Genre: Young Adult - dystopian
Rating: 4.5 stars
Review: After hearing so many rave reviews on this book, I finally decided to go ahead and give it a try. I want to go ahead and say that first off, I really enjoyed this book. But before I say the things I loved about it, I'm going to mention one tiny little flaw I found I just didn't like. I didn't like that we didn't really get to see or catch a glimpse of the city of Chicago. While the idea of the five factions was fascinating, I found there's many things left to be desired. I wanted to find out more about the world outside the factions. How is the actual city of Chicago? How's the factionless? I wanted to see the entire world, to see what it has become. To me, that's the true point of a dystopian. Then again, that's also just my opinion.
That being said, I was still thoroughly entertained. The author, Veronica Roth, is excellent at story telling. She's able to draw her readers in with just enough details and descriptions, making the pace of the story perfect. I found that the world that was available - the factions - were awesome. I also really liked the characters, especially the main male lead. He was just very realistic - none of those typical male characters you read about nowadays. And also, I simply found the overall plot to be incredibly compelling. I couldn't stop reading - even at 2am, when I should be sleeping, I didn't want to stop as I wanted to find out what happens next.
So yes, I would definitely recommend this to YA fans and readers, adults, and dystopian fans. Must read for sure. It's a unique book and a unique story, told wonderfully. I am impressed and can't wait to read the sequel! Hopefully we get to see more of the actual city of Chicago, outside the factions, to get a real feel of what happened to it and what made it into what it is now. Overall, 4.5 stars!