Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Girl

Emma Sophia Stewart
February 20, 2013
4:01 a.m.
7 lbs. 7 oz.
19 inches

We LOVE her!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Carter's "Valenturtle" box.

I love my family!
(That includes the stubborn little girl inside me that does NOT want to come out yet, and my handsome hubby, of course.)

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Furniture

We finally finished our bedroom!  We bought some of the furniture last summer, and gave ourselves the rest for Christmas (with some help from Grandma and Grandpa Stewart).  The walls would look much better with a new coat of paint, but that's SO not something we felt like doing right now.  Here are some pictures so that Jill can see the furniture their money went towards -
 Please ignore the ugly touch lamp and the 1997 sound system. 
Savanna "taking pictures" with Randall's MP3 player. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Birthday Boy

Our little Cam-Cam turned four on the 7th.  I have declared it a "no friend party" year since - as I've said a hundred times - I'm SUPER lazy right now.  Therefore, we had our usual Stewart and Brown family parties, and Cameron chose to go to Chuck E. Cheese for his Birthday dinner.  I forgot my camera at Chuck E. Cheese, but fortunately my kids were LOVING the picture taking thingy's. 
Some of my kids are better posers than others...

Randall grabbed a couple shots with his phone.
 Cameron LOVED making and decorating his cupcakes, and sharing his party with "Kay-wee."
So, I MAY have talked Cameron into a raspberry cream cheese cake for the Stewart party.  I didn't really consider that it would be pink, but it sure tasted good!

Food: "Marsh-meh-woes" (Marshmellows)
Color: "Um, green and red and blue and orange"
TV Show: "Um, Team Umi Zoomini and My Big Big Friend"
Movie:  "Um, Smurfs"
Toy:  "Um, my um Buzz Lightyear Car"

"When I was a wittle baby/when I was a wittle kid but different..."
Cameron is always saying things like:  "Ooooh, I had one of these before when I was a wittle baby!" or "I remember I did dat when I was a wittle kid but different."

If Cameron doesn't like/want something he likes to say "No dank you, I'm awergic (allergic) to that."  It doesn't have to be food either.  It can be food, a particular activity he's not in the mood for...pretty much anything.  

"My fa-der"
He doesn't talk about him as much any more, but for a while there, every other word out of Cameron's mouth was: my fa-der (father) this, my fa-der that.  I thought it was cute how much he thought about his Dad and talked about him constantly, even though I knew some of the things he said were lies a little far-fetched.  We later found out that he actually wasn't talking about his Dad at all.  He had an imaginary "fa-der" that was apparently pretty cool. 

"Peanut butter honey je-wo (Jello)"
Cameron LOVES peanut butter sandwiches.  However, he refuses to take the "honey" out of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or call jelly jelly for that matter.  It's Jello.  So although he either gets honey OR jelly on his peanut butter sandwiches, he ONLY asks for either "peanut butter honey" or "peanut butter honey je-wo," depending on his mood. 

Cameron is pretty stubborn about the words he uses sometimes.  (Anyone remember the pee = wet debate?) Well, for some reason he refuses to use the word "girl."  It's ALWAYS "wady" (lady) whether he's talking about a toddler, a grandma, or a pink shoe for that matter.  He would call it a "wady shoe."  I think it's pretty cute, even though he usually wants no part of anything that can be described as a lady's.  

Cameron always says "That almost brokeded my heart when you did that, when that happened, etc."
It can be when someone's mean to him, when he slips and almost falls on the ice, pretty much any time he's sad or afraid about something.

Cameron is such an energetic, fun, and positive part of our family. We love him SO much and I can't believe he's FOUR YEARS OLD already!  Can someone please slow down time a little bit?  Please? 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tooth Fairy

Carter hasn't lost a tooth in years, so he was THRILLED when he yanked out a canine a few weeks ago.
Dear Toothfairy,
I finally lost a tooth!  If you don't mind I want $20 for my tooth or a video game called Lego Batman 2.  OK?  Remember $20, or Lego Batman 2.
Dear Carter,
Thank you for your letter. I am happy you finally lost a tooth!  Unfortunately, I am not able to meet your request of twenty dollars.  Santa just bought a new sleigh, so money is tough to come by in these parts.  I do like you kid, so I sold an extra pair of tights and gave you three dollars instead of the usual two.  Save this money wisely, and soon you will have enough for what you want.  Take care and keep brushing your teeth.  I don't give money when your big boy teeth rot and fall out.  Thank you. 
Yours truly,
T. F.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Santa Letters
Dear Santa,
I should be on the good list because I was very good, and I cleaned my room in one day.  I have done lots of work for my Mom and Dad.  If you put me on the good list (continued on the back) I will bring you cookies.

