lead
Everybody is deviant, but you're going to Jannah guaranteed 
He promises you poverty in exchange for charity 
He runs the biggest baddest gang of evil jinn and shayteen 
Audhubillah Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem (spit)
The one who is far from As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim

So I'm sorry Mr. Devil but I don't want to play on your team 
So please keep me out your plans and all your evil wicked schemes 
Don't invite me to your parties or call me to disbelief 
I won't speak ill about my brothers cause I know you love it when we beef 

I was tricked by the devil, took a hold of me when I was weak 
Now he's trying to be my homie, calling me with his deceit 
And your facebook requests I won't accept, I confess 
One of the greatest tricks he ever played was to make the world think he didn't exist

But the fact is he doesn't sleep, or take sick days or leaves 
So seek refuge in Allah from the accursed one Iblis 
And if he asks for a ride than you better say never
Because a ride with the devil might last you forever

Friday, March 15, 2013

Kisah Abu Hurairah dan pencuri

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hari ini kita akan menyingkap sebuah kisah sahabat nabi.. (macam intro rancangan adik-adik pulak...hehehe...). Kisah tentang Abu Hurairah RA dengan seorang pencuri. Moga jadi pengajaran untuk kita semua, insya Allah... :D

Abu Hurairah radiallahu’anhu merupakan salah seorang dari sahabat Rasulullah SAW. Pernah suatu waktu, Abu Hurairah bertanggungjawab menjaga gudang yang menyimpan harta dari hasil kutipan zakat. Pada suatu hari, muncul seseorang dan dia mencuri segenggam makanan. Abu Hurairah berjaya menangkap orang itu, lalu mengancam untuk diadukan kepada Rasulullah SAW. Pencuri itu merayu-rayu meminta dilepaskan, dengan alasan keluarganya miskin dan dia amat memerlukan makanan. Oleh kerana kasihan, Abu Hurairah melepaskan pencuri itu dengan syarat dia tidak akan mengulangi perbuatannya.
Setelah itu, Abu Hurairah menceritakan kejadian itu kepada Rasulullah SAW. Selepas mengetahui apa yang terjadi, Rasulullah SAW berkata, “Dia berbohong. Pada waktu malam nanti dia akan datang lagi.”
Oleh kerana Rasulullah telah berkata demikian, Abu Hurairah lebih berhati-hati keesokan malamnya.

Tepat seperti jangkaan Rasulullah SAW, pencuri itu datang lagi dan mengulangi perbuatannya mencuri makanan. Abu Hurairah berjaya menangkap pencuri itu dan mengancam untuk mengadukan kepada Rasulullah SAW. Dan pencuri itu pun sekali lagi meminta ampun : “Saya orang miskin, keluarga saya ramai. Saya berjanji esok tidak akan kembali lagi.” Sekali lagi Abu Hurairah merasa kasihan dan melepaskan pencuri itu.
Diceritakan sekali lagi kepada Rasulullah keesokan harinya. Sekali lagi Rasulullah s.a.w. menegaskan : “Pencuri itu bohong, dan malam nanti dia akan kembali lagi.”

Malam itu Abu Hurairah berjaga-jaga dengan lebih berwaspada. Diperhatikannya dengan teliti setiap gerak-geri disekelilingnya sudah dua kali ia dibohongi oleh pencuri. Jika pencuri itu benar-benar datang seperti diperkatakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. dan dia berjaya menangkapnya, ia telah bertekad tidak akan melepaskannya sekali lagi.

Benarlah kata-kata Rasulullah, pencuri itu kembali lagi. Abu Hurairah nekad untuk membawa pencuri itu kepada Rasulullah, tetapi pencuri itu masih memohon untuk dilepaskan.

Melihatkan kesungguhan Abu Hurairah untuk membawanya bertemu Rasulullah SAW, pencuri itu berkata : “Lepaskan saya, saya akan mengajar tuan beberapa kalimah yang sangat berguna.”

“Kalimah-kalimah apakah itu?” Tanya Abu Hurairah dengan rasa ingin tahu.

“Bila tuan hendak tidur, bacalah ayat Kursi : Allaahu laa Ilaaha illaa Huwal-Hayyul Qayyuuumu….. Dan seterusnya sampai akhir ayat. Maka tuan akan selalu dipelihara oleh Allah, dan tidak akan ada syaitan yang berani mendekati tuan sampai pagi.”

Maka pencuri itu pun dilepaskan oleh Abu Hurairah. Dan keesokan harinya, ia kembali menghadap Rasulullah s.a.w. untuk melaporkan pengalamannya yang luar biasa tadi malam. Ada seorang pencuri yang mengajarinya kegunaan ayat Kursi. “Apa yang dilakukan oleh tawananmu semalam?” tanya Rasulullah SAW sebelum Abu Hurairah sempat menceritakan segalanya.

“Dia mengajarku beberapa kalimah yang katanya sangat berguna, lalu ia saya lepaskan,” jawab Abu Hurairah.

“Kalimah apakah itu?” tanya Nabi Muhammad SAW..

Katanya : “Kalau kamu tidur, bacalah ayat Kursi : Allaahu laa Ilaaha illaa Huwal-Hayyul Qayyuuumu….. Dan seterusnya sampai akhir ayat. Dan ia katakan pula : “Jika engkau membaca itu, maka engkau akan selalu dijaga oleh Allah, dan tidak akan didekati syaitan hingga pagi hari.”

Mendengar cerita Abu Hurairah, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. berkata, “Pencuri itu telah berkata benar, sekalipun sebenarnya dia tetap seorang pendusta.” Kemudian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bertanya pula : “Tahukah kamu, siapa sebenarnya pencuri yang bertemu denganmu tiap malam itu?”
“Entahlah.” jawab Abu Hurairah.
“Itulah syaitan.” jawab Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Pengajaran cerita ini:
1.Shaitan akan sentiasa memujuk kita supaya tidak melakukan perkara yang benar. Berbagai cara digunakan untuk memujuk atau menghasut manusia, dalam cerita ini, dia menimbulkan rasa kasihan dalam diri Abu Hurairah. Oleh itu, kita seharusnya tidak takut dalam menegakkan kebenaran walaupun ada orang yang akan sedih atau terluka.
2.Walaupun perkara yang diajar oleh shaitan itu benar, tetapi tujuan ia mengajar adalah untuk melepaskan diri sendiri, bukan untuk berkongsi ilmu.
3.Bacalah ayat kursi sebelum tidur, untuk menghindar dari gangguan shaitan.

Sumber dari Hadith Riwayat Bukhari no. 2187. Diceritakan oleh Ustaz Solmed, dalam episod sinetron Pesantren & Rock & Roll. Siapa bilang nonton sinetron nga ada manfaatnya...? ;)