Saturday, August 28, 2010

Buka Puase

Long time didn't update this blog, i would like to combine about beautiful breaking fast with all friends.

1st at my Office, Malaysia Nuclear Agency, This is my 1st year here, and very excited to bring farhan and gurl to join us. Early warning for farhan to cameback early.He manage to did it, I love you baby! and thanks to gurl also because choose to follow me rather than go with kak long. but i so suprise because am like the one representative of RO from my division, not even my manager my director also not around. the food not so extractive.

we didn't took many pic,gurl and i

2nd, with my mahaad muar x-schoolmate. since last last it happended at Shah Alam, now turn Bangi become the 'tuan rumah'. WongSolo Restaurant at syeksen 9 Bangi. But the foo sooooo Hot. Af couse la farhan like it so much. Thanks to Ieda as a organizer since dia pn mcm mls2 jer..

Wong Solo Restaurant, Bangi

Thanks to Prof Md. Ali bring us Break fast At Senja Restaurant, The Saujana Subang. He is gurl supervisor and very smart, iyer la he is the only Accounting Prof at UPM. Tha foods very nice not reallu crowded and the surau also near any very convenience.

The food server in stall concept

See The Kambing Golek! Farhan Love it so much

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wood Coating and Finishing at Faculty of Forestry UPM

This is the 3rd time i attend Wood Coating and Finishing at Faculty of forestry UPM by Prof. Madya Dr. Paidah Tahir, sebenarnye i yg insist nk pe this class since i don't have any coating background, and initially my derictor x supportive sgt sbb dia prefer i attend radiation chemistry class, maner nk cari kt Malaysia? then at last setelah memujuk dia agree. i will attend this class for 1 semester, it very helping me to know about coating material expe in characteristic those material. when in this class i agree with my director who always said 'ilmu yang sedikit' from me. mmg byk bende i need to learn.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

2 pairs from TIAMO

I am so happy coz i manage to buy 2 pairs shoes, iyer la being GOV officer kne pakai cover shoes and most of is not really styles as i want. but luckyly last evening i went to Garden Mall and this shop having their pre-renovation sale. i just walk in and try a few pairs that i like and the size still available.

White and Green.. Love it so much!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Berbuka at Sri Ayutthaya..

Sat farhan parc 1/2 day jer tu pn 3 pm bru sampai umah, and he promise nk buka puase bersam-same, iyer la barubrape kali jer dpt buka puase sesame. and he said to be fair, dia nk pilih restaurant. Mula2 bg dia a fews suggestion, tp semuanyer dia x berkenan coz semuanya kt dlm shoppingmall, mmg la pilih dkt smopping mall sbb then bleh cuci-cuci mata kan. Dengan kuase veto dia berkeras mahu berbuka di Sri Ayutthaya Restaurant at area Damasara Height.Farhan ckpthe food here more spices than Amarin Heavenly Thai which fadhilah and i addicted to eat. I so happy because he treat me like a Princess. Here some Pic

Just arrived, smpai awal sbb x reserve kn

Drink : Manggo and Orange Jus..

Kerabu Mangga: Baby Sotong : Kerapu and Seafood Tom Yam

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st Bersahur and berbuka..

Bersahur dan berbuka. It a compulsory for Muslim during Ramadhan. 1st day sahur and berbuka, i alone because Farhan went back to Rantau. And 2nd day, missed sahur and berbuka at Tony Romas at Pavilion with Fairul Farhan. Iyer la, last site farhan at Grand Hayyat, and the parking park just next Pavillion, and i the one yg kne meredah jam dalam hujan. and i nerver get the oppoutunity to berbuka puase bersama Farhan. I hope there will a series of berbuka puase with friends so that i can bring farhan and fadhilah together.

Fried Mushroom and drinks for starter

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vitiligo and Phototerapy at HKL

Ia... sy ader vitiligo since 2 years ago, and coz of my mother very concern about that, i need to get phototrerapy (UV A), at HKL twice a week. now dh almost 10 times berulang Bangi-HKL. Mula2 my manager quit not supportive since it twice aweek and will disturb my work. but lucky my director give that permission. when i there,i feel thank full because among of them, my vilitogo is the smallest, at endorse by the Miss Ann the phototrapist there, and she said mine because of cosmetic effect, yup.. i get if because one of the cosmetic contain whitening essen (it a branded, not cheap cosmetic). My mother sometimes condemn me because of this, but i keep it as challenging in my life. But, somepeople x perasan because i slalu put some concealer on it.. and because of this i learn make-up since itnever be my concern. huhuhuhu.. This trearment once become blister, it very pain and i can't go out under the sunshine, now it increase the dose to 12min and can increase up to 20 mnt. Sure after that, muka jd panas and i must remember tu put the sunblock, if not sure over expose and blister again.

Last Friday, Boring and i took some picture to upload here

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


1st to en. fadly and sis nonoi, senior aminuddin baki,ukm. held at bangi golf club. they be a lovely couple since undergraduate.. oh so sweet...

2nd congart to my mahaad gurlfriend... Fida and her husband syed. wedding yang sgt meriah, and fida look very gorgeous that day.. farhan also come and celebrate the ceremony. huahauha.. part paling happening tyme mak mok yang maseh pantang anak pertama sit and ready untuk berpantun, i am sure tyme aku kawen nnt mok will be there to berpantun.. hhuhuhuhu..

3rd, to ckin anh her husband, held at felda papan timur, kota tinggi. iyer.. nie kawan sekolah kt bandar penawar. pelamin cantek..fresh orkid white colour... sesuai la dgn ckin yang mmg cantek.

Lastly, selamat menyambut ramadhan, semoga ramadhan kali ini memberi rahmat kepada kiter semua.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rasa : Hormat, Cinta, Sayang

Ush.. tiltle yang x pernah terfikir untuk ditulis. ader beberapa insiden berlaku. Ini adalah sifat mulia, jika manusia hanya mempunyai 3 sifat ini, maka kurang la bertelikahan yang merapek dalam dunia ini.
Insiden pertama
Rasa hormat saya kepada Ketua saya yang agak mengikut buku peraturan perintah am, yang menyebabkan rutin sebagai pegawai penyelidik agak tergendala. walaupun saya pernah meninggikan suara terhadap dia, saya masih hormat dia dan kdg-kdg saya melupakan mewujudan dia sementara waktu untuk memastikan penyelidikan saya berjalan lancar. hahahha.. penyelidikan pertama saya di Nuclear Malaysia
Insiden pertama
Cinta hati saya. saper lagi fairul farhan la kan. yup dia senang sgt bersemangat berpractical dia 1 of construction company, semenjak dia prac nie, saya selalu dilupakan, dh la dia akan lupekan saya apabila dia bersama kwn2 dia. saya sgt takut jika rasa cinta antara kami akan hilang disebabkan kurang komunikasi dah memfocuskan pada kerjaya. ataupun rase Cinta itu sudah lame hilang pada farhan, dan sekarang baru dia sedar yang dia tidak memerlukan saya lg. Saya sgt risau. Aktiviti bersama juga sgt kurang. farhan, please we need to solve this situation.
Insiden ketiga
Semua org tau, Silver and Sayang dan dpt kitten 4 ekor, dan mereka sgt comel, namundemikian, bau pemelihara kucing yang kritikal dirumah saya, dan saya terfikir untuk memberi semua anak kucing kepada mereka yang sayang kepada kucing. tp, rasa sayang terhadap anak2 kucing itu menyebabkan anak kucing itu masih di rumah saya.