Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Give the punters what they want

As you may have noticed I’ve been very lazy with my posts recently and my daily hits are dwindling as a result, apart from a recent deluge of people downloading Wire’s Our Swimmer thanks to a link on the excellent Post Punk Progressive Pop Party. The last time I posted Blue Rondo A La Turk I got a bollocking from the taste police but looking at my stats I get a fair few hits from people Googling them, usually looking for Klacto Vee Sedstein, so I’m going to risk their wrath (like I care) and post Klacto and a later effort sans la turk in the hope that more people will visit and I’ll feel wanted again.

mp3: Blue Rondo A La Turk - Klacto Vee Sedstein (1982)
Ripped from the Chewing The Fat LP
mp3: Blue Rondo - Masked Moods (1984)
Ripped from the 12-inch single

P.S. Mondo, if I had Me and Mr Sanchez I would have posted that too.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Know when to shut up...

I went for my first job interview in 15 years today. That’s one reason I haven’t been blogging much recently; I’ve been researching the job and company. I think it went pretty well apart from my usual habit gabbling, my way of expelling nervous energy. I used to do it on first dates too (just ask Mrs Mick) so at least there were no awkward silences. Today, I got on a roll asking questions about the job and commenting on their replies. When I finally ran out of steam I said “I think that covers everything” and one of the interviewers said something like “I hope so.” I will know how I got on by the middle of next week.

So, anyway, this is meant to be a music blog and this is the first thing song that came to mind with all it’s descriptions of talking (although it doesn’t mention gabbling or jabbering).

mp3: King Crimson - Elephant Talk (1981) From this

For those of you suspicious of prog rock groups fear not, this wouldn’t sound out of place on Remain In Light or My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts

Friday, 9 May 2008

Random post

I’m bored so I’m going to try a little experiment and post some random tunes, a rip-off of the Vinyl District weekend shots. Trouble is I haven’t got an i-pod, so I’m going to use a random number generator I found on the net to pick some off my hard drive and post whatever it chooses even if it’s embarrassing.

Here goes…

The A Heads - Dying Man (1982)
This is a vinyl rip I made ages ago with the intention of including it on the blog one day, so it might as well be today. It’s a punk-ish record from 1982.
The band line-up is:
Mel Vocals
Jock Guitar
Nigel Bass
Andy Drums

Red Box - Lean On Me (Ah-Li-Ayo) (1985)
Great 80s pop.

XTC - In Another Life (2000)
What can I say? XTC are contenders for my all time favourite band. This is a Colin Moulding song from Wasp Star with brilliant lyrics.

The Mojo Men - Sit Down, I Think I Love You (1967)
Don’t know anything about the Mojo Men. Nice sunshine pop.
Actually, I did veto one song. It was Jason Donovan singing Any Dream Will Do and it’s on there because my kids like it.

Marilyn Dreams

I’m finding it impossible to devote much time to blogging at the moment so here’s a hastily assembled post for everyone who has dropped by looking for something new in the last week.

This is the 12-inch version of B-Movie’s follow up to Remembrance Day. I was disappointed with it at the time, but considering Remembrance Day is still one of my all time favourites I guess I would have considered almost anything unsatisfactory.

So, in short, not as good as Remembrance Day or Nowhere Girl but better than 90% of the stuff you’re likely to hear on the radio today.

mp3: B-Movie - Marilyn Dreams (12-inch version)

Thursday, 1 May 2008


I outed myself as a Bee Gees fan a few weeks back so you shouldn’t be too surprised at my choice of song for the 1st of May.

mp3: Bee Gees - First Of May

I also wrote a piece about the charming little film called S.W.A.L.K. (aka Melody) that featured this song and thought about posting the other songs but I decided against it. My indecision isn’t final so it may appear one day.

The picture above is of the Mayday celebration of 1941 in the small Dorset town I grew up in. That’s my mum standing at the back on the far right. According to my calculations she’s 13 on this picture.