La raison pour laquelle c'est . . .
l'existence d'un monde en vivant au couleur rouge, orange, jaune, noir foncé.
tout les couleurs qui brûlent
peut-être un jour (ôse-je le dire?) turquoise! violet! azuré!
les couleurs encerclantes
...l'existence d'un air de contentement
...une joie de vivre
...un certain sens de la . . . je ne sais quoi
c'est à cause d'un ton, d'un mot, d'un rit?
Un lien inconnu plein de la possibilité?
la raison pour laquelle?
est à toi, maintenant, de la m'expliquerais...
28 February 2011
Posted by MezzoCO at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: poesie; inspiration
Posted by MezzoCO at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: reset
27 February 2011
God has a sense of humor
...sometimes He is "ha ha" funny, and sometimes He is just . . . funny in that uncanny way He has of convicting/reminding us of whatever it is we are in need of being convicted or reminded of at the time.
I've had several conversations over the last month about how I am not worried about what lay ahead for me in CO. I don't know what I'll be doing. I don't know where I will eventually be living, nor how I will keep balance between my sanity and the physical needs of my mom when I'm at home. Sometimes, though, I start double-guessing myself and questioning..."wait...shouldn't I be worried? Oh crap, I should be worried that I'm NOT worried!?" That is a dangerous spiral to head down, and I am grateful to God, family and the friends who have kept me from diverting on to that path. And this morning? I went to church for the first time in a month (due to many reasons), and the sermon? It was this:
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6: 25-34)As bumpy a faith-journey that I've encountered over the past two years, I have not strayed so far as to forget whence I've come, and what (and who) it is that ultimately sustains me. For such constant reminders and examples of the above that I've had since my decision to, for those (and to God), I am thankful beyond what I can put into words here.
Posted by MezzoCO at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: God has to have a sense of humor or else we wouldn't
James Cromwell on acting
Several years ago, when I was taking an improv acting class, the teacher sent out this James Cromwell quote:
Basically, what you are doing out there is you. When it comes down to it, what the people see, what they want to see, is not a role or a character or a piece of work.
What they want to see is you. Your breath, your thoughts, your laughter, your violence, your pain, all of it.
What you have to ask yourself is, "Where am I in all of this and how am I going to communicate that?" That's when you notice that you flinch, that you duck and pull away from those parts of yourself that you are unwilling to have other people see. But that's where the gravy is, where your talent is, where the life resides. You have to keep going back there, to trust that the terrible has already happened, that you've survived and that you're okay, exactly the way you are.
You have to walk toward the demons, not run from them. And you'll find that if you put out your hand, not as a fist, but palm up, you'll go right through them like tissue paper. That's when you can be in the moment, any moment.
When I read this seven or eight years ago, a light bulb went off for me: acting meant putting yourself out there - letting go, as it were. As an introvert (albeit one with extroverted tendencies), that was quite difficult for me at first to do on stage, as it was difficult for me in real life. But the thing about acting? Everything is "safe"; there are no repercussions (method acting aside, perhaps?) to cutting loose and letting everything hang out on stage. Why not? What have you got to lose? It takes time, though, to learn as an actor of how to get to that place. Of practicing enough to train your brain that it's okay to access that color or pursue that emotional response. It's very odd, strange and wonderful thing to be onstage, but I digress a little.
Last month, I had the pleasure of singing on a fantastic flamenco-themed concert. I love any kind of Latin/Spanish/"exotic" sounding music, and this was a super fun gig for me. However, that said, it took a great deal of focus for me to get out of my own head and "let go" into some of the parts of the concert...namely, the Carmen excerpts I had to sing. Not only was this all "concert style" (read: no sets nor costumes to fall back on), but I was the ONLY singer. That was a first for me...thrilling as it was, I knew I had to bring my "A" game to this one, and quite frankly, Carmen's naked sensuality - naked in the sense that her sensuousness is so open and public - scared me a little. I - in my own life - definitely have that side, but am not quite so laid bare in public, as it were. (Ah - the introvert strikes again!) So, I was mulling all of this over one day on my hour-long drive out to rehearsal...really trying to get inside of my head and Carmen's psyche, and seeing where the twain should meet up - or not, perhaps, and a few things dawned on me:
1. It had been a LONG time since I had had to play that particular seductive color onstage. Mostly? I am the old ladies; the nurses; the crazy folks; the best friend...all those characters are close to my surface, ready to be brought forth fairly easily. Carmen? She was in there somewhere - I just had to dig her out from under all those other people.
2. A word of advice from my voice teacher: just let go. Just let go! Let go and don't watch yourself - just - sing the hell of it.
