Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kaylie will be getting....


We were so excited when we went into the Dr.s today and found out that we are having a boy! Everything looked good, and this pregnancy is going along great! My due date is still July 15th, and my scheduled c-section should be on July 6th (1 day before our 3 year anniversary). We have a definite name... Hunter Glenn Warren. Hunter after Robert's brother, and Glenn is Robert's middle name, and his Dad's name. I just can't believe that in just a few months we will be a family of 4!! We are so excited, and can't wait!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

1 year photos

I can't believe my little baby will be a year old on Saturday!! I had my friend take her pictures last week and I love them. I feel really bad because Kaylie has been so sick all week, so I hope that she gets better for her birthday! I just can't believe how fast this last year went by. I miss my little fartsack baby, but I just love her personality right now. She is so much fun and she is so funny. Here are a few stats on my little year old person:

-She weighs 19 lbs. and is 28.5 inches
-She has 4 teeth- her first top tooth came the day after Christmas, and the other 3 came in the next week.
-She is so close to walking right now. She stands on her own when she doesn't realize it. And she will take a couple steps from the couch to the ottoman, or anything that she can stand on that is close to something else.
-She started crawling the day after she turned 9 months.
-She says "YA" to everything. It is so cute, so is so enthusiastic when she says it too.
-When you ask her how old she is she says "eh" and points her index finger to say 1!
-Her new interests are: climbing up stairs, getting into the tubberware drawer, talking on the phone, (one night while robert and I were watching tv she goes and gets the house phone and puts it up to her ears and goes "hello". And now does it all the time to our cell phones), her new forward facing car seat, french fries, making funny cheesy faces, and so many other things.

I could go on and on talking about her, but instead I will just share these pictures...