Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kayden's First Talk in Primary

Kayden gave his first talk in primary...It was on prayer and he did such a good job. The whole room was silent while he gave it. He did such a good job.

Here is his first talk:

There is a very important person that I talk to everyday. This person is someone that I love and respect. I may not be able to see him, but I know he listens and loves me very much. He is our Heavenly Father and we speak to him by praying.
When I pray to him I make sure that I am not distracted. I fold my arms, close my eyes and bow my head. This shows Heavenly Father that I love him. I show my respect to Heavenly Father by using words like thee, thou, thy and thine. This also shows Heavenly Father the reverence I have for him.
My mom told me a poem she learned when she was a little younger. It goes like this:
Thee, Thou, Thy and Thine
Are special words that say
I love my Heavenly Father
And respect him when I pray.

I am thankful I can pray to Heavenly Father and he hears and answers prayers.

Kayden Starts Preschool

I was trying to be so strong, but I will admit...as soon as I walked out of the room from dropping Kayden off tears started rolling down my face. Kayden loves preschool. He looks forward to it everyday. He goes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. He has changed in so many ways. He loves learning, reading, singing and playing on the play ground. The teacher, Miss Michelle, told me that Kayden started crying that first day as well. So sad. Since then, Kayden has told his teacher multiple times that she is pretty. He has tackled a few of the kids and we had to end that.

We are so happy that he was able to get in to this program. I never knew how good it would be for him.
Silly Kayden...
Cool Kayden
Showing off his cool back pack.
And My handsome little man!

The Workman Boys Chicago Trip

The Workman Boys (Ryan~Tyler~Mark) have been talking about doing a boys trip for as long as I can remember (it is mostly Tyler that gets it started and Ryan goes along with it and Mark says he doesn't want to go until the last minute!)SOOOO...they had a blast. They flew out of PHX on Friday afternoon. Got to Chicago around midnight (they missed Taylor, Ryan's cousin, opening up his mission call). Got a rental car and drove to their hotel.

They woke up Saturday morning and didn't stop moving. They did some sight seeing and then got in the car and drove 3 or so hours to Champaign, IL to watch ASU play against University of Illinois. Unfortunately, ASU lost but it was still a good game to attend with a lot of ASU fans. They drove the 3 hours to their hotel and were annoyed all night by prank callers on their cell phones. They finally turned their phones off.

The next day, they went to a Cubs game and did more sight seeing. I loved getting the pictures randomly throughout the day. They came home on Monday morning...bright and early and Kayden never wants his dad to go back to Chicago! :) Here are some pictures from there trip...I can't commentate them though because I really can't remember what was going on in the pictures.