Monday, June 20, 2022

Shakespeare Camp!

Ella and Cavin participated in the "All the World's A Stage" Shakespeare camp hosted by 4 women who we adore. JeriWyn, Eva, Sharlene, and America all worked together to provide a wonderful opportunity for the kids. They practiced acting, auditioning for plays, fight scenes, did readers theatre, made delicious meals for their lunches, practiced for their scene performance and so much more. They had a great time and were excited to go each morning. Ella did it last year and was excited to do it again. I however, never anticipated Cavin wanted to participate. He did a great job though and has really come out of his shell the past year.

Cavin played Leonine in the scene from the play "Pericles" He was asked to kill Marina and couldn't bring himself to do it. 
He looks handsome and held himself well. 
Ella was Beatrice in scene from the play " Much Ado About Nothing"
A lot of her part was many facial expressions to make the scene funny. We have seen those facial expressions many times! haha
I am glad they enjoy being together and doing things together. They are great at encouraging each other. 
My parents and sister came and supported their efforts. 
Our actor Cavin
and actress Ella
We had a great time watching them and seeing them memorize their lines and put on a show! These two are so fun to see develop into their own. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Church Camps!

Ella was able to enjoy girls camp at Tipis on the Guadelupe in New Braunfels, Texas the first week school was out. There were 48 young women and 12 leaders who joined in on the fun! They stayed in tipis that were air conditioned, so it wasn't too hot for them. Their camp theme was "Girl on Fire"

These were the youth camp leaders who went. Ella was one of them.
These were some of the girls in her tipi.
They got to swim in the river, kayak, and play volleyball. 
They also went on a hike and got drenched with rain on the way back, which was welcomed she said as they were so hot. 
They did a service project at the site and painted their fence.
She even practiced and performed a couple dances for one of the evenings. 

They had a great group of young women. They had testimony meeting and devotionals and overall Ella said it was a great camp and was so glad she went. 

The next week Cavin and Ella got to go to Stake Youth Conference for three days. Their camp theme was "Trust In The Lord." They had team building activities, dinners, and a dance. 
They went to a service project and cleaned out a community center. 
It was so hot both days, but the kids said they had a great time. 
They really enjoy just being together and the youth in our stake are wonderful!
The last day they got to go to an adventure park and zipline, rock climb, do ropes courses, and axe throwing. They had a blast. 
I'm so grateful for the leaders who put so much time into our youth. They love doing church events and I am so grateful they can be in a place where the spirit resides and they can enjoy youth who uplift them and help them choose the right. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Can't Forget Deacon!

Last, but certainly not least, is our Deacon. He was busy being the little brother all week cheering on his siblings. He got his award in his class as the "Math Wiz" He loves math and does a very good job at math and reading. His teacher always commented that he was always the first one to finish his work and she had to find more for him! ;) haha. She mentioned she has never seen a more competitive child, and he sure is. He likes to prove he can do anything! Every recess he would play soccer with his friends and really enjoyed school.  He was the "secret student" the most in his class, 11 times this year. The secret student is the most well behaved. He loved when he was chosen.

He is so excited for next year because he will get real grades finally like his siblings. He is a great kid! Way to finish 2nd grade Deacon! 

Graduating Elementary School!

Channing completely rocked the last week of school! She had so many opportunities to show her skills and use her talents! 

The weekend before she had her Literacy Girls End of the Year Family night where she was cast as the main character Felicity in the play. She memorized her lines and did a great job. 

It is a book series where they've been learning about early American history.
She had several girls she got to be in the group with this year. Heidi, Peyton, Zoee, Katelyn, Ellie, and Genevieve. 
They performed and taught us how to use quill and ink pens, how to make butter, and play colonial games. 
They did a great job. The two women who put the group together, Maryann L. and Eva A. put a lot of time and effort into the group and I'm grateful for them for helping the girls learn and making it fun!

A couple days later she performed in the school's 5th grade Shrek play! She has been practicing for months! She was cast as a storyteller so she had to memorize the whole play and be an understudy for anyone who couldn't do their lines. She also sang in every song. She really loved being a part of it all! I was so bummed when the main character, Fiona, she tried out for was given to a teachers niece, because she would have been perfect, but she did her best and is so sweet to not have any malice and only cheer on everyone in the play! I love her for her desire to see all her friends succeed. 

She opened the play and was so excited to show the play to everyone. 
I am grateful for the support from my parents and sister this week as we had a lot of activities!
A couple days later she performed in her schools talent show. On her birthday we came up with the idea to switch the lyrics to "My Favorite Things" to lyrics for Eagle Springs Elementary. So, Ella, she, and I came up with the lyrics and she did a great job performing it. She has such a sweet voice and has great pitch. 
She totally won the talent show!! She was awarded "Best In Show." I am so proud of her!! 
She is brave and confident.
Her two sweet friends Sophia and Meg always cheer each other on! 
After the show, she went to get her haircut and donated her hair again!! She is the sweetest! She always says that people always say they love her hair color, so that she should share it with others! 
Finally, the last day of school were her awards ceremony. 
She received several awards. All A Honor Roll, S.O.A.R award for great behavior, An award for her part as a Story Teller, A choir award, A Math Olympiad award, and Top 40% Math Olympiad in the country! 
She works really hard and I am proud of her. 
Since she did so well at the talent show, the school asked her to sing her song again at the awards ceremony since it had to do with the school! She did so well!! She wasn't nervous at all!! She sang so well and was so confident. It was great!
She is the most sentimental kid and she loved her last year as an elementary student. She didn't want to leave!!
Her two teachers were Ms. Thompson and Ms. Reynolds. They were great to her!
Here is her first day of 5th grade picture and last day. She just makes me happy!
Good luck in middle school Channing!