Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Yep, it's true.  My dark fuzzy-headed little baby is turning into a blonde.  All that's left are the tips of her little ponies.
 Fortunately she's still just as adorable with light hair as she was with dark.  And blondes have more fun, right?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jensen Memories

This time of year is always a little bitter-sweet for me.  My Grandma Jensen passed away on Halloween 11 years ago, and we lost Grandpa on my Mom's Birthday (Nov 17) 3 years ago.  I LOVE this time of year (despite the cold weather), but I REALLY miss my Grandparents.
I think it's pretty normal to remember our loved ones during the Holidays, but I honestly think of my Grandparents ALL THE TIME!  They took in my family (8 kids!) during a very difficult time in our lives.  We were so blessed to be able to live with them for 18 months and create great memories and a special bond with each of them.
 Just the other day I was cooking something for the first time, and I literally started looking for my phone so that I could call Grandpa for tips on how to make it perfect. I truly can't spice anything without thinking "I wonder what Grandpa would put in this."  I think of Grandpa every time I find a particularly good grocery sale, whenever I make tomatoes and cottage cheese with salt and pepper on toast (seriously delicious if you have garden tomatoes),  whenever we go to the cabin or have marinated turkey, whenever I hear a man with an extremely low voice, whenever I pick a tomato out of my garden and see all the weird skin imperfections that Grandpa's garden tomatoes NEVER had... Grandpa was SUCH a tease.  He used to call us the "neighbor kids" that were coming in and out and interrupting his peace. He worked for Coke for many years, and now I'm married to a Coke-a-holic.  I've been very tempted to put a lime wedge in Randall's Coke when I get him one from a gas station just because that's how my Grandparents drank their diet Coke.  He wouldn't appreciate the gesture (he likes his Coke "pure"), but it would be very nostalgic for me.  Randall actually had Grandpa's help when he proposed to me.  I came into town really late and I didn't know that Randall was already at my Grandpa's house (he hid his car down the street).  Shortly after I walked through the door, Grandpa asked me to go downstairs and get something for him (a bowl?), which was pretty normal.  We used to grab stuff out of his storage room all the time.  When I went down to the basement there were candles and flowers everywhere, and well...you know the rest of the story.  Randall does an excellent Grandpa impersonation, and has lots of love and respect for Grandpa.  He learned the rules of the house very well.  ALWAYS go straight in to give Grandma and Grandpa a hug when you get there, and NEVER wear your hat at the dinner table. 
There are lots of automatic memory-triggers that make me think of Grandma as well- Wrigleys gum or buttermints, lavender and pink floral patterns, anyone bouncing a baby on their knee and singing (especially "Riggedy Jig"), my quilt that she made me for graduation...  She always smelled nice and was beautifully dressed and ready for the day.  Her hands were SO soft and she always wore Carmex or Savex.  I think of her every time I scrub out the kitchen sink because when it was my "dish night" she told me that that was the best part of doing the dishes because it means you're done.  Now that I'm an adult I realize that was probably her sweet way of making sure that I scrub out the sink when I was done doing the dishes! Grandma was such an educator.  She had a reading contest for us kids during the summer that we lived with them where we could put a sticker on a chart after we had read for 20 minutes.  I won the contest (of course) and she took me to Deseret Book to choose my prize.   I love to remember her deep throaty laugh and her saying "Oh Moyle!" when he was being a grump.  She had a beautiful voice, and I would do anything to hear her sing with the piano again. 
Not only were they ALWAYS there for the family, but their friends and neighbors also benefited from their generosity.  I remember going over to visit Grandpa one day, and he was just getting back from helping one of his neighbors fix their roof.  I don't remember exactly how old he was at the time, but let's just say he was NOT young!  He also always had neighbors coming over to return tools that they had borrowed from his  shed because he always made them available for anyone that needed them.
Even though it kinda makes me sad, I hope that I continue to think of my Grandparents every day for the rest of my life.  I hope that I can follow their example and find the sweet way to teach my kids instead of just bossing them around.  I hope I can teach them the importance of hard work, charity, and service, and that I can help them know their Grandparents even if they never got to meet them.  I know that if Grandpa was still here today he would tell them the same thing he told us all the time - "Remember who's you are!"  My children have such great ancestors on both sides of the family, and I hope that they can appreciate how blessed they are.   

