Tuesday, December 29, 2020


I love Christmas week each year. I love how the spirit seems to fill everyone's heart. The kids did awesome finishing up the semester. They each had amazing grades and had worked hard through the uncertainty of the year. Ella and Cavin both had their orchestra concerts. Ella was allowed to have hers in person, and Cavin had his virtually. It was fun to hear them both. 

Cavin was recognized for making Region orchestra. Normally he would get to play with a special group and have a separate concert, but this year it is basically a recognition that he made it into the orchestra. He also was nominated for National Junior Honor Society and was named TMS Stem Student of the month! I am proud of him for working so hard!
The night before Winter break began we went to the Rockets preseason game. It was a night for family and their friends to try out procedures. It was fun to be there. 
It was very different with so few people there, but the kids were excited that their cousins were able to come as well. 
We got on the big screen several times since there weren't many people to choose from ;)
The official break started by going to a special girls night at my moms to celebrate our Nutcracker tradition. Since they aren't doing live ballet performances, we made due with my mom ordering a nice meal from Arcadia's, playing games, eating desserts, and watching a performance on the big screen upstairs.
The Texas girl cousins! I wish the rest could join, but I love that we still have this tradition. 
We had a fun night and I'm so glad my mom put it together. The girls stayed at grandmas and had a sleepover! 
We enjoyed making smores as a family together!
We also did our annual Gingerbread houses, but this year we did a village and each child had their own house and Ragnar and I decorated one together.
We went to the Gulla Family's Christmas light display by my parents to look at the fun lights. 
I love looking at Christmas lights!
It is always great to be with my parents. 
On Christmas Eve we had a nice zoom call with Ragnar's family. Several people played a musical instruments and his dad read the Christmas story. It was nice to be all together, even if it was virtually.
Afterward my parents, Natalie, and Chris' family came over to have dinner, play games, and do a musical concert. Cavin put together a sweet concert of all Christmas songs. He, Ella, and Ragnar played their cello, Deacon sang Jingle Bells, and Caden, Charlotte, and Channing played pieces on the piano. Then we did a puppet show of the Christmas story while my dad read it. It was a nice night together. 
It was nice to have the cousins together since I didn't know we wouldn't be seeing them for Christmas day.
Christmas morning is always fun with children. 
Cavin found the pickle but since Channing hadn't had it, he was sweet and gave it to her so she could open the first present.
Ella was excited she got the Keeper of the Lost Cities sweatshirt and hasn't taken it off since Christmas ;) haha. She also got lots of books series, jewelry, a bigfoot squishmallow, paint pens, and more books and clothes!
Cavin got binoculars (which he hasn't stopped looking through) a baseball glove, a kickball, a chess game, a switch game and controller, shoes, books, beyblades and other little gadgets. 
Channing got lego friends, jewelry, beanie boos, soccer equipment, a backpack, books and chapstick!
Deacon got spikeball, soccer goals, a frisbee, balls, cars, sweatshirts, and other fun things! We got some new family games which we love, but I really have no room for in my game closet!
I hope the kids were happy and felt the joy of Christmas. 
We had a wonderful morning! I am lucky to have this sweet family! It has been an interesting year, but our family has grown even closer with all this extra time together and I love it!
We finished the day at my parents. It didn't turn out how we expected, but we did get to see my nephew John Speers who is serving a mission on a family zoom call. We also got to give my parents our gift of ourselves. Our testimony through written word and song. We each wrote them our testimonies and then Channing, Ella and I each had recorded a song and put it on a cd for them. Channing sang "My Own Sacred Grove", Ella "If We Love Him" and I sang "This Is The Christ". Both of our mothers love music, so we hoped it was a good memory for them to always have. We sure love them both!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving break

This week the kids had the whole week off for Thanksgiving and Ragnar only had to work one day, so it was a nice week all together. The weather started off wonderful. We were able to play a softball game with some families, as well as a soccer game a different day. It was nice to be with other families who enjoy being active as well. We also did FHE by the fire Monday night with smores. It was great to be as a family and just talk.

This week Cavin wanted to document that he officially has reached my height. He thinks he is taller than me, I think he just has fluffy hair ;)
Channing is sweet and always wants to match for church. 
Thanksgiving day we went over to my brother Chris' house for our meal. It was nice to be able to have dinner and spend the day with my brother and his family. 
After dinner we went over to the courts to play Pickleball. Cavin is starting to really like playing. 
Deacon and Crew had their own game going!
Chris and Caden came back and won over Ragnar and Cavin. It was beautiful weather and a nice evening. 
My kids love being with their cousins. I wish we could make it happen more often! We spent the rest of the break shopping, watching movies, stuffing Christmas cards, setting up lights outside, playing games, and just enjoying being together! We have so many things to be grateful for. I love the focus on giving thanks before we head into the Christmas season.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The gift of a healthy body!

This past week the boys and I have finished a portion of our training for various sporting activities. I have been grateful as I reflect on the gift of a healthy, functioning body. It truly can do amazing things! I love watching my boys work hard and try and develop their own.

I have been doing Crossfit for a year and a half now and have come a long way. Sometimes I get frustrated that their are skills that I still can't figure out, but looking back, I have mastered some pretty amazing ones I never thought I could. Yesterday I participated in my second Clovis hero WOD. It is a 10 mile run and 150 burpee pullups. I ended up taking a wrong turn and the course was a little long, so I ended up running 11 miles first, but I felt great. My body is in good shape and I am progressing. I was excited to see Ragnar at mile 8 come to take a picture and say hello. It was the best to look up and see his face. He is a great, supportive husband. I really love fitness and pushing my body and it is a gift to have one I can work with. 
This group of people help push me along each week. 
Cavin also finished his first season of middle school football. I was surprised when he told me he wanted to play cause he is not an aggressive child, but he gave it a go. He was on the A team the first 3 games and then they moved him to the B team to add some body size to the team and help. He was glad because that meant he got to play the whole game. He has a long way to go on being more aggressive, but he made a lot of progress. He is just a gentle giant and I love that about him. 
I was grateful to have my parents come support him in both of his sporting events. 
Cavin also finished his soccer season this week. Ragnar has been his coach for several seasons and I love that they have that love interest together. He is a much stronger soccer player and I enjoy watching him and his dad on the field together. 
Deacon finished his season as a yellow volcano. Wes Brown has been his coach the past 3 seasons and he loves playing for them. He has won every game all three seasons, so I am not sure what will happen when he loses :) Deacon has a lot of natural talent and just loves the game. He lives and breathes sports and it is fun to see his excitement on the field. 

I am grateful that even though the covid virus has taken a lot, that it didn't completely take away our sport seasons. Sports have been such a blessing for the kids and I and it is something our family really enjoys to do together. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Daphne Visits!

This weekend Daphne came to Houston to visit. She is unable to come for Thanksgiving or Christmas, so we celebrated them both a little early. We went to the boys soccer games in the morning and watched them play. 

Then we played games and set up the Christmas decorations and listened to Christmas music. I love to set up Christmas and the spirit that it brings. 

Ella is getting good at helping setting up the tree.
After we ate turkey dinner and enjoyed a great meal! Thankfully Daphne brought a turkey and did the hard work!
It was delicious. 
Daphne always does fun things with the kids, so this time she did a nonverbal IQ test for all the kids. It was fun to see where they were at. They are all super smart..which I already knew :)

We watched a Christmas movie, played more games, and then she was kind enough to come with me and Ragnar to work and do signs. It was much more fun to do together. We had a nice weekend and are always glad when she can come. It was a fun early holiday weekend.