Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Family Pictures 2022!

If you know me, you know I just love family pictures! I love my family and love to get pictures done each year to see the growth. Here are some of my favorites that my friend Kelsey took. She took over 200 so it was hard to go through them all ;)

I love the pictures and the memories they hold. I cherish them each and every year. 

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week gave us much to be grateful for! We got to spend some time together as a family and with my sisters and parents who had the week off from the temple. 

We started the week going downtown to the Giving Machine event. The church placed these giving vending machines in cities around the country and Houston was lucky enough to get one, so the family went down to participate (Cavin was home sick from the weather at the soccer game). It was fun to pick out things that other families might need. Ragnar was also able to go with a friend to help a homeless man buy groceries. If we all help each other a little bit, the world will be so much better for it. 
Tuesday we got to go to do baptisms at the temple. We got all the grandkids who were old enough in town together to join. Chris was not able to join us anywhere else, but I was at least glad we got to see him at the temple so the kids got to see at least two of his children. 
Even amongst the turmoil in the family, the cousins adore each other and love to be together whenever they can. 

Wednesday night the girls got together to shop and eat dinner together. It was nice just being with my mom and sisters. 

Thanksgiving day we spent at my parents house. My sisters both were able to join and it was a nice, quiet day together. Food, football, and family is a perfect day.
I love when cousins get to be together. I think it's so important and I am grateful my sister has the same feeling and the kids can hang out as much as possible. 
I sure love my sisters. 
Saturday was a great end to the week. We got to carry out my favorite tradition with my mom, Natalie and the girls. We went to the Nutcracker downtown. The past few years we have tried to do little local performances and they have left much to be desired. So, this time my mom wanted to go downtown and make it extra special again. 
We had amazing seats just a few rows back. It was a whole different experience to see the facial expressions on the dancers and everything going on up close. 
We went to dinner after at Texas Roadhouse and had a wonderful day/evening. I love this tradition with my mom and I know it means a lot to my girls as well. It was a great way to close out Thanksgiving week and begin the Christmas season. 

FC Koln Weekend!

When Ragnar found out his favorite soccer team from Germany was coming to the United States close by in Austin, Texas he really wanted to go. So, November 19th we headed to Austin for a late birthday celebration weekend for him. The weather was terrible. It was so rainy and cold, but we were not deterred. We headed to Q2 stadium in Austin and watched some soccer!!

We walked from the car to the stadium and it was so wet and cold. 
It was a brand new stadium and thankfully we were covered from the rain. 
They did the United States and Germany national anthems which was fun. 
I had so many layers on and the kids were making fun of me....well not too long in, they wished they had listened and added more themselves!
Even Ella was cold which is very unusual. 
Unfortunately FC Koln lost to Stuttgart, but we had fun watching them and we had great seats. We made a night of it and stayed in a hotel and went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. 
The next morning it was a little warmer and clear. We went to tour the Texas state capital and then went to church at a building close by.
We headed back from Austin to stop by my parents on the way home as my sister Marisa had just driven in for Thanksgiving from Arkansas. It was a nice family weekend. I am glad we all enjoy soccer and it's something we can do together.