Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hunter's Blessing

I know that I am a little bit late on this one... but we blessed our little man on August 29th. Robert gave Hunter a beautiful blessing, that again, we both were teary eyed. Thank you to all of our friends and family who were able to make it to his special day. After sacrament meeting we had everyone over for a yummy lunch.

Isn't he the most handsome thing you have ever seen?? He was such a good baby all day. I don't think he cried once.

Hunter with he great-grandma and grandpa Blackburn, Me & Kaylie

Our family of 4!

Lil terson aka best big sister ever! Not quite sure what she is doing...but she is cute.

Hunter and his Grandpa Warren. He was called to be the Stake President for the Paradise stake the previous Sunday!

Proud Mom & Dad!

I can't describe how much we love this guy! He is a wonderful addition and blessing to our family. One thing that we love about him is that he always looks like he is ready to fight! We are so proud of you buddy!