I got this tag on facebook and decided to copy it on here if for nothing else than to move the massive pregnant woman a little further down on the screen. Here are 25 random things about me:
1. I can't stand to have dry feet or socks on when I go to bed. I put lotion on every night right before shut-eye. I even have to make my husband put it on for me when I can't do it myself (after c-section, etc.), which is only a big deal because my husband hates feet.
2. I like to play with my food. I split my bananas into thirds, peel every last membrane off my grapefruit, peel my grapes...
3. I usually eat one thing on my plate at a time until it's gone, and I can't stand when two different items are touching.
4. I'm horrible at decorating my home for several different reasons: I'm creatively challenged, and I hate spending money or cleaning time on things that don't have a function.
5. I'm a reality TV junkie. I love American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Biggest Loser, Iron Chef America...you name it, I've seen it.
6. This won't come as a surprise to my family or High School friends, but my middle name is Arvilla, and no, it's not pronounced Arviya.
7. I've had more embarrassing moments than anyone I know. This might be partially due to the fact that
8. I'm a scatterbrain. I forget/lose EVERYTHING.
9. I have to do something either fun or productive on Saturday or I am not a very happy camper.
10. I'm somewhat obsessive about the time I spend with Randall. If he isn't at work or at school, he'd better be with me. (Or at least have a pretty good reason not to.)
11. I hate cleaning. Especially bathrooms.
12. I love shopping whether it's for groceries or clothes for my kids. Lately I've been a big fan of online shopping since dragging 4 screaming kids around to the stores is somewhat unappealing.
13. I'm a sucker for a sale, and I LOVE to find a deal. Even if Lydia already has 4 pink sweaters, if it's under $2 I'm buying it.
14. One of my favorite things to do is watch home videos. Whether it's my hubby rocking out to the air drums when he was 5 or something we filmed last week; I love it all.
15. I delivered Meleah naturally in my home. That was RANDOM.
16. I LOVE to eat out. I realize that it seems like everyone does, but Randall would actually prefer a home cooked meal most of the time. Then again, he's not the one that does the dishes. Ü
17. I'm extremely indecisive. People probably think that I just don't dare to give my opinion, but the truth is: I really don't care whether we go to Subway or Arby's.
18. I hate fighting, whether it's physical or verbal. It makes me very uncomfortable. I can't stand to watch boxing on TV.
19. I've never had stitches, a broken bone, or a bee sting.
20. I love to stay in hotels. Once again, one of those things that pretty much everyone loves. What can I say? 25 things is a lot!
21. I love being from a family of 11, and I obviously plan to have a large family myself. Not quite that large, though. Ü
22. I loved High School, and look forward to the day that my kids are in High School so that I can live vicariously through them.
23. I hate dirt. It gives me the chills just thinking about it. Whoever invented sand boxes was an idiot. Same goes for chalk boards.
24. I love to cook. I would do it a lot more often if it didn't make such a big mess.
25. I love to go on long walks. Especially if I have someone to chat with and if my kids aren't crying or telling me they need to go to the bathroom.
As usual, I tag anyone that wants to do this.