Thursday, 14 April 2011

Challenge 148 - Springtime

Thanks for all your super entries last week.... all lovely to look at and so well created.
So Mr Random man has spoken once again and the lucky winner of the Joanna voucher is......


that's you...... Beryl T    Congratulations.

Please do contact me with your address info before Weds 20th April to claim your prize.

So we have said goodbye to Hazel and we now  welcome our new DT member this week JENNY aka Starcyl and hope she will be happy with us.
You can find out all about her on the DT pages and do check out her blog as she creates some lovely works of art.
Now onto this week's new challenge.... ChiChi Memories once again sponsor us and the topic is 'SPRINGTIME'  - at last I think it has arrived...... Chi Chi are giving some lovely digi images for the winner.
As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog. Thanks and enjoy the challenge.
Here are the DT creations to inspire you - made with lovely images from Chi Chi Memories.








Thursday, 7 April 2011

Challenge 147 'LILAC WINE'

Once more I thank you for your lovely entries last week.

Well the little person behind the Randon Generator has spoken the winning number and here it is.......

number 10

Well done...... Carol you win - a lovely prize again this week thanks to my lovely sponsors Emma and Mandy.

Please Carol contact me with your details no later than Weds 13th April  to claim your prize.

I suppose I should have had a snooker challenge this week this being challenge 147.... those of you who don't have an interest ignore this comment lol ....but instead we have another song title for you to play with......'Lilac Wine' was a hit for the lovely Elkie Brooks many years ago and was always a favourite of mine. I have seen her sing it live many times.
Interpret the title however you wish but please do include some wine and lilac somewhere.... colour or flower will be fine..... mmm a nice glass of wine sounds good.

As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog.

As this is the first challenge of the month Joanna Sheen has a ten pound voucher up for grabs.  Thanks again Joanna.

This week we say goodbye to Hazel one of our lovely DT members - many thanks for all your lovely works of art Hazel and please do stay in touch.

Next week we will have a new DT member so look out for the info about her.

Thanks and enjoy the challenge and we will all drink your health with Lilac Wine.

Here are the DT creations to help with inspiration should you need any of course - all great again girls thanks so much.








Thursday, 31 March 2011

Challenge 146 - 'A Night at the Movies'

Many thanks as always for your super entries last week.
Well the person behind random generator has done his or her stuff and come up with a winning number woo hoo  - who will it be this week???

Come in number


yes you win Ruby..... and what a lovely prize too.
Many thanks for your generosity once again Steph my friend.

Ruby please do contact me before Weds April 6th with your name and address to claim your prize

This week your challenge is 'A night at the movies'.... please do tell the movie you have in mind just in case we can't figure it out.... or do a general movie themed creation as I have done,.

This week we have three sets of fabulous clear stamps with an acrylic block from my friends Emma and Mandy at 'Time To Sow' - thanks for your generosity ladies.

As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog. Thanks and enjoy the challenge.

Here are the fab DT creations to help you with inspiration this week.







Thursday, 24 March 2011

Challenge 145 - 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon'

Many thanks for your entries last week all great as always.
Thanks also for the birthday wishes..... I had a good one.
Now onto the winner of the challenge.... and the fab prize goodies from Sarah.

the winning number is.....number 6

that's you.....Janet

Congratulations.  Please do contact me before Weds 30th March to claim your fab prize but please don't worry if you don't hear back from me straight away as on the move again going over the waters.
Thanks to Sarah for her generosity too.

For the next few weeks I am going with song titles for your challenge - this week I would like you to 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' round the old oak tree....... la la la sing along now.
Anything goes as long as we can see your yellow ribbon somewhere.... it does not have to be a card of course, and you do not have to have an old oak tree either unless you want to do so lol.

The prize this week will be another set of CDs from my friend Steph at - as shown below.  There are 10 fab cds in the set.

As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog. Thanks and enjoy the challenge.
Here are the DT creations for your inspiration - all great again girls thanks so much.








Thursday, 17 March 2011

Challenge 144 St Patrick's Day

Many thanks for all your lovely entries last week a few new people too .... as always the DT enjoy seeing what you come up with each week.
Thanks again to ChiChi for their sponsorship...... my husband picked the number tonight and the winner is

number.....  21

yes that's you...... Crystal well done.

Please email me before Weds 23rd March to claim your prize.

My challenge this week is to create something to honour St Patrick's Day (which just happens to be my birthday too lol) so you can incorporate Birthday if you wish.
We have a lovely new sponsor this week... the lovely Sarah Lawrence from
Crafty Notions has provided these goodies to one lucky winner - yummy goodies.... many thanks Sarah. Do go check out her website and see the lovely products she has in stock.

There are some lovely creations done by the DT below.... thanks once again girls fab work.








Thursday, 10 March 2011


Another week, another challenge some super entries and another winner.
Thanks again for all your lovely creations keep them coming as we love to see them.

So come in number....... 15

that's you....... Granny Goodwitch

please email me before 16th March with your name and address to claim your prize.
Well done.
Now onto this week's challenge...... 'Best Friends'...... this gives lots of options so create whatever you fancy as long as you include best friends somewhere.
This week the challenge is again sponsored by Chi Chi Memories - they gave the DT some lovely images to work with.... so do pop over and see what they have to offer.... you may win some digis yourself with your creation.
As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog. Thanks and enjoy the challenge.

Here are the lovely creations made by my very talented Design Team - hope you like them








Thursday, 3 March 2011

Challenge 142 'Masked Ball for Mardi Gras'

Many thanks again for your entries last week some super ones as always. I do love shabby chic and so do you obviously.
The DT love to see your creations so keep them coming please.

Now for the winner of the set of cds from Steph
it is.....

Number 22

yes that's you

Christine Craig.   Well done.

Please do email me with your address before Weds 9th March to claim your fab prize. Thanks to Steph again for her super generosity.

Now onto the new challenge for this week...... the topic is 'Mardi Gras' - celebrated this year on March 8th.
Up for grabs is a Joanna Sheen voucher as it is the first Thursday in the new month.
Just create something on the 'MASKED  BALL FOR MARDI GRAS' theme..... it does not have to be a card of course as you can see from mine and Elizabeth's  creations below.

As usual you may create whatever you fancy be it atc, card, scrapbook layout, tag, inchie, 4 x 4 - the choice is yours. As always add your creation to your blog or email me direct with the picture if you don't have a blog. Leave me a comment with a direct link to your work of art and I will pop over to have a look. Please include a link to my challenge site on your blog. Thanks and enjoy the challenge.

Here are the DT creations - lovely as usual thanks girls.