Monday, February 20, 2023

Spring Soccer 2023

Spring Soccer season began this past weekend! Yay! Ragnar is reffing again and so is Cavin. It was a cold start to the season! We were chilly, so didn't think as much about sunscreen and Ragnar and Channing were pretty sunburned. 

Deacon is playing quite a few age groups up on the U11 team. He still has the same coach, Coach Wes as half the team moved up with him. He is playing on the green goats! Channing moved down to her age group and plays U11-U12 and went back to a smaller field which I think will help her skills and confidence. We had her playing up the last couple seasons because all her friends wanted Ragnar to coach, but it wasn't best for Channing. This year her friends dad is coaching and she is playing with Coach Joseph on the red dynamites! 

I look forward to watching them progress this season!

Level Up Games

On February 4, 2023 I participated in my gyms level up games competition. I decided to try and train for something different this year and I thought this would be a good challenge. We had 3 different workouts or "challenges" we had to do and the fastest person to complete them all won. There was an advanced level of women and a modified level. I participated in the advanced group. This was the one with the heaviest weights. I was placed in the first heat and the pressure was on! I was hoping to be in a later heat so I could get tips from other athletes that went. Sadly the trainers all wanted me to go first to be the "example." 

I was nervous but started strong. I finished almost a minute faster than the next person on the first challenge. The first challenge was 20 hex press, 30 goblet squats, 40 dumbbell swings, 30 ground to overhead, 20 half burpee to hurdle hop over, and 100 rope slams. 
The second challenge was 1 lap slider push, 15 power rolls on ledge, 25 pushups, 50 jump squats, 100 mountain climbers, 25 pushups, 15 power rolls on ledge, and 1 lap slider push. I also finished in first the second round. 
The last round was a surprise and we didn't know what it was. It ended up being a lot of medball exercises with 3 laps of running in between. The running is what saved me and helped me win overall. 
I had a great cheering squad. It was a long day to wait between heats. There were 9 heats so it took about an hour and a half between each challenge. 
Overall I won and was happy with my performance. I love new challenges and was glad I was able to participate. 
It has been a fun gym go to and I have enjoyed going there this year. 
As for my foot...well I pushed too hard and couldn't walk for a couple days after per usual as the last year and a half. Pretty frustrating, but I keep pushing along until my foot is healed.  

Rest In Peace Grandpa

On January 13, 2023 my grandpa, Irvin Haws passed away. His health has been declining for several months, so as sad as it was to see him go, he lived a good 93 years of life and was ready to go. Due to my parents temple presidency schedule, they pushed the funeral back to January 27th. My family wasn't able to join me due to work and school commitments, but I was able to go to be there for his funeral. 

The viewing was Thursday night. Although it was not the occasion you want to bring family together, it was so wonderful to be with so much of my extended family.

It has been a long couple years with my family. There has been a lot of heartache. However, I was grateful to be able to be together to support my mom and be there for my grandpa.

Our family friends the Thorns came all the way down to see us which was super kind. 
It was a sweet funeral in which all of the grandkids and great grandkids who were there sang together per his request.
The gravesite was so cold. All of my grandparents have died in the winter, so it has been chilly! Thankfully the sun was shining.
I had no shame in wearing a blanket and changing to tennis shoes while there at the gravesite, this Texas girl isn't used to the cold weather. It was 16 degrees that day. 
My grandfather was a veteran and therefore had military honors. It was special to have his two grandsons present the family flag. 

We had a lunch afterward with the family which was nice to catch up with everyone.
This was the first time in many, many years that all my cousins were together. It was nice to see them all. 
Even though my grandpa never lived close, I was always grateful to converse in letters. He was not a phone talker and as much as I tried, I never got him on the phone for a full 5 minutes. 
My Grandma Wall still lives in Vernal, UT and so I also got to be there with her. She is 97 and still going strong. 
We got to be in her home and enjoy catching up and laughing together. 
She still tries to work out on her bike. 
Due to flight miles I used, it was much less expensive to fly home on Tuesday, so after my time in Vernal I headed to Salt Lake. There I met my sister in laws Sandra and Daphne. We shopped and went to lunch together. Then we picked up the dogs and headed to Logan. I went to see Daphne's new place and visit Logan. It was so cold and there was SOOOOO much snow! 
Daphne wanted to take the dogs for a walk, so we went to campus and braved our way through the snow. It really is pretty, I just don't miss being around it all the time. 
Ragnar didn't think I'd get in the snow, so I had to prove him wrong and make a snow angel! 
I miss this campus. There were a lot of good memories here. It was great to see Daphne and catch up.
The next day I went to Syracuse to spend the evening with my cousin Stephanie. 
We chatted and went to burn bootcamp together with my other cousin Jenny. It was fun to be together. 
Finally, my last day I went to Cedar Hills to see my friend Ashley. We shopped and visited Temple Square. The temple is coming along.
She is a great friend and it was fun to see her. I had a nice trip of memories of grandpa and seeing family. I'm so glad I got to be there and was so ready to be home when I left :)

My grandpa left a great posterity and did his best to serve others and his community. He had a testimony that was firm and a great gift to me. He was always winking and whistling. His thing was $2 bills and disposable cameras. I loved his letters and his artwork. I know he is happier now that his body is free from pain and I look forward to the day when we will be reunited again. Say hi to grandma for me grandpa. I love you.