The kids are getting bigger and smarter. Isaac has started school and understands a lot more. Isaac and Allie have started talking a lot more. Micaela can get all over the place. She isn't scooting forward yet but she can all over by rolling and wiggling and she must be scooting backwards because she ends up in some interesting places. Jonathan is enjoying his new job and I love being by my parents.
Ramos Report
The Ramos Family Update
Friday, September 21, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
My kids are soooo halarious. We've started to have them sleep in the same room. I go in and find the dressed knocked over, crazy mess and my kids asleep on the floor despite the 2 mattresses next to them. Allie is in front of the rocking horse in the right upper corner.
The kids are doing their push ups with daddy.
It scares me a little but i think its so cute when they climb in the crib with Micaela.
Big girl!
Crown making at Allie's b-day party
Dance Party! We had lots of fun. Notice the matching tutus!
They are really warming up to Micaela. They mostly ignored her before but now Micaela gets kisses and pokes. Allie has even tried to pick her up.
Reading her first book by herself. Just so smart.
Allie sleeps on the floor with her bum in the air. It is halarious.
Heart Melter
I love it when she just falls sleep places. Thats one way to get out of tummy time.
I found her asleep like this. She loves to move around as much as she can.
The kids are doing their push ups with daddy.
It scares me a little but i think its so cute when they climb in the crib with Micaela.
Big girl!
Crown making at Allie's b-day party
Dance Party! We had lots of fun. Notice the matching tutus!
They are really warming up to Micaela. They mostly ignored her before but now Micaela gets kisses and pokes. Allie has even tried to pick her up.
Reading her first book by herself. Just so smart.
Allie sleeps on the floor with her bum in the air. It is halarious.
Heart Melter
I love it when she just falls sleep places. Thats one way to get out of tummy time.
I found her asleep like this. She loves to move around as much as she can.
Blogger will only let me upload one video so there might be more later. Micaela is 4 months today! She can roll over and hold her head up pretty well. Such a big girl. We went to the kick off for the autism speaks walk and that was lots of fun. It was at the Art museum and they had a singing lady that Allie and I loved to dance to and play an instrument. Isaac loved the shapes and colors interactive exibits and they both enjoyed the bubble blowing. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our walk for Autism! Jonathan's brother got married! It was nice to celebrate for days with family, and to dance at the reception. It was Allie's Birthday! We had 2 double birthday parties with Annaliese and that was lots of fun. The pictures are from the kids party we had at our house I will try and upload more videos when its working. I made tutus for all the girls and they made crowns for an activity. We played freeze dance and played with the balloons. It was lots of fun. The theme was purple princess monkey.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Isaac Spotlight
We found out last monday that our sweet little Isaac has autism. He starts special preschool in September. Isaac knows his letters and letter sounds, can count to 109 and is great with puzzles and visual/spacial tasks. He is sweet, shares with his sister, and gives lots of hugs. Isaac is a happy obedient boy, which is what I really want for him. There are a few things we need work on with him. When kids on the playground talk to him he doesn't even look at them, and when they try to play with him he ignores them. He is behind on speach and language. He doesn't understand a lot of what we say and has limited words himself. Unlike many children with autism Isaac does tease and lie and has a normal relationship with us, which is great. That gives us a lot of hope that as we work with him and he goes to preschool he will be able to go to normal kindergarten. God has really comforted us and let us know that Isaac is in his hands. We have felt inspired on how to help him in his three key areas that he needs help 1. Social and communication 2. Imaginitive play 3. Understanding and obeying 3 step processes. Jonathan has made a cool website with a lot more information on it. You can visit it at
Friday, May 4, 2012
Things are still going very well. Micaela is awake much more often - especially at night so I am having a hard time, but its worth it for our sweet little girl. Allie has been waking up at night as well, I am grateful for Jonathan's help. Micaela is growing up much to fast, smiling and lifting her head and assisted standing.
Allie shocks me at how much she knows. She will come up to me and tell me a shape i've never taught her (Oval, diamond ect). She knows letters numbers and shapes. I'll have to make a video of her doing shapes too. I guess a combination of Isaac always talking about shapes and alphabets and numbers and the educational shows they watch. Plus all our time on where they learn their alphabets and more.
There are some learning shows on Leapfrog and while I'm learning to handle 3 kids in diapers they watch quite a bit of it. Here is them singing the theme song to the Scout videos.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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