Monday, April 27, 2020

Channing's 9th Birthday!!

This week we celebrated Channing turning NINE! She was pretty excited about her upcoming day and had a count down for a couple weeks. I was a little hesitant of how it would go since we are in quarantine, but surprisingly it was a nice day!
She woke up to a heart attack at her door.
Then the company I work for, Sign Gypsies, let me put up a sign for Channing in our yard and she was so excited. It made me smile how happy it made her! 
We had our regular birthday donuts to start off the day!
We took the day off of school since it was her special day and we could!
We played games and then she wanted to make her own bunny cake.  
It was a perfectly "Channing" cake. 
Here is her cute bunny.
She had a drive by birthday parade from her friends and she was happy so many dropped by to say hi to her and wave. Her grandparents and Aunt Natalie and cousin John came over to celebrate with her and have dinner from Chick fil A. 
Then we opened presents and had cake. She got several American Girl doll accessories, art stuff, jewelry, scrunchies, LOL dolls, and many other things. She was pretty excited. 
We set up all her things in her new closet and we watched The Parent Trap.
That evening we had a birthday sleepover and it included games, a pillow fight, a dance party, and fun conversations. She is fun and I enjoy being with her. 
Channing is a very cuddly, loving girl. She is so sweet and always drawing people pictures and writing them notes. She loves to draw and craft. She is always singing or humming. She has a beautiful voice and loves music. She is learning the piano as well. She enjoys reading and is always so helpful. She is always wanting to help me do anything or brush my hair because she knows I love it. I am proud of how confident she has gotten and am excited to see who she becomes. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter and Cavin's Birthday!

Easter weekend was a simple but nice one. Cavin’s birthday happened to fall on Easter this year and so we got to celebrate his life and the life of our Savior! 
We started the weekend with the tradition of dying Easter eggs!
We also celebrated Cavins birthday early on Saturday afternoon/evening with dinner at Culvers (drive thru of course) and then a water balloon fight!
Easter morning we started with an egg hunt and searching for baskets.
That morning we had a birthday donut and Cavins favorite meal of omelettes.
He then wanted to decorate his own cake, so we made it into the shape of an egg and away he went decorating.
He really loves to bake and cook with me!
Here is his cute little peep egg.
We had sacrament meeting and then a zoom church since we are unable to meet together with people and then we ate a nice ham dinner. Afterward we FaceTimed with Ragnar's family and mine and then opened presents.
He got a chrome book from my parents a couple weeks ago as an early present since we are doing online schooling now. He also got mechanical pencils, socks, a water bottle, a couple switch games, a switch remote, a nice watch, and a computer mouse. His list was very random and he was pretty excited about the pencils 😂
We had cake and ice cream and played games together. Then he got a surprise visit from his grandparents and aunt Natalie and cousin John who is serving his mission with my parents right now. Due to quarantine we just talked on the back porch, but it was nice to see them and it made his day! Cavin is 12! I am so grateful they changed the church policy last year and so he received the priesthood in January. If it would be right now, then Ragnars parents wouldn’t have been able to attend.
Cavin is still very competitive. He really likes to play games and has a math brain. He is still really quiet but is a hard worker. He tries hard to excel at school and anything he can succeed in. He has improved a lot in the cello in the past 6 months of starting and he really is great about practicing. He is a great big brother and is always playing with Deacon and Deacon looks up to him. He still plays soccer and does well. He is now 5’3 and everyday puts his hand by my head to see if he’s taller than me! I still have 3 inches on him 😉
He has had a harder year trying to figure out who he is and who he wants to be, but I am praying he will see his worth and know his great potential! Happy Birthday Cavin, we love you!

Bluebonnets 2020

This corona quarantine has changed our lives in ways we never expected. Each day I try and write a blessing or something positive that has come out of it. Today it was that the bluebonnets that haven't grown in this field close to our house have grown back this year and we got to take advantage and take pictures. I love my kids and am so grateful they are healthy and being great sports about this challenging situation. I also do love Texas and our state flower!!
Love these cute kids and they are getting so big! 
Beautiful girls. 
All my handsome boys! 
The kids insisted Ragnar and I had to get our pictures taken if they had to :) We obliged.  
This is a time we will never forget, but I am so grateful I have a healthy family by my side through it all.