3. A word of advice as posted on my facebook: "Say yes, to everything"; so I said yes to Carmen, yes to taking the time to envision the life of an olive-skinned gypsy; yes to spending time with a fringed mantilla, learning how to not get it tangled on my head when I swished it around; yes to walking around my home with flamenco music playing until I could easily transition my walk from blond-blue-eyed-protestant-raised-opera-singer to a more earthy-gypsy-pelvis-driven-cigarette-factory-worker's sway; and yes to finally letting go.
And I had SO much fun come showtime.
Posted by MezzoCO at 1:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Life upon the wicked stage
25 February 2011
the final countdown
...more than just a great song.
I'm in the final (final?) countdown of the move. The pods are in storage. Ecohaul has taken away the crappe accumulated over 10+ years. And I sit in a very echo-y place typing this and putting off (for one night) the rest of the sorting-through-of-important-papers I need to do.
I fly out Monday. Only to be back at the end of the month with my dad (he's coming for a business trip) to have a little respite time, too, for him from mom.
I am...equal parts excited, happy, nervous, optimistic, curious, stressed and ready for this move. Still have a lot of unknowns as to some of the details...but they will work out.
Time for bed. But first, check THIS out.
Posted by MezzoCO at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: family; life; Europe
23 February 2011
flotsam and jetsam
bubble wrap (therapeutic or annoying?) box tops miscellaneous buttons
there's that 9-volt I needed for the smoke detector at 2am
why did I keep so many old Christmas cards?
tools . . . scattered willy-nilly . . . but why don't I have that stupid little ikea key anymore? flashlights and earthquake kits (safety first!)
I. am. RICH! in pennies
clothes shoes bags wine paper paper paper paper papers!!
oh god, the toiletries. gotta figure out what to do with those.
and when did I amass duplicate assorted cleaning supplies?
jewelry watch ooh forgot about that piece forbidden rock from the middle of a park
matchless socks (bad dryer!) and old t-shirts (great for packing)
now is the tedious part.
sifting, sorting, recycling, trashing. good thing I still have some tunes. and some time. uh oh I'm out of tape. but not boxes.
locks, cards, markers, albums, photos, coasters, pens, memories
...where the eff are my keys?
Posted by MezzoCO at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: moving
14 February 2011
rambling 0100 thoughts
I am always high on adrenaline after performances, and tonight is no different.
It's late, I should be asleep, but I have not *quite* hit my wall just yet. Tonight's performance went well (excerpts from "Carmen" and soloist for "El Amor Brujo"), and I had a ton of fun. Mostly because it's fun music, but also because the gigs have been a little sparse since October (but mostly due to two being canceled, and one which I had to step out of in order to travel back/forth so much.)
Anyway. It felt good. I feel good...I feel inspired to tackle the applications for two upcoming CO auditions, which I hope to be granted a time slot for...gotta keep up this momentum! wheee!
Love to you all out there on this Valentine's Day! Is it weird to sing Carmen on Valentine's eve? hahaha (L'amour est un oiseaux is a rebellious bird?)
Posted by MezzoCO at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life upon the wicked stage
05 February 2011
On Floyd
Floyd is my mother’s four-wheeled walker. He’s bright cherry red and can be found in various corners of our house often having carried off Mom’s insulin, water glass, or any number of other assorted trinkets. He’s a well-behaved piece of mechanics: he never talks back, is always glad to help out, and is – thank goodness! – house trained.
Floyd’s name was my father’s idea. We are big fans of the comic strip Maxine in our household, and Maxine has a dog called Floyd. When Mom came home from the hospital on December 31, we decided the walker needed a name. It sounds much more agreeable, and much less “old”, to ask mom where Floyd is rather than “Where’s your walker, mama? You shouldn’t be wandering around without it!” My dad, who saves his Maxine-A-Day calendars every year, decided upon Floyd. Why would it be called anything else?
(Side note: my mother has a second 4WD walker, Walker Texas Ranger. He is black, and lives in the garage for car trips. This was the walker my mother used in the hospital, and on the day she came home, it was so slushy outside that the wheels got all gross, so WTR has been relegated to the role of outside pet. Additionally, he has a Harley Davidson emblem taped to the front of him; Mom always said she wanted a Harley.)
Over the past couple weeks at home in Denver, I’ve spent countless hours talking about, or directly to, Floyd. “You can’t go that way with Floyd, mom, you have to go around the other direction; your oxygen line is not long enough to go the long way.” “Where’s Floyd?” “FLOYYYYYD, where are you?" “Don’t forget about Floyd.” “Good dog.” Oh yes, he has become the family pet, albeit one that takes very little effort, which is a good thing – since his owner takes considerably more effort to keep fed, medicated, bandaged and comfortable.
