At 7 months this little lady is getting to be BUSY! She is a grabber and she'll go for anything and she is FAST! You can tell when she sees something she wants, she starts kicking her legs like crazy and reaches until she gets it. She still isn't sleeping well and off and on she doesn't care for fruits and veggies. So frustrating. Good thing she's cute!
Classic Brinley grin!
She LOVES toys and will sit and play for a long time! She likes Mason's toys especially his Mickey Mouse airplane so I let her play with it when he's sleeping!
She started getting crazy with it one day trying to pull herself up to it.
Crawling will be her new trick very soon, ready or not! She has been getting into position, except for that one foot, and she'll rock back and forth. Between sitting, trying to crawl and rolling around she does not stay in one place anymore.
This is her "what is my crazy brother doing" pose. We see it quite often.
She definitely can get what she wants especially if it's something she shouldn't have, like a stray piece of dog food. She army crawled her way to this flower pretty quick. I'm not ready for a mobile baby, she's getting big too fast!