Sunday, September 4, 2022

My Friend Skye

I threw on a Sunday playlist on Spotify this morning as I was getting ready for church, and the first song that played was "You Know Better Than I." Every time I hear this song, I think of my sweet friend Amy's son Colton, because someone sang it so beautifully at his funeral. The chorus says "You know better than I. You know the way. I've let go the need to know why, for you know better than I." I needed to hear those words that day at the funeral, and I needed to hear them today because once again, I have been asking "Why?" I asked why the day of Skye's diagnosis, and repeatedly over this past year as I've watched her courageously battle cancer. Why does such an amazing person have to endure so many unimaginable trials? Well, I don't know why, but I do know that these trials can mold and form us into who our Heavenly Father intends for us to become. As I look back on the few trials I have faced, I can now see the knowledge, compassion, and understanding I have gained throughout those hard times. Skye has faith and is at peace with His plan, and I will follow her example. I miss my friend Skye, but I will be forever grateful that I am one of the many that were so blessed by knowing her.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

First Day 2022-2023!

 My sweet Lyddies is a SENIOR! 😭

Meleah Susannie is a Sophomore

Cam Cam is in 8th and has officially passed up both his older sisters and his mother in height, much to Meleah's dismay.  (Lydia and I are used to being passed up, so it doesn't even phase us.) He really hopes to ascend higher than his brother by the time Carter comes home next year, and maybe eventually...his DAD. 😏
Savanna is in 6th but informed me this morning that she has no plans to "rule the school" as is her right as the oldest grade there.  I should have known she is too nice for that.  😊
And my baby Emma Sue is in FOURTH GRADE this year. 😳 As many of you know, her middle name is actually Sophia, but although they each have their own unique personalities, her creativity, independent nature, and sass are very reminiscent of my Meleah Susanne...much to Meleah's annoyance. 😆 Thus the nickname.
Too cool to do their cheer pose this year (or maybe just no longer feel like cheering on the 1st day anymore...) but at least they still let me take their picture in front of the school.
Carter's doing great, and is currently in Minot, North Dakota for his 4th transfer in a row.  It's a good thing he likes the area!  He's using some of his school skills to sketch during his free time with very limited art supplies...  I love his sketches! He's also spending lots of time teaching the gospel (of course), meeting people, playing with puppies, searching for skeletons, and giving service any chance he gets - including helping a family slaughter a bunch of bunnies they raised for meat. 

I HATE how fast time flies...particularly the summer (although I must say, having a missionary definitely makes the passing of time bittersweet, rather than my usual - just plain bitter) but I look forward to this year and all the experiences my family has ahead of us.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Mom and Pops

We were trying out new tents, and fixing old tents last night to get ready for Palisades, and I couldn't resist sneaking a pic of these two cutie-patooties.  Love them so much! 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Back to School 2014

 Back to school time is always SO bittersweet.  
 Lydia in 4th.
 Meleah in 2nd.
 Carter in 6th with his cousin Stryder. 
 And my little Cam-Cam in Kindergarten!  (*sniff, sniff)  Emma giving him hugs goodbye.

 Emma thinks she's ready to go to school - 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Our Songs

A few years ago, I did a blog post about the songs that I have with Randall and my kids. You can check it out here if you want...

However, I didn't have a good song for Cameron at the time, and Emma wasn't even born yet.  So, these are their songs:

Cameron - "Forever" by the Beach Boys, and also Uncle Jesse as it so happens.  He likes Uncle Jesse's version the best.
Youtube video

If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I'd talk forever 

I ask the sky just what we had
Mmm It shone forever
If the song I sing to you
Could fill your heart with joy
I'd sing forever
I've been so happy loving you
Let the love I have for you
Live in your heart
And beat forever

I've been so happy loving you

Emma - "Baby of Mine" From Dumbo, but my favorite version is by Alison Krauss
Youtube Video

Baby mine, don't you cry.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head close to my heart,
Never to part,
Baby of mine.

Little one, when you play;
Don't you mind what they say.
Let those eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear,
Baby of mine.

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too.
All those same people who scold you;
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your head down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be,
Baby of mine.

All of those people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your head down to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows.
But you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be,
Baby of mine.

Baby of mine

Because no matter how big she gets, she will ALWAYS be my baby.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The rest of summer 2014...

So, we moved into our new house over July 4th weekend, but I'll cover that in another post.  This is just all the fun stuff we did that summer.

Highland Splash Park
 LOVE the Highland Splash park.  HATE that it was so bright, I didn't notice that my lens cover was malfunctioning... 

Utah State Fair

 I went to the Utah State Fair for the first time with Tara's family, my parents, and Laura's family.  The kids had a GREAT time.

