And by "top" I mean horrendously unhealthy but delicious and comforting. In no particular order:
Krispy Creme Chocolate frosted, Cream (not nasty Boston or custard) filled donuts
Mint Oreos (must be dipped in milk or crushed in ice cream)
Lindt candybar truffles with Hazelnut filling
Mom's yummy carmel popcorn
Flamin' Hot Cheetos with Lime
Gaynell's Texas sheet cake tied with May's Lemon Cream pie
My homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream
Creamland green chili dip via NM with Ruffles
Magnum Bar, Double Caramel
Chic-fil-A nuggets and Ranch with Texas Pete's OR In-N-Out Double, single animal + protein style