The next order of business for Floyd is to find him some flair to complement his bright red paint job. He’s been a faithful servant to date, and I think he deserves a little bling. I wonder if MTV could be convinced to Pimp His Ride (is that TV show even on anymore?)
As I type this, seated on a plane back to SF for a final concert and packing-up of my home there, my thoughts drift to Floyd, and the precious woman to whom he belongs. Carry on, good Floyd, and keep up the good work.
Posted by MezzoCO at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: the gap years
24 January 2011
Comics like this make me unreasonably happy.
Posted by MezzoCO at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: funny; xkcd
there is nothing quite like karaoke in the afternoon
Had my "official" going-away party on Saturday. A last-minute family emergency for AZ (who was going to graciously host at her home), meant a location change from an open house/house party afternoon to karaoke at The Mint. I felt like I was walking into my own personal Cheers. Somehow, the occasional karaoke night morphed into more regular time spent there over the past 10 years, and the kj's and owner knew me. Go figure.
I am not one to spend daylight hours in a bar (usually), so once my eyes adjusted, I realized that we would not be the only party there at 3pm on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. Who knew? Ultimately, it was a fun 5-hour party! I think, though, the highlight was when my music-world friends crashed the stage and serenaded me with the chorus of Hail Poetry from The Pirates of Penzance. That was quite a special moment.
Tomorrow is a day of running around like crazy. SO, I am headed off to bed!
Posted by MezzoCO at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life upon the wicked stage
21 January 2011
toes on the edge
I'm standing on the edge of the great unknown. Friday (well, today) is my last day of work! I've worked in the same place for one week short of six years, and that is hard to believe.
I feel as if I've been handed a giant reset button. I mean - so much is a blank slate! I could reinvent myself completely! Erase my past and become a spy or something. Or not - I appreciate whence I've come too much to do that :) Besides, I have already changed so much as a result of happenings over the past couple, three years that I think that *that* process of reinvention started a looong time ago. Maybe it's because I'm an early thirty-something, along with those happenings, but I am way more comfortable in my own skin than I was when I was younger, and I really appreciate and enjoy that.
2011. Shall be a year of thriving, I believe. But final "normal" day.
And a SH*T ton of boxes to pack.
Posted by MezzoCO at 12:43 AM 1 comments
19 January 2011
I *must* be an opera singer
...because I got all teary-eyed when I had to say goodbye to my ENT/Allergist today.
Ear, Nose, Throat specialist = Singer's BFF.
Strange? Maybe. He really is the best doc I've ever had, and is such a wise, patient and knowledgeable guy. I am grateful to him for taking care of me for the past several years. Thanks, Dr. T!!!
(Also? I really like scarves.)
Posted by MezzoCO at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: Life upon the wicked stage, moving
it depends on how one defines "productive"
This weekend, I:
. . . spent time with beloved friends
. . . had my first skype video chat
. . . I said some more goodbyes
. . . I spent time outside in God's creation, at Pinnacles National Monument, Crissy Field, Sonoma, and the Marin Headlands (like I said - "productive") soaking in the beauty and majesty, feeling His love and getting grounded. Some pics in the process of being posted on my hiking blog
. . . I spent time alone
. . . I spent time singing along to my car radio
. . . I stared at the empty moving boxes in my living room.
They are as yet un-filled.
Productive, indeed.
Posted by MezzoCO at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: moving
16 January 2011
14 January 2011
12 January 2011
shouldn't have had that last cup of chai
...because that stuff is caffeinated, and I always forget that little fact.
So I am up and awake and have been catching up on my email.
I have started to say my farewells. And it is so bittersweet. I hate saying goodbye to people, and in a lot cases, this isn't goodbye forever, but it's just a huge change. Not bad, but Hard. In particular, I emailed a particular group of singers whom I have had the honor of working with at least a dozen times over the past 5.5 years. I will miss them incredibly.
In their honor - and from a show I got to sing with said group - here's a song from the Noel Coward musical, Bittersweet.
I'll see you again, whenever Spring breaks through again.
Time may lie heavy between, but what has been is past forgetting.
This sweet memory across the years will come to me.
Though the world may go awry, in my heart will ever lie,
Just the echo of a sigh . . . Goodbye!
I'll see you again, whenever Spring breaks through again.
Time has lain heavy between, but what has been can leave me never.
Your dear memory throughout my life will come to me.
Though my world has gone awry, though the years my tears may dry, I shall love you 'til I die . . . Goodbye!
Posted by MezzoCO at 1:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: Life upon the wicked stage, life; i'm terrible at 'goodbyes'
09 January 2011
I would like to start with a side note: I can't believe I've had this blog since 2004.
/end side note
It's 2011. There is a change in store for me. Many, in fact. And I am trying to "be cool" and not worry about too many details, since many of those changes are actually questions without an answer off the top of my head.
