The great thing about backyard camping is you can wear WHATEVER you want. Even Meleah's triple-patterned ensemble and Lydia's nightie and boots are acceptable.
What campout is complete without smores?
Backyard camping is MY KIND of camping. Minimal dirt, a nice fence to keep all the bears out, a private shower and flushing toilets... It was a little bit hard to make myself stay in the cold tent on a bouncy air mattress when my warm comfy bed was less than 50 feet away, but other than that I had no complaints. We also had Cari's family stay with us for a little over a week. I wish I would have taken more pictures, but we had tons of fun going to Trafalga, catcing bugs, swimming in the back yard, and going to the Drive-In.
Yep, that's as high as Carter would go. :)
We had season passes to Seven Peaks and Trafalga this year, so we went several times. Once again, I wish I would have taken more pictures, but it's hard enough to make sure that my kids aren't drowning at a water park. I don't need the added distraction of picture-taking. As a matter of fact, Cameron tipped over his tube and was saved by another Mom while I was getting this adorable shot of Savanna -
You can see that Randall was REALLY excited to be the one to accompany the kids on the "some-punk-kid-spraying-you-right-in-the-face-with-a-constant-stream-of-water-while-your-kids-cry-because-they're-getting-soaked ride." Lydia remembered the ride from when we went with the Jones family and opted to stay dry on the sidelines with me. :)
We also had a really fun end-of-summer backyard swimming party at Grandma and Grandpa Stewart's house.
Bob is such a good sport and he hopped right into the pool with the kids. He's hard to see in the second picture because he created the "wave ride" and let ALL the kids have a turn.
I know I say this every year, but I just can't say it enough - I LOVE SUMMER! I'm starting to feel a chill in the air and it's SO depressing. There's just nothing like summer. When else can you go on a week long vacation? When else can you let your kids wear the same outfit for 3 days in a row? When else can you shove your kids out to the backyard with a bag of popsicles and leave them there for HOURS?
Hmm, I think I might need to listen to the #1 sentence I say to my kids every single day without fail - "STOP WHINING!"
Goodbye summer! Bring on the Halloween Candy, Thanksgiving turkey, Christmas cheer, and even...(gulp) snow.