Tuesday, July 20, 2010

our summer before Hunter's arrival

I meant to catch up before Hunter came, but I never got to it, so here's a little look at the beginning of our summer...

Memorial Day weekend was my annual Williams family reunion in St. George. We spent the whole time at the park or in the pool.

The next weekend we headed up to the Robert's family cabin up in Duck Creek with Heather, Robert, their son Travis, Hunter, and Elin. Shortly after that weekend Hunter was shipped off to Afghanistan, so it was nice to spend some time with him. I didn't get too many pictures, but here is one of Kaylie and her bff Travis.

Before it got too hot we spent a lot of time in our backyard and taking Kaylie to the waterpark at the Mission Hills park. Kaylie loves the water. I took her to swim lessons for a couple of weeks and she loved it! I wish i had pictures though.

My friend Tiffany hosted my baby shower on June 5th. It turned out great, and i received a ton of cute baby boy clothes. Kaylie was not left out though, she was spoiled and got a few baby dolls, some cute outfits, and a tutu that she loves to strut around in.

The delicious food.

My Mom, me, Kaylie, and my sister Sara

We played the yarn game where everyone had to guess how big my belly was...and my cousin Janelle was only off by about 4 or 5 feet! I laughed so hard and had to take a picture.

My step-mom Shirley, me, Amy, and Rachel

Kaylie and her cousin Ellie

Sara & Brian

After the shower my brother Brian came over with my niece Hailey and we hung out with my sisters Sara, Amanda, Marie and her 3 girls. I don't get to see my siblings very often so we had a blast hanging out.

Kaylie and Emma.

We celebrated Robert's 26th birthday at Lucille's with a bunch of our friends. For his birthday I got him a Flip video camera. A couple posts ago I was trying to figure out how to put the videos on my blog, so that explains the random video of us swimming.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The new man of the house

Our little Hunter Glenn Warren arrived on Monday, July 5th. He decided to show up a couple of days early because my scheduled c-section wasn't until the 8th. I must have eaten something bad on the 4th because I woke up Monday with food poisoning and could not keep anything, especially water. The first thing that I was worried about was going into labor from being dehydrated. I started getting contractions around 2:00, but was in denial until around 4:30 when i realized they were coming every 3 minutes and were very painful. I went in the other room and told robert to pack our hospital bag and that we need to GO! I was really lucky to have my sister Sara staying at our house, so she was able to watch Kaylie for us. We got to the hospital at 5 and my contractions were hurting really bad and coming every 2 min. They gave me a shot to try to stop the contractions and after almost an hour and 6 holes in my arm, they finally got me hooked up to an IV to hydrate me. I was so dehydrated that they could not find a vein. They ended up not being able to stop the contractions, and since I was dilated to a 4, they called my Dr. in to do the C-Section.

He was born at 9:01 pm weighing 7lbs. 1oz. He was so beautiful! I thought he looked exactly like Kaylie right after she was born, but now I am noticing that they have different features, and I think he is going to look alot more like Robert. Everything went great, and we were out of the hospital by Wed. night, which happened to be our 3 year anniversary! What better way to celebrate an anniversary than adding another baby into the family! I was so nervous about having 2 babies, and worried about how Kaylie would react, but so far everything is going really good. I have a lot of help, and my kids couldn't be better or easier to take care of. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have my family of 4!

Sunday, July 4, 2010