On a side note, I have to give a shout out to the most amazing woman in the world! (yeah, I said it) 
Happy Birthday Mom!  
You are the perfect manifestation of how amazing Grandma and Grandpa Jensen are, because they made YOU!  We love you SO much, and hope you had a GREAT day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sleeping Beauty Hair

I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I made up names for my girls' hairdos.  I've found that it makes them more excited about sitting still while I yank and pull their hair.  There's The Jesse (braided pony), The Cinderella/Ballerina (messy bun), The Princess Leia (messy bun piggies), what used to be called "hair like Mommy's" but now is The Rapunzel (straight), The Jasmine (side pony/messy bun), and the most popular by far... 
Sleeping Beauty hair is pretty time consuming, so it's usually reserved for special occasions.  However, we have 1:00 church starting in January, so we might be able to have Sleeping Beauty hair a bit more often. Yay.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Play Time!

Cameron:  Let's play hod dog!  (roll each other up in a blanket)
Meleah:  No!  You just BIT me!
Lydia:  I know!  We can play princesses!
Meleah:  Okay!
Cameron:  Noooo!  I don't wan-new!  C'mon, let's play hod dog!
Meleah:  You can be the prince Cameron!
Cameron:  Me no wan-nit be da prince!  I be a monster!  Rrrrrraaaaaaaaar!
Meleah:  No!  You. Are. The. Prince!
Lydia:  Cameron can be whatever he wants.  There CAN be monsters in princesses.  And Savanna can be our baby.
And they all played happily ever after...well, at least for a little while.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Nap

Mom:  (excitedly) C'mon Cameron!  You get to take a nap with MOMMY today!
Cameron:  No wan-nit take a nap.  I go pway!
Mom:  Nope, it's nap time.  You can either sleep here or in YOUR bed. (Picking him up and putting him in bed)
Cameron:  (crying)  Maaaaaaaaaaa-maaaaaaaaaaaaa, Maaaaaaaaa-
(brief pause while he remembers that Mommy's actually the one causing his problem)
Daaaaaaaadddyyy, Daaaaaaaaaa-a-a-dy!
Mom:  Cameron, you'd better stop crying or Daddy's going to take you to your room.
(brief pause #2)
Cameron:  Graaaaammmpaaaaaaa, Graaammmpaaaaaaaaa-a-aaaaaaaa!

Fortunately he was only upset while I took out my contacts and changed into comfy clothes.  He really does love to cuddle, especially when he gets back tickles!  Not to mention that he fell asleep 20 seconds later.
Thumbs Up!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


So, I think I bruised/cracked my ribs on Halloween night which is why I'm a little late with the Halloween post. Let's just say that I had a little run-in with the side mirror of my car and my double stroller and leave it at that.  Fortunately, I can now breath/move without causing intense pain and am now able to blog!  Yay!  Aside from my accident, and HORRIBLE traffic in Utah County, we had a really fun Halloween.
I practiced making Marshmallow Frankensteins for Activity Days with my kids .  It's a good thing I did, because the food coloring DID NOT work in the chocolate AT ALL.  We ended up making Marshmallow ghosts/monsters/vampires instead with white chocolate.  Do you like my kids' mean Frankenstein faces?  Carter really got into it -
We also had lots of fun carving pumpkins.  Carter carved the skeleton ALL BY HIMSELF, and the girls and I had a combined effort on the cat.  I was pretty impressed...and I even figured out how to turn off the flash on my camera this year -

The brave Iron Man!
The beautiful Fairy Princess Rosabelle!  The girls made up their names themselves.  Meleah was going to be Princess Jessa, then Rosa, and finally Rosabelle.  She also made sure everyone knew that she was a Fairy PRINCESS, not just a fairy.
And the gorgeous Fairy Princess Abeyta.  It may sound a little odd, but Lydia's teacher this year is Mrs. Abeyta.  She LOVES her, obviously. 
 Fairy Princess was a popular choice for Halloween this year!
It was tricky to get this cute little ducky to hold still long enough to get  a picture of her! 
We also had a fun family party at Tara's house that I forgot to bring my camera to.  We're so blessed to have such great family and friends that make every holiday so much fun.  Not to mention how they take care of my kids, fix meals, and provide medical supplies when I am a clumsy oaf and injure myself. What would I do without them?