Monday, January 7, 2013

Idaho Trip/ New Years Eve

 My sister-in-law Laura had her second baby girl earlier in December so her family wasn't able to make it down for Christmas. So a couple of days after Christmas we decided to make a trip up to Idaho to see them. We were so excited to meet this beautiful girl, Brynlee Ann.

 While we were up there we had a blast taking the kids bowling and sledding for their first time.

 Addyson, Hunter, & Kaylie

 Kaylie playing Mommy and pretending to console Hunter while he was whining.

On New Years Eve we hung out at Laura and Matt's house with Elin and her boyfriend. We ate a bunch of food including buffalo wild wings. Here are the "Men" eating blazing wings. I recorded it thinking that they would be wigging out, but they all handled it like champs. We tried to lay Kaylie and Hunter down at 10 to go to sleep, but that didn't happen and they were up till midnight. After midnight we gave our smooches and then headed outside to light some fireworks. As soon as we drove off to go back to our hotel, the kids finally crashed. We had a lovely 9 hour drive home the next morning :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

 We had a wonderful Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve we went over to my Sister-in-law Heather's house for a delicious prime rib dinner. When we got home that night the kids were able to open up 1 present from us that happened to be these cute Santa pajamas. They were excited to leave cookies and milk out for Santa.

 After 2 hours of Santas hard work :)
 One of my favorite things about being a Mom is getting to wake your kids up Christmas morning and seeing the looks on their faces when they see what Santa left them. Santa did a great job this year, and the kids were so excited and overwhelmed with all the presents that they got.

 Kaylie and Hunter at Grandma and Grandpa Warren's house Christmas afternoon. 

We went to Robert's parents house after we opened presents, had breakfast and got ready. We opened up presents with Roberts siblings then we had a nice Christmas lunch. Afterwards we stopped by my Dads house for a quick visit then had to take the kids home. They were worn out quickly! We are so Thankful to have so many great family members who many live close by.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December- Weekend in Pioche

 It had been way to long since my sister Marie and I have spent time together, so she invited us to come up to their house for the weekend. Kaylie loves her cousins Irish, Ellie, and Emma, and we had so much fun hanging out with them. Kaylie and Hunter even had their first real experience playing in the snow.

 My Brother-in-law Collin tied a bed liner to his Jeep and we drove the kids up and down their street before the snow plow could get to it. I thought Kaylie would freak out, but she loved it. Hunter was content sitting in the Jeep with me.

 Marie is the Primary President in her ward and was in charge of a cookie decoration activity. Two cute little bakers!
I think that the kids had a little too much fun in Pioche because as soon as we got home Hunter came down with Bronchitis and Kaylie had a mild case of pneumonia. You gotta love this time of year!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 2012- Family Pictures

 The Blackburn Family
My Grandparents: Deke & Juana Blackburn
 My Uncle Dwight's family: Rebecca, her husband Chad, their kids Brooke, Porter & Brynlee, Easton, Janelle, Kimberlyn
My Dad's family: Greg, Trina, Davrin, Shi, Rachel, Brian & his daughter Hailey, Amy, Grant & Sophia, Then us: Me, Robert, Kaylie & Hunter

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 2012- Santa & Dance Recital

One of the first things we do after Thanksgiving is take the kids to Bass Pro to see Santa. He is the best and the kids love the Christmas set up there. 

 Kaylie's dance class put on a little Christmas recital at the rec center. Here is Kaylie with her BFF Madison and Hunter after dance practice the morning of the recital. 

Here are the videos of her 2 dances that she performed. I was so proud of her!

 Grandma Shirley and Kaylie

 Kaylie and Mommy

After the recital we took the kids to In-n-out. Who doesn't love that place??

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 2012

 Since our plans to go to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year failed, I took the kids up there for a visit the week before. We had a nice relaxing few days playing with the dogs and the "neighs" (Hunter's favorite), and spent some quality time with my mom talking and watching Hallmark movies. Kaylie liked papa's cowboy hat that he was wearing and wanted one too so my mom found this cute hat in her closet.

We came back home just a couple days before Thanksgiving to start making rolls for our 3 family Thanksgiving dinners. We spent Thanksgiving over at Robert's parents house and had a fun day hanging out with Robert's sister Elin and her boyfriend.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 2012

 October 27th I ran my very first race ever in my life! It is obvious that I am not built to be a runner, nor do I enjoy running one bit, but this year I was trying and struggling really bad with my weight and with the help and motivation of my best friend Brittany, my ward friends, and my mother in law, I decided to start running and train for a 1/2 of a half marathon. I had only started just a little over a month before this race, so I didn't think that I could get myself prepared to do the whole thing, so I asked my best friend in the world to relay it with me. Since she is awesome, she agreed to and we started getting together Saturday mornings to run. By the time the race came around I was ready to run 6 1/2 miles. The most I have ever ran in my lifetime. I actually had a blast even though by my last mile I could barely move my legs anymore. I was proud of myself for doing it and I am excited to keep on with my training and looking for a full half marathon to run in 2013.
 Brittany Bandley and my friends from church, Tara and Neca, and myself freezing our butts of before the race.
 My hottie mother in law. She is amazing!
 For Halloween this year my Toy Story obsessed children wanted to be Buzz & Jessie. We went to our wards trunk or treat the night after my race, and then on Halloween we started our trick or treating adventures at robert's parents house with Travis (Swat man) and Austin (pumpkin). From there we stopped by Roberts Grandma Kathy's house, My grandma and Grandpas, Shirleys, then over to our neighborhood. Needless to say, they got a butt load of candy! 
 After Halloween we had a dinner at my Grandparents house and the kids wanted to wear their costumes again to show them off. (I didn't mind getting my monies worth out of them) :)
 Here they are with Grandpa Greg and their cousin Hailey and Sophia.