Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lydia's Intuition

"I talked to Heavenly Father about a prayer and I asked if it was a baby girl and he said yes!"

Friday, August 6, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fun at the Pool

Jana and Rachel's apartment has a very nice pool, so we've been having lots of fun swimming this summer...
Carter had a great time with his goggles.  I had to keep "accidentally" dropping toys into the pool so that he could retrieve them for me.  He also told me that he and Raeleigh waved at each other under water and "it was like they were having a conversation UNDER WATER!"  Pretty cool.
 Lydia and Meleah loved to kick around the pool in their little floaties.  Meleah kept herself entertained by switching from the green star, to the blue star, to the green circle, to the yellow lifejacket, to the blue boat...
Grandma spent most of her time taking care of babies, whether she was in the pool or not.  Gotta love Grandma!

We spent hours and hours in the pool during the week that my mom was here and my back got totally FRIED.  It's 50 spf for me from now on.  Meleah and Carter got a little burnt too, even with the 50.  Who knew you had to reapply if you're going to be swimming for 5 hours?!