Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Last Week of 2022!

The last week of the year we tried to pack in some fun. Cavin spent 4 days at camp Cho-yeh for our church's Stake young mens camp. We thought he would have soccer practice all week so that he wouldn't be able to make some of it, but it ended up being cancelled and he was able to attend! He said he had an awesome time and kept raving about how much fun he had. I'm so glad he was able to have a fun experience with the young men.

He said his cabin was awesome and he loved the challenges. He came home with one of few challenge tokens awarded. 
There is very little communication from their leaders, I mean they are men, but the boys all survived and had a blast!

Ragnar meanwhile was having a blast in Nashville, TN! His friend Dan bought him first class tickets to Nashville and tickets to the cowboys game. 

He was so excited it was a Thursday game and they could go. 
The Cowboys were kind and won the game for him!
He had a great time with Dan who also loves the Cowboys. 
He drove in nice cars, went to play disc golf, enjoyed downtown music in Nashville, went to dinner, and even was able to go to the Nashville temple. 
A dream come true and a fun few days for him! I'm so glad he got to go!

New Years Eve was a busy day. We started the morning by going to my nephew Crew's baptism. We were so glad we were invited to support him. It was not easy as there is a lot of heartache in that relationship, but I am glad the kids got to see their cousins since they only saw them twice last year. I hope he knows we love him and someday our family can heal.

I pray every day for these 5 kids. 

We went to lunch with my parents and then went to get Ragnar from the airport as he was on his way back from Nashville to spend New Years eve with us. 

We spent the night with several families celebrating the new year. The Larsen's hosted a party and it was hopping! There was karaoke, balloon animals, an ice cream machine, games, a balloon drop, and a lot of fireworks. 
The kids had many of their friends to ring in the new year with!
We played a game with the ladies called "Trash" and after 2 hours of no one winning we went and enjoyed the fireworks. 
I'm glad we have fun friends :)
Miraculously we made it past midnight and I got my New Years kiss!
Our family had many wonderful memories and growth in 2022 and we look forward to what 2023 will bring! Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A New Fitness Journey!

The past two years I have been involved in Crossfit. I have loved it. I have felt stronger and have pushed myself a lot. This year I kept having so many injuries and my body kept breaking down, so I decided to take a break from Crossfit and try Burn Bootcamp for the year instead. I did it for a couple months when they had a promotion, then I signed up in August and have really enjoyed going. My body is still getting stronger, but I am not feeling as broken. I get sore, but I'm not in pain. It has been a nice change. 

Since my foot injury in July of 2021, I still have problems with my foot, but here I am able to modify if needed and make it work. 
I reached 100 camps this week, and I pray it can be a nice motivation for me this upcoming year. I'm hoping I can add healthier eating back into my routine and get motivated on that front as well. 

Christmas Week Fun

This week we have been able to do some fun things together. Monday night we went to the Rockets game as a family. Ragnar's old co worker got us tickets to a lounge where we had unlimited food access and it was heaven for the kids ;)

We had comfortable seats and it was fun to watch together. It's been a while since we have been back.
Sadly the team is in a growth stage right now, so they aren't very good, but we still had fun!
Channing wanted to take lots of selfies ;) I'm scared for when she gets her own phone!
We still love the Rockets. That was a fun phase of life for our family. We made a lot of memories in the Toyota Center.

Next we went to my parents to hang out with Natalie. We made gingerbread houses, candy cane cookies, and sugar cookies. We all felt sick when we left!

We made a mess, but we had fun getting creative!
Natalie just loves Christmas season, we love seeing her joy. 
The candy cane cookies were an art we didn't perfect, but they got better each pan ;) They tasted great even if they didn't look amazing. 
I just LOVE sugar cookies. They are delicious!

We also had a party with our friends where we had a Christmas light scavenger hunt. We had a good time and I am glad we made it happen. Cavin had asked several times and I was tired, but I'm glad we decided to do it.
We drew names and each went in different cars. The Brown, Larsen, Hatch, and Armendariz families each joined us. 
Christmas Eve we spent at my parents home and had a nice day of food and football. Christmas morning fell on a Sunday this year. It was neat to be able to celebrate the Savior with a church meeting. It doesn't happen often. We have church at 11, so we were able to do Christmas present opening and breakfast before. 
I love the calm before the storm of presents. 
Ella found the pickle this year, so she got to unwrap the first present. 
Deacon got a remote control car, Cowboys football and gear, several books he wanted, new soccer cleats, an electronic toothbrush which he had been wanting ;) and other random items. 
Channing got baking lessons, baking items, a new amazon fire case, jewelry and hair items, books, a robe, and other fun things. 
Cavin got the game RISK, a water bottle, kicking tee, ball bag, AirPods, a Germany jersey, a book series, and an electric cello.
Ella got tickets to the musical WICKED, converse shoes, jewelry, a Germany jersey, makeup, art supplies and random fun girl things. 
We gave Ragnar cards that had jokes on it and a joke t-shirt...I am sure it will be the gift that keeps giving! 
We tried to do all matching pjs this year, but 4 of us are in adult sizes, so it was a little harder, so we settled for coordinated ones. 
Ella trying out her new high top converse. 
We got all dressed and ready for church. 
Everyone in our family had a part in the Christmas program. Cavin played the cello and sang in the youth choir, Ella sang a small ensemble and lead the choir, Channing, Deacon, Ragnar, and I all sang in numbers. It was a beautiful meeting. 
After church my parents and Natalie came for a big Turkey dinner. 
We enjoyed the day and have much to be grateful for. I love the Christmas season and the birth of our greatest gift, the Savior. I am grateful for the memories made.