Monday, September 30, 2019

Archery Date with Dad!

The past few years for my dad's birthday, I have been trying to give him a gift of an experience together. This year I gave him an archery package for two. I thought it would be fun for both of us to try it. It always takes a couple months to get to redeem the gift as he travels a lot and we usually wait for the kids to go back to school. Friday we were able to go and have a morning together.
We were lucky that when we got there right after it opened there was no one there, so we got to do our own thing for an hour.   
We didn't really know what we were doing at first, but we definitely got better and better and hit the target paper the majority of the time.  
I hit my forearm a few times when I would hold my arm too close to the bow, but I learned after a few bruises ;) 
We got pretty good at this distance.  
I had a couple bulls eyes and my dad did as well.  
It was a fun morning and I'm glad that my dad still has the desire to try new things and get out and use our bodies. I have fun hanging out with him. Afterward, we went to World Burgers and got lunch. It was a nice morning. Happy late birthday dad!

All about Rags!!

September was a big month for Ragnar. On September 12, 2019 he was called by President Hales in our stake presidency to meet that evening. He came over to our house that evening and extended a calling to Ragnar as the 1st counselor in the newly forming bishopric. We both weren't sure what to think. Ragnar is an awesome guy and very capable. I knew that this would come, but I thought we were still a waze out. Nevertheless, he got on the phone the next morning and called his dad to see if he could quickly fly in to ordain him a high priest so he could be sustained in the calling. Hellmut was willing and able to come, and so he booked a flight. On Sunday, having not been told who the bishop would be, we found out he would be serving with Bishop Larsen and Craig Stephens which he knew in college and was neighbors with at USU.
They were sustained as a bishopric on Sunday and since none of them were high priests, they each had their fathers fly in to ordain them. Bishop Larsen was able to get his there Sunday, and Ragnar did his ordination on Tuesday night in our home. With Hellmut's visa, he had to wait 72 hours to get here, but we were so grateful he was able to make it. He was serving helping with the Frankfurt temple and we knew it was a busy week.
Father and Son! 
Hellmut was ordained by President Thomas S. Monson, so it was important for them both to have the same line of authority.
These great men were here to support him. My dad, Shane Larsen, Hellmut, Wyatt DiVall, Brenton Scott, and Bruce Tate. Hellmut ordained him as a high priest in German, and Brenton Scott set him apart as a counselor in the bishopric.
He is excited to do something new and work with the youth. He's a little unsure about what to do at this point and it will take some growing pains, but he will do a great job and I am excited for him. I, however, am not excited to have to be released as the Young Women President. I have been having a hard time with this new phase of life with all the kids gone, and now not to have a calling to focus on, I am a little unsure where that will leave me. I will do my best to support Rags though and I know he will do his best.
We went to Ihop the morning Hellmut was headed out to leave for a quick breakfast. It was yummy, but not even a few minutes after this picture, Ragnar left to take him to the airport and the rains came down with a vengeance. Tropical storm Imelda had hit and we got an enormous amount of rain in just a few hours.  
On his way back from the airport, Ragnar realized he wouldn't get to work, so he headed home and the streets began to flood. He wasn't able to get home, so he parked his car at Kroger, about 5 minutes from our house. Luckily, his friend in a truck was driving by and was able to get him a good portion of the way home before even he couldn't get home.  
The water on the street rose so fast and the kids and I started hauling furniture up the stairs as fast as we could.  
Ragnar ended up soaked running the last mile of the way home. It started to go down by the time he got to us. For about an hour I was really worried our home was going to flood. 
It was a crazy storm and unfortunately homes did flood in other areas and the clean up relief started a couple days later. We were blessed to be ok, but others were not as fortunate. 

A few days after Imelda, was Ragnar's 42nd birthday! 
We both worked out in the morning and he led the workout with his new bootcamp group he goes to at 5 a.m in the morning. Then we had birthday donuts!!
For lunch I went downtown to meet him for lunch. We went to Morton's and enjoyed a good meal! 
That evening we both had to be at church for our callings, so we got a late start on celebrating his birthday. The kids all made him presents and Cavin made him a cute homemade trophy cup. 
He wanted a weighted vest for his working out. Hard to believe that at 40 pounds of vest, that is still 45 pounds less than he weighed last year on his birthday.  
We had his favorite chocolate chocolate chip bundt cake. I am so proud of him this year and all he has accomplished. He has worked hard and I am excited to see what his 42nd year will bring!