Sunday, November 20, 2011

I told you when we were at Adam and Meghan's on our way to California, I learned that Adam is in charge of making their bed!! I can't even remember the last time I saw Adam make a bed!! I couldn't resist! I had to put it on a video!! Enjoy!

Experimenting how to blog

Hi everyone! Meghan is here this weekend and I am getting educated on how to blog!! Humor me please!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Congratulations to Adam for graduating this spring....

This winter, Dad did some world travel. Here are the HR leaders of Latin America at some terrific ruins outside of Mexico City.

Here are the HR leaders of Asia Pacific hiking the Sydney Bay bridge.

Grandma and Grandpa had a great long weekend with was so fun. Skiing, pool, ping pong, Jazz game, Temple and lots of talk and great eating. It was so fun!!! Thanks Spencer.

A group of HR leaders from Europe and Africa during a meeting at Rome. We had a nice afternoon seeing some of the sights...
Everyone waiting to come down the stairs on Christmas morning....

Pajamas all handed out on Christmas Eve.....

A great Christmas story

Grandma working the grand kids at duck duck goose....nice form!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mom and I did some great hiking with thr Chapmans in S Utah. We hiked up one canyon into an Anazisi cave ruin....really cool and way out of the way from the normal tourists.... Chapmans are fun and energetic as ever.....

We had a great trip to the east coast for Travis' graduation, Maine, NYC and Boston....

Hello!!!! Does Mom look excited to be that close th GMA or what?

Dad hoping for some bull market.....

On the Brookyn Bridge

We had a great evening having burgers in a park before a play...

Of course, we couldn't drive past rte. 2 without a stop at Kimballs

Congratulations to Travis and Liz!!!!!

Trip to Maine include 2 lobsta dinners

We went to church at the Augusta Ward where I served as Bishop. Mom planted this tree 30 years ago as a primary project. These are a group of friends that we enjoyed seeing.

This was home to 8 of us for a while....oh my.

Lobster at our favorite place at Hew Harbor near Pemaquid

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Had a really fun time today in Provo going to one of Ryan's rugby games. Look for #5 and all of his mates. Im glad its him and not me.....It really was fun.