 They LOVED seeing all the animals (especially the babies.)

 This is everyone looking at the baby pigs - 
 Probably their favorite part was an ice cream party they were having with ALL YOU CAN EAT ice cream from Fat Boy, Creamies, Dreyers, BYU creamery, and a couple other kinds I can't remember.  Carter even entered a contest, but unfortunately didn't win.  It probably isn't the best contest for someone with sensitive teeth.  ;)  Fortunately, Dalton DID win.  He got a blow up cow toy.  :) I'm sad I didn't get a picture of Emma eating ice cream because she ate more than EVERYONE.  Seriously. That girl LOVES ice cream.

 Emma wasn't afraid of the baby goats -
 We even saw some eggs hatching!  Totally awesome!
 Too bad Randall wasn't there, because he would have enjoyed seeing this -
 They even let them go inside and check it out!

 Seven Peaks
I was brave (or stupid) and took my kids to 7 peaks all by myself...except for Emma, who was safely being watched at Bob and Jill's house. ( I'm not THAT stupid.)    Well, technically my parents, Cari and her kids, and Tara and Jay and their kids were all there to help me.  But yeah, a little bit crazy. After we were there for a few hours it got cloudy and cold, so I cuddled the little ones for a while.  Then it started POURING, and I was actually quite happy to use that as an opportunity to GO HOME.  ;)  It was still lots of fun, but I have realized that there's only so much "fun" that this Mom can take when hauling around a bunch of kids that could potentially drown at any moment.

The kids all had a blast climbing on the floating lobster thing and having Uncle Jay blast them off of it.  At least until Jay got yelled at by the lifeguard... ;)

  Fortunately, this was the day before Carter's arm surgery and he was still in his waterproof cast.  
 We hung out with cousins and met our brand new nephew/cousin, Dresden -

Cabin Trip!

We had tons of fun at the cabin, as usual.  However this year it rained EVERY DAY WE WERE THERE.  Not the entire day, so there was still plenty of outside time.  Just enough to make the already somewhat treacherous roads EXTREMELY frightening for this mother of 6.  I haven't encountered roads that bad since I was a kid riding in with my Dad or Grandpa at the wheel.  While that was moderately nerve-wracking, it's an entirely different feeling when it's YOUR husband driving a vehicle that YOU paid for, full of YOUR children.  (Side note:  I completely trust my husband's driving abilities, but the situation was seriously difficult for ANYONE to manage.)  But even with the mud, there's nothing better than a week at the cabin.  :)

I am LOVING the poses of the 2 girls on the top.  ;)

I was too afraid to take the slippery drive out to go fishing, so I asked Randall to take some pictures for me.  He did a pretty good job, but they perhaps were not as numerous as I would have liked,.. (I'm pretty sure I would have at least gotten one with each of the children) but beggars can't be choosers. :)

 Cheesy spaghetti and octopus dogs -

 Fortunately we went fishing more than once, and I obviously had the camera the other times :) -

White Family Reunion
 I have always LOVED the White Family Reunion.  With the home made ice cream (specifically the "White family sherbet," the sawdust dig for loose change, the candy toss, and of course the company of my awesome family... You just can't help but have a GREAT time.

 Emma waiting for Grandma to give her another bite of ICE CREAM -

 The ever popular candy toss -

 Attempting to get ALL THE SAWDUST out of the shoes -
 Meleah was pretty excited about all her loot -
 Lydia looks even MORE excited ;) -

Emma can't wait to get into her candy -
Hang Out at Our House
With all the projects we were working on, we ended up having quite a few gatherings at our house (to enjoy the free labor company of our loved ones.)

 I love watching kids pick up things that probably weigh more than they do -

The kids would come up with all kinds of things to do, like put on a Frozen sing-along play -
or dress up in my boots -

or even just lay around and relax-
Since our back yard was a construction zone, we also hit the park.  A LOT.

 Poor Carter feeling sorry for himself because his arm was broken. :) -
 We also went on a date to the Foreigner/Styx/Don Felder concert.  It was AWESOME! 
 Randall took Carter to Hill Air Force Base for an air show -

And my little Cam-Cam graduated from my favorite online preschool -
I admittedly feel like this was one of our lamest. Summers. Ever.  We were so preoccupied with house projects that we didn't camp as much as we usually do... And the kids didn't play outside as much, because the back yard was all torn up...  And I didn't plan as many fun activities, because I was already overwhelmed with all the stuff we had going on...  It just was a crazy time.  But it's nice to look back while writing this post and see that we still managed to have quite a bit of fun amongst all the chaos.