Savanna Rae Stewart
7 lbs 9 oz
20 inches
3-22-11 @ 11:22 pm
We are so happy to welcome our little Savanna to our family. After having a few scares this pregnancy (profuse bleeding at 14 weeks and ecogenic bowel), we're relieved to announce that she's perfectly healthy! The ecogenic bowel can be a sign of an infection, a blockage, cystic fibrosis, or down syndrome...but hers was apparently just caused by the bleeding. This pregnancy has been quite a roller coaster, from thinking that I was having a miscarriage, to countless ultrasounds, meeting with specialists and genetic counselors, and now having a beautiful baby girl with no health problems (aside from a little jaundice). We're SO blessed! The delivery went really well. I had contractions throughout the night of the 21st, but they weren't very I sent Randall to work. I continued to have contractions throughout the day and they started getting pretty regular around 5:00. I was afraid of getting rejected from the hospital like I did with Cameron, so I waited a while before heading in to the hospital. I also think I was still a little bit in denial because I NEVER go into labor early. Cameron was 8 days overdue! So going into labor 9 days early was just crazy to me. By the time we gathered everything up, dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa Stewart's and went in to the hospital it was 9:30. The hospital accepted me (yay!) and I got my epidural and had my water broken by about 10:30. I got a little nauseous...threw up once...then had a baby after 1 1/2 pushes at 11:22 pm. I thought we were going to have a double birthday (Lydia's Birthday is the 23rd) but apparently Savanna wanted her own day. I'm still going to combine their parties, so she might as well have taken her time!
We are LOVING all the dark hair! It's totally worth all the comments I've been getting about the mailman, milk man?, UPS man...
The kids LOVE to hold her and are SO excited that she's finally here. They have been very gentle with her and I haven't noticed any jealousy issues so far.
It's been pretty tough the last couple of years, but it's now officially impossible to take a perfect picture with all 5 children. Oh well! They still look adorable.