erm....long time didnt touch my blog jor..
well,i know i did post something here..but..its not enuf lah...
ya,tat is wat my frenz told me..'not enuf' n he said i should write something about myself in blog,but not to post article...
helo! Mr W, i know u very free to 38 lah,but i think blog should be something 'up to me' one mah...walao...i can write anything i wan to write here...n i also can share some nice article that i think its nice..n tis is my blog lah...dun so many 'ki kak' ...wakakaka....sei mei?
erm...last wednesday, 25/2 ..i celebrate my 22nd birthday...yayaya..i know,i getting old..but...SO WAT??lolz...erm..tat day 12pm, i take bus to come back KL..i plan to back on friday,since i only have celebration with frenz on saturday..but,my dearest L ask me to back more early,coz tis is my 1st birthday celebration after we together..well,actually his birthday was more early than me,28/1,but hoh..tat time is CNY,cant celebrate loh..poor guy..wakaka..
k,back to topic..i reach KL around 5pm..then,he ask me to wait at pudu raya side,coz he say more convenience mah..then i'm damn,i go over KFC side to buy something to eat..then,he have to turn back to pick me up..when i open his car door,i saw a rose in front of me,n tat time i think 'ei...tis felo will buy roses ah? but...y got 1 only?' haiz...hokkien always say 'no fish,prawn also can'..cant calculate too much bah..since i know he is not those kind of romantic guy..
then he drive me back for bath n change cloth,n he also wan to back his home for bath..he ask me to dress up myself..well,since its my birthday,so,i have no objection then i choose a dress for tat night..well,he so surprice when see me wearing hum...i know,i'm not that often to wear skirt or dress..but i still girl lah,ok? dun so surprice..n,u r not GAY lah..walao...
erm..about 7pm ++,after everything done,he come n fetch me again,with another roses..ok,i got 2 roses dy..he drive me to somewhere in KL town..another surprice for far frm wat i know lah,tis felo will NEVER drive to KL town during trafic jam hour..well,i was so wonder where he goin to bring me..but i didnt ask,coz i know he won tell me,since he wan to keep secret,then just let him be lah...
his car park in a hotel carpark,and we take lift to 34th floor..once the door open,i saw 'LUNA BAR' in front of me...WOW!!! he remember eh...i did mention tat i curious bout luna car n wonder how it's look like b4..i swear i only mention 1 time..but he remember n finally he bring me there during my birthday..
talk bout LUNA..erm..its tower just beside us..n KL,wine,music,nice view,n my lover beside me...hehe..but,everything have its price..i know my dear spending on tat meal..just for my romantic birthday...erm...thx dear!
and when we leave LUNA n get into his car..he take out another roses for roses...
next,he bring me to somewhere i always wan him to go,but he EVERYTIME reject my request one...guess was is it? well,its PASAR MALAM tmn cannought...SURPRICE,rite? yaya...tats TOO~ big different between LUNA n pasar malam...but,so happy he can accompany me to go..u know wat,he HATE those place the most..y? coz his size is not that 'mini'..hard to move in those place with too many ppl... we buy lot of thing that i love to eat...hehe..n then,my favourite-Choya..ya,the plum wine frm japan...kekeke...
same like b4,i get another roses when get into his car to go back home...4th...
reach his house...i saw the 5th roses on his bed...well,it really surprice me..erm..not only he buy me roses..but is the way he design..erm..maybe its not the smartest way,but i sure he wan roses to appear in the whole night of my birthday..the different roses appears in different time..just like his love was just surround me in everytime...
i love tis everything he did..maybe its just simple thing, but i really feel so happy bout should i call him?i always call him 'uncle', or address him ask 'L'..but..should i call him 'dear'? erm...too command...nvm..i will give him another name when i have it in mind..
hey,L,thx for everything u did, u give me a memorable n happy birthday..thx for ur love,thx for ur care,thx for ur gentle...everything everything...thx u...