Thursday, June 25, 2009

Book Reviews

The Choice, by Nicholas Sparks

If you know me then you would be surprised that I would read a Nicholas Sparks book. I don't typically care for his other works, like the Notebook. Just not my style. I was given this book and thought, "why not give it a try". I did enjoy it. It was a very easy read set in modern day. I don't like the typical predictable ending, but this one had me a little confused: and whether it ended happy or sad, I was ok with the end.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

I enjoyed this book. It is much more my style than the first. Although fiction, much research was done to best desribe this time and location in history. Set in China in the 1800's, I have gained a huge appreciation for what I now have as a woman.
Taken from page 127 in the book; "We (women) are seen as completely useless. Even if our natal families love us, we are a burden to them. We marry into our new families, go to our husbands sight unseen, do bed business with them as total strangers, and submit to the demands of our mothers-in-law. If we are lucky, we have sons and secure our positions in our husband's homes. If not, we are faced with the scorn of our mothers-in-law, the ridicule of our husband's concubines, and the disappointed faces of our daughters."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Alaskan Cruise

Last week Ryan and I went on a cruise to Alaska on the Norwegian Star. Here are a few pics.

On the ship:

Ketchikan: Our group of 10 went zip-lining through the Alaskan rainforest at about 160+ feet for 2 hours.
Juneau: Half of our group went fishing and only 1 caught a fish, but it was HUGE. The rest of us took a float plane for 20 or so minutes to a little island with a great view of a HUGE glacier. At the lodge on the island they fed us Alaskan salmon and we went on a hike to look at a waterfall before getting back on the float plane to our ship. Skagway: Most of us took a train ride through the White Pass for 2 hours, finishing in Canada. From there we biked mostly downhill 20 miles (through customs back into Alaska) and all the way down to skagway. Amazing views
We didn't really take any pics of Prince Rupert, B.C. Canada. It wasn't all that exciting.

What an incredible vacation. I've been on 4 other cruises and although fun, this had the best destinations and we were very lucky to have great jacket weather, but no precipitation. Thanks again to everybody for making this such an enjoyable time.

101 things to do with Desitin

We put Kennedee down for a nap yesterday. She apparently never took a nap, and when we went to go get her out of her room, this is what we saw.

A desitin-bearded girl. She smiled and said "Cheez" so proudly for the camera.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Say no to Motorcycles

One week ago I got a message from my brother that my DAD was life flighted to a hospital in Oregon. My dad has recently in the last few years taken up motorcyling and owns a Harley Davidson and I believe a Honda. He has a group of friends that he will ride with and they will be gone for a week. Well, this last trip went through Yosemite and then up towards Seattle. From what I understand he took a sharp corner and fast forward he finds that he has broken his clavicle (collar bone), scapula, and ribs and is in intense pain. My step-mom immediatly flew up to be with him. He luckily survived and had no serious life threatening problems,but just had surgery on Friday................Now with all this, not getting much sleep, and being in a lot of pain, he is still thinking about going to Alaska with the whole fam this weekend on a cruise. I would hate for him not to come, but I want to make sure he is safe and comfortable.

So here is a shout out to my dad. I have some of the best memories as a child, learning from him and going on special daddy-daughter dates. Although I wasn't connected much to him during my teenage years (typical teenager) , I am so happy to see how much our relationship has grown in the last 8 years. He is a good man, with a great heart, and I am truly grateful for the love and support he shows me and the many kind things he does for me and my family. Here he is playing with Kennedee. I am grateful she has a great grandpa.

Now on to the other father's in my life. My father-in-law. Ryan shares great stories of how much he learned from his father through his calm, teaching moments. I honestly can say I have NEVER seen this man upset or angry. He has a great sense of humor and always ready for fun. He plays tennis twice a week and loves it. He has been a great example to me and I hope Ryan will continue to be just like his dad.

And finally, my step-father. I lived with my mom and him during my high school years and I always appreciated having him around. He always supported my mom, but never tried to push through barriers with me in the whole parenting thing. I am glad my mom has someone who makes her happy. He is easy going and fun to talk to.

Happy Father's Day to you all.........I love you.