Sunday, December 31, 2023

Christmas in Germany!!

It has been 10 years since we have been back in Germany for Christmas. This year Ragnar's parents really wanted to have everyone together since its been 23 years since all of his siblings have been together for the holiday! So, we booked our flights and headed to Germany on December 18th! We actually flew into Amsterdam since it is so much cheaper to fly into there. We had a smooth trip to the airport and on the flight.

The kids were packed and ready! The flight was long and boring, but smooth. When we got there we picked up an earlier train to Düsseldorf and got 2 hours closer before they canceled all the other trains. So, we were stuck about an hour from Düsseldorf. Thankfully Ursula and Hellmut drove to come get us and took our luggage and half of us home. Ragnar, Hellmut, and Ella had to take a few buses and a train to get there. They didn't have their passports, so thankfully when they randomly checked the bus, they were skipped over as all their belongings were with us!! 

The kids fell right asleep when they got in the car. 

The first day we went to the Dusseldorf German market and shopping!! We found some things and went to Fritten Piet where Ragnar loves to get fries and sausage!
That evening headed to our first Bundesliga game! FC Koln was playing away the whole time we were in town, so we had to settle to watching Leverkusen vs. Bochum. It was a blast. Leverkusen won 4-0. 

I feel like you needed training before the game to know what songs to sing, what chants to chant, and what hand motions everyone did in sync! It was an awesome atmosphere! The fans showed up early and NO one left early and almost everyone was engaged in the game and not on their phones. So different than the sporting events we have been to in the United States. 
Ragnar was glad to finally be able to show us a little of his soccer culture. 
The next day we took a trip over to see the 3 countries! There is a spot where Belgium, Holland, and Germany all come together and meet and if you position yourself, you can be in all three countries at once! 
We did merry go round through the countries! 
Each kid did their own thing to be in the three countries at once!
Cavin, Ragnar, and I did pushups in all the countries :)
It was so cold and rainy, but the kids made the best of it! 
Cavin and Ella started a photography competition at the 3 countries and Cavin took this picture which I think was a great representation of Germany!
The tallest point in the Netherlands!
We went to several cookie and chocolate factories on the way home. Lindt was our favorite!
When we got back, Pamela and Belana had arrived and we ate and played 5 crowns!
Backyard conversations with his dad. 
The next day we went to the Haribo factory and found some treats!
Picking up their favorite assortment!
Cute kids were here a couple years ago!
The weather was rainy and cold the entire trip, so that was a bummer, but the kids made use of it and took some pictures!
Friday was one of my favorite days! We got to go to the Christmas market in Koln! Heinzels WinterMarchen! We had been to one in Düsseldorf, but this one in the evening made it so charming and magical! I loved it!! 
Pamela and Daphne came with us. 
There was an ice skating rink, food, shopping, fun decorations, and just the magic of the season. 
They had these neat wood carvings around and Channing loved this one. 
The weather cooperated for the most part and we only got light sprinkles occasionally. 
I loved this huge pyramid! 
Ragnar was so excited to finally find his Reibekuchen!! 
It was yummy!! The other kids got sausage and fries.
There were several displays of nativities. Ella bought a new ring, Channing a heart bracelet, and Deacon a lamb stuffed animal. 
Then we walked over to the Kolner Dom.
This place is incredible. 
Ella took this cool picture of the Dom. 
We went into the cathedral and they were doing a mass. 
In the shop windows, they had fun displays. 
We had a fabulous evening. 
The next day we played a lot of games and Channing, David, and Juliana played a lot of Uzzle. 
Ragnar's sisters, Pamela and Naomi are so crafty/creative and made these! Pamela made all the girls ear warmers and Naomi made everyone a snowman with the hat of their favorite color. 
They are adorable!! They were our place setting for Christmas. 
Christmas Eve for Germany, Ursula had all her neighbors over to sing carols and have tea and cookies. These were all the neighborhood kids together again! It was fun for Ragnar to catch up with them!
Christmas in Germany is on the 24th so it was a Sunday. We woke up and all went to church together. Ella and Channing prepared a song "What Child Is This" to sing for the ward and they did wonderful! I love that they share their voices/talents! Naomi and Sandra also played Away in a Manger on the violin and flute. 
After church we took family pictures! It was great to have everyone all together!! Even Jared who is on a mission in card board form ;)
The original Hartzheim crew!
Grandkids and Grandparents
My handsome man and his sisters!
All the ladies!!
After church we played games and ate dinner. 
Daphne prepared all 22 of the treat plates for everyone. 
We had sausage and sauerkraut. 
There were a lot of us around the table, but we enjoyed the company!
After dinner games!
We sang songs and exchanged a gift where everyone shared something they admired/liked about the person whose name towel they got. 
We gave his parents a photo book of our favorite memories of them. 
The next day we went to see lights at the Benrather Schloss castle. 
Channing called it her "home" since it was pink and had 100 rooms ;)
It was a fun evening. 
Mia, Channing, David, and Juliana were having fun dancing and singing. 
The next morning we took pictures in our "reunion" shirts. 
Then we were lucky that Aarons mission call came the night before and we got to see him announce he is going to the Berlin, Germany mission on March 18th. 
After mission call opening it was very fitting that we went to the 12 apostles restaurant for lunch! 
Deacons pizza was huge! He was pretty excited when he saw it!
Ragnar got his Wiener schnitzel!
After lunch the Fingerles and Martes families drove home. 
The next couple days we went to Aldi to take back 142 bottles from Christmas weekend. Channing loves to recycle the bottles! 
We went to the lake for a walk around with Daphne also.
Wednesday we drove back to Amsterdam to catch our flight. Thankfully the flight was on time and smooth. Just so long!! Instead of 10 hours and 20 minutes though the pilot was able to cut off almost an hour! So that was a win for sure!
We made some fun memories and were so grateful to be there. I am grateful that we both have supporting and loving families and that we have people to share this life with! It was a wonderful Christmas season!