Not Fake News: My Teen Actually Begs Me To Do Chores
For whatever reason, maybe it's just the never done nature of the task, but I loathe doing laundry. I loathe laundry as much as my thirteen-year-old son loves computer games. So one day, out of pure heaven-sent inspiration (and plenty of desperation, as no one in the house had clean matching socks to wear), I presented my boy with a deal. Here it is. For every load of laundry he washes, dries, folds, and puts away neatly in our drawers, he can play online for 20 minutes. And guess what? Minus that one white-load-turned-pink casualty, the laundry-battle, and the always-asking-Mom-for-screen-time-battle, is history! I haven't done laundry for a year! Believe me. I am as surprised to hear myself say that as you are. Over the months, I have had to set some ground rules for this contract. Turns out teenagers are bright little boogers and find loop-holes pretty quickly. If you're curious about how we implement this, read on. 1. Daily chores must be done before