Not sure why Carter wrote 3 different notes for this, but here goes:
What I really want for Christmas is my own clubhouse so I can be free.  Every day my siblings get in my stuff so that will never happen again.  These are 3 reasons why:
Dear Mom,
If I get a clubhouse I won't make a mess.
Neat and Tidy Carter

Dear Mom, I can sleep deeply and wake up early.
Awake and Ready Carter

Third and final note
Dear Mom,
I will never stop doing chores and especially read every day for 12 hours.
Neat and Smart,

I will always be bery nice to you every day.  I will stay caught up in school.  I will never touch my siblings again.  Also write a note after. 

Unfortunately he didn't get a clubhouse for Christmas, which is a bummer because some of his proposed incentives were very persuasive. 

Christmas List
Can I please, I beg you, please can I have Lego Batman 2 please?  I'll be good for the rest of the year!!! I also want a giant stuffed mouse bigger than the Christmas tree. Bigger than the stuffed Tyrone that you gave me 4 or 5 years ago.  I also want a giant car that I can drive while off road.  I'd also like a new X box and kinect sensor too.  Can I also get Kinect Disney, and Kinect Star Wars?  Question:  Am I on the naughty list?  I hope not.  Also, can I have the mouse with droopy ears and a blue body with $51.  Thanks.  For that I also want a Lego rock monster.  Can I also get a whole lot of Legos that have energy?  So, can I get all of those toys?  Also some laser cars that have r.c.?  Can I also get a new binder?  Also some speakers?  And something that can fly?  It doesn't have to be like small or big, I just want something that flies.  Can I also get Lego Under Cover, please?  Also, I want a new 3ds charger.  Can I also get a helicopter and airplane in RC's?  And a motorcycle helmet and a big set of Zu-Zu's you've ever seen?  And a Santa hat?  A lot of Star Wars action figures, and Lego Star Wars Complete Saga.  I also want an Obi Wan Build-a-Bear and my own tablet.  I also want a scooter and Ipad shuffle, and all of the Sims games.  I also want a new watch.  Can the giant mouse be really thin and look fat from the fur?  Can I also get a pair of white pants?  It's on ras(?).  I forgot about it.  I also want blue pants. 
Quite an extensive list!  Unfortunately he didn't get a humongous stuffed blue mouse with floppy ears that's thin with fluffy fur, but he did get a few things off his list...

We spent Christmas Eve with my family at Laura and Kenny's house, and had Christmas dinner with Randall's family on Christmas Day.  Unfortunately, my pregnancy induced, ultra-super laziness has affected my picture taking, and I don't have very many pictures. 

Savanna was a little disappointed with her shopping cart when she discovered that she can't fit in the seat.  She eventually decided to be okay with it after we showed her that her new baby fits perfectly. 
Favorite Gifts:
Carter - "Lego Batman 2 and my tablet."
Lydia - "My lalaloopsy and my tablet."
Meleah - "My American Girl and my Happy Napper."
Cameron - "WOODY!"
Savanna - It's a tossup between her baby and her Mickey couch. 
We call this doll "Darth Baby" because it makes sucking, burping, laughing, and "sleeping" sounds.  The sleeping sounds are eerily similar to Darth Vader. 
We also watched Christmas movies, and decorated Christmas cookies and "trees" (sugar cones).  Apparently our usual milk carton graham cracker houses were just a little too strenuous for me this year.  (I'm seriously SO lazy right now!)

We've kept ourselves busy even after Christmas with my parents coming to town, going to a Jazz game, celebrating my Dad's 60th Birthday and my sister Laura's Birthday, watching the new Les Miserables movie, and seeing the lights down at temple square.  For New Year's we went to my family's New Year's Eve party to celebrate Cameron and Kayleigh's Birthdays, then headed over to the Stewart's for their annual New Year's sleepover.  So busy, but so fun!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Booby Trapped

As if being 8 months pregnant isn't impediment enough, this is what greeted me this morning -

All 14 stairs were similarly adorned.  The blankets and Pillow Pets seem innocent enough, but matchbox cars?  Really?!