I am relocating to Denver - HOME! - over the course of the next several weeks.
No, I don't have a job. No, I don't have my own place yet. No, I don't have any firm plans as to how I'm getting from A to B.
I am headed to CO to be with my family, to help out with Mom & Dad, and generally get adjusted to this new normal of a family dynamic. After 2.5 months in the hospital, my mom is finally home and she needs a LOT of assistance. Though I am by no means going to be her 'nurse,' I'm glad to be nearer to her and to dad to help out where and when I can. As bittersweet as it will be to leave my home by the bay - where I've been for just shy of 10 years - I feel like it's (past) time for a big, physical upheaval. I don't want to be *stuck* here anymore - nor do I really want to plant any deeper roots than I already have. After three important weddings in 2010, I realized yet again that where your heart is, there is your home. And I didn't want my heart to be tied down to the East Coast, Texas or the Bay Area as are the hearts of three of my closest companions. Those are three lovely areas, but I want the freedom to go up to my beloved Rockies more often, spend time with the family, and travel *elsewhere* on my vacation time! Granted, my mother's health has not been the ideal catalyst for such a change, but it was the final push out of (back to?) the nest, as it were.
So. Vicissitudes aplenty!
Posted by MezzoCO at 6:48 PM 4 comments
Labels: ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
19 December 2010
Dude. And DUDE!
Dude. That's the only reaction I can have to this front page Denver Post article about my home church imploding and the subsequent lawsuit. WTF. The original break up happened two years ago, and I really cannot believe that it is now on the front page of the paper. A wound that had been - to a certain extent - healing may have just had the scab ripped off, and grit shoved into its delicate tissues. I just cannot believe all of this. CRAZY. On so many levels.
DUDE! is a happy exclamation, reserved for the wonderful time I had at the San Francisco Symphony this afternoon. Thanks to AZ, I got to attend a Messiah performance...the whole thing! So often, the work is cut - because it is lengthy - but this was a dynamic, exciting performance (and the fast tempi definitely gave it a lively bounce), and so very well executed. It was a highly musically satisfying experience. The kind of performance I expect and crave from the upper-echelon companies in SF, but which (at least in the case of SFOpera), I sometimes find to be lacking (and yes, I am a judgmental, biased audience member...I can't help it.) But this was sublime. SO wonderful. I'll have to write more later about the whole thing, but tonight I cannot focus on that. It was so lovely, though.
Posted by MezzoCO at 10:11 PM 0 comments
17 November 2010
Restrepo and War
On 11/16/2010, Staff Sgt Salvatore Giunta (Battle Co; 2nd PLT; 173rd Airborne) received the Medal of Honor for his actions in 2007 in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan. He is the first living MOH recipient since the Vietnam War.
Part of his story is chronicled in the documentary "Restrepo," which I just watched. This very powerful difficult to watch (at times), but should be required viewing for all Americans - unless you have any currently deployed family or friends. In that case, I would recommend waiting until they are home (do as I say...not as I do...). I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. Anyway. It's available ondemand, but will also be shown on 11/29 on the National Geographic channel.
Also - very much worth reading is the book that goes along with the film (in a way): WAR, also by Sebastien Junger.
Restrepo official website.
H/T to Joe for the heads-up on the availability of the movie ondemand cable.
Posted by MezzoCO at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: military; a'stan; movies
09 November 2010
.....voicing my worst fears.....
my heart feels like a seeping wound barely starting to heal only to be knocked about and have the scab re-opened and bleed anew, over and over and over again.
i literally feel crazed. i can't focus, i can't remember sh*t, and left to my own devices for too many hours in a row i start to become lulled by the siren call of the spiral down back into the hole of depression from which i have been steadily climbing for months now. it would be so much easier in some ways just to sit down there than to try and function in normal society. thank g-d for therapy. and friends. and family.
mom is sick. the kind of sick that doesn't get better.
congestive heart failure, major heart damage, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia: these are things that don't just "go away" overnight. or ever.
the chf could be managed for a while, depending on what stage chf it is - but we don't know yet. however, compounded with the multitude of other health problems, i am not hopeful for much. i wish i could believe in miracles, but right now? that is a sisyphean struggle for me.
i am scared that this might be our last thanksgiving.
i am scared that this might be our last christmas.
i am scared that we might not make it that far.
i am scared that every time i hang up the phone that that might be it.
i am scared of what will change.
i am scared of what will happen to my family.
i am scared of what will happen to me when you are not here to tell me that 'everything is going to be ok. i love you.'
i am scared. flat out.
and it sucks.
Posted by MezzoCO at 11:33 PM 3 comments
Labels: family; life; mental health