Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Big Sister-finally

I didn't want my kids too far apart, so after nearly a year of trying, I was getting pretty down. I seeked the help from my doctor to look for problems -with the results that- although it is possible to concieve on our own, our chances were slim, and the best bet would be Insemination. So I looked at different fertility clinics and chose one and made an appt. for mid-December to get things going. In the meantime, my expectations to get pregnant on our own was gone and we went on a nice vacation. Well I guess with the pressure off of us both, and the nice rest and relaxation of Sedona, AZ was what we needed. Shortly before my appt., drum roll, I was pregnant. It took a while for me to really believe it........oh, wait.... until 2 weeks later, when nausea and other things that I will spare you the deatails of all came crashing in.
We waited until Christmas time to tell our families and were very happy with the announcement of a cousin to be born a couple weeks earlier than our due date. Congrats to Ryan's sister emilee, who had been trying longer than us.
A special thanks to disney channel for entertaining my child when I sure didn't have the motivation to. And to Jamba Juice for being the one thing, that I know with a surety, I can keep
down. Thanks to a husband that takes Kennedee to basketball games, skateboarding, etc., to allow me SLEEP. Oh, how much I sleep. Here's to feeling better in my second trimester.
I am due August 6th, but expect to schedule a c-section for the end of July.
