Another lazy weekend...perfect for Scrolling Saturday, the brainchild of Melissa and Coleen....a day not to think but to post a post from back yonder, back in time when my visitors were few! So here it is....another archive, from, oh about, 2 weeks ago!!
This post is about my daughter....the daughter we adopted in Our Journey I just finished writing.
Here is the post copied and pasted:
My Daughter's Flame - Dec. 9, 2007
I am not a shopper....I only go if I have to and I have to totally be "In the Mood" to go. Today I went shopping....for 5 hours!! And I had a wonderful time. I went with my daughter...the beautiful girl you see in the picture above...falling asleep doing homework.She is 12 years old, this beautiful daughter of mine. She is sweet, funny, positive, she has a beautiful shines. She is nothing like me at all!! Just Kidding!! I am not as nice as she is though! She sees only the good in people and would never intentionally hurt another human being, even when they are hurting her.
She is in 7th grade this year....the dreaded middle school years. I hate it. I hate the way the girls treat each other. I hate the way she gets her feelings hurt. I hate watching it, and I really hate that I can't do anything about it!! I feel so powerless. The only thing I can do is listen to her and love her. She is a wonderful kid and has so much to offer this world. One day her star is going to shine, and it will be so bright and lovely. Right now is it shining, but it is usually kept at bay, kept dim.
Today it shone, and how lovely it was!! A bright spark, a small vision of her potential, her future. We went into the crazy holiday shoppers, the crowds, the rudeness, the chaos. She saw only the good...the cute little girl learning how to walk, the beautiful pregnant woman eagerly anticipating her baby's birth, the wonderful holiday decorations, the scents of the seasons, the music, the joy, the peace. She saw all this today and helped me to see also. I saw the traffic jam, she pointed out the beautiful pregnant woman. I saw the huge checkout line, she laughed with toddler in the cute pink dress. I saw the mess on the floor, she was smelling the candles. She gave me a gift today and she wasn't even aware of it.
This is my daughter....the baby we prayed for, for years. The baby we adopted the day she was born. The sweet girl child who lit up our lives. She is becoming a woman, a woman I am proud to call my daughter. Her peers may try to dim her flame, she won't allow it. It is still burning and every day it gets brighter. She will become a wonderful woman one day and she will change the world....she has already changed mine.
Now, go visit the other Scrolling Saturday players..there are some gems out there!!