Hey Guys!
With New Years Eve approaching, I thought this was the perfect time to hit you all with the BEST books of 2015, at least according to me! If you disagree or have other books to add, let me know down in the comments! I haven't read every book ever this year, unfortunately, so these are all picked out of the ones that I have read and in NO particular order because I'd be here until next year trying to choose a ranking! They're also all books that where out this year!
New Bardugo, 'nuff said!
Freaking amazing, the feels, the romance....ugh. Perfection
Hello, Daemon's POV, need I say more?!
The completely perfect sequel to The Invisible Library! Original, fun and fantastic!
Man this gave me the feels to another level and then THE ENDING!? Damn. Can't even.
Norse Gods, Rick Riordan, sass and amazingness!
Yes, two Maas books, but this was FANTASTIC! I loved it 100%, not to mention diving in to another world Maas created and the proof came with a cool mask too!
I waited SO LONG for this guys! SO LONG! It was PERFECT. I badly need the next book cos ya know....Sam and Evie!
This intrigued me so much going in, and it blew past all my expectations and was freaking fantastic! Another that leaves you wanting more.
The wait for this seemed like forever and it was everything I was hoping for and more! Now the wait for the next one *sigh*
Another debut! This helped me through a really rough time and helped pick me back up again and it was original and fun and it made my week when I was reading it.
MORE, I NEED MORE! I freaking LOVED THIS to another level! I'd wanted to read her book The Archived but actually read this first and completely fell in love with Schwab's writing and this was so original and exciting.
This was a good year for debut's to be honest! This has firmly lodged itself as one of my favourite new series, I loved Mare, I loved the originality of it and I couldn't stop reading it!
The proof for this was so freaking awesome it was insane! I loved everything about it, it sucked me in and it gripped me and had me feeling feels!
15. Rogue by Julie Kagawa
The sequel to Talon was freaking perfect, I'm barely coping with the wait for the next book in the series!
I picked 15 because 2015 and I needed some sort of restraint to control myself, a few others that where awesome and deserve a mention
are.... Sin Eater's Daughter, The Potion Dairies, Invasion of The Tearling, Secret Fire, The Return (SEEETHHHHH), A Mad Zombie Party, The Osiris Ritual, Library of Souls, Angel Dares (such a mood lifter!), A Thousand Nights , Reawakened aaaannnnddddddd The Hunter's Kind! All of these are either debut's or next in series and each and everyone is perfection, and knowing me as you should by now, they're all original or having something different about them! You see why I had to restrain myself! What where your best books of 2015?!