Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Smile for Daddy!

My favorite time of the day is in the morning after my baby girl wakes up. No matter how tired I am, I just love hearing her wake up and getting her out of her crib and seeing that big smile when she sees her mama. After her morning feeding and changing, we have a conversation. I love talking to her and seeing her try to talk back to me with her cooing and new noises that she is learning. I am so lucky and thankful that I have a hard working husband who makes it possible for me to stay at home with her. His only stipulation for me being at home, is that I must constantly text him pictures of Kaylie, and keep him updated on what she is doing. My phone has quickly filled up with pictures, and I finally decided that I should start uploading them on my computer. In the morning I always tell her to smile for Daddy, and she goes crazy! It is so cute. Here are just a few from over the last month.

And then she gets tired of me and takes her morning nap...

I never knew that it was possible to love someone so much!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


We had a UFC party at our house Saturday night. Even though the fights were extremely disappointing, we had a good time. I would have taken more pictures, but Kaylie kept me pretty busy most of the night. It was funny because she was really fussy during the beginning of the fights, I don't know if it was because there was alot of people here or what it was, but as soon as Chuck Liddell came on the screen to fight, she stopped crying and watched the whole fight! As soon as it was over, she started crying again! haha shes Daddys girl! It was so hard to see Chuck lose like that. I hope he makes a comeback! Even though hes probably going to retire :( We still love him!

Me and fartsack ready for the fun to begin. Her hand is hiding her outfit, but it says NAPOUT! Thanks Laura for her favorite outfit!

She was happier with Mommy! haha

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a good Easter. Kaylie enjoyed her first Easter with the Family.

Excited to go to her Great-Grandmas!

My lil Easter egg with her Grandpa

The Family

Enjoying her first Easter basket

Fartsack and Daddy before church

You're never too old to hunt Easter eggs!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hard Day

I was going to have her wear this hat, but obviously it didn't fit, but I couldn't resist to take a picture!

I don't know if yesterday was more devastating for me or for Kaylie. I had to take her to her 2 month checkup and to get her shots. These pictures were taken right before we left and she was such a happy girl. When we got to the Dr.s she was so happy. She smiled at the Dr. when she was checking her and laughed at the nurse when she was measuring her head. Then 2 nurses came in the room and they had me lay her down on the table and at the same time they stabbed my little girl in the legs! She went from being so happy to screaming bloody murder. I started crying and scooped her up right away to comfort her. I felt soo bad and she just gave me this look like I let her down and let someone hurt her. I didn't realize how devastating it would be. I told Robert that he has to take her next time because I can't handle that stuff! She slept most of the day after, but everytime she woke up she screamed like she was still in pain. But she is doing much better today and I think she is starting to forgive me!

But on a good note, she is very healthy and growing so fast! She weighs 10 lbs 1 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long. Shes moved up from being in the 15 percentile for her weight to 25-50%. Shes growing up so fast and she is already sleeping through the night! I love her so much!!

Road Trip!

I took my little girl on her first road trip this last week. We went up last Wed and headed up to Spring City, UT to visit my Mom. I was nervous traveling alone with her, but she was such a good girl. We spent a few days hanging out with my mom and sister. Then on Friday we headed down to New Harmony to the ranch and met up with Robert and his family. We hung out there for the rest of the week. Kaylie had a blast. She loves her grandparents and getting attention from her aunts and uncles.

Kaylie and her Grandma

Robert and Kaylie during conference

Robert getting pumped up

The boys getting ready to do a 'Man Hunt'

She loved going on a buggy ride with her grandma and grandpa!

Enjoying her first campfire