Thursday, June 6, 2019

Our Ballerina!

Channing loves to perform. She loves to sing and dance and this year we switched her to Rowland Ballard Academy and she has really enjoyed it. She had her end of the year dance recital on Saturday, June 1. Her ballet class danced to Coppelia's Waltz. She liked her teacher Ashley Clos and enjoyed dancing with her class this year.
Here is her class.  
The recital was at Atascocita High School.  
She is a beautiful dancer.  
My parents and sister were kind enough to come support her and see her perform. I'm glad she uses her talents and tries hard!  

Fifth grade craziness!!

Fifth grade at Eagle Springs Elementary is always packed the last month with so many activities as it is the last year in elementary school. Cavin participated in a lot of events and did awesome. In addition to school he also received his Arrow of Light from CubScouts.
He worked hard and really enjoyed going to scouts.  
He also participated in the Shrek the musical. He was cast as the Captain of the Guard and I was amazed at how well he did. He is pretty shy, but he projected his voice and you could hear him well and I was proud of him for memorizing his lines and trying out.
He is a handsome Captain! 
He also received many awards at the award ceremony.
He received the Perfect Attendance award, the Soar award for good behavior, A/B honor roll, a safety patrol award for being in the club, an award for being in Math Olympiad 2 years, and award for being the Captain of Math Olympiads, and finally for having the top Math score in the school. He is a great kid and he tries hard! 
I loved looking at his pictures through elementary school. He is a cute kid. 
The kids first day of school picture for the year, and last day. The years are flying by!

Preschool Graduation

Deacon officially graduated from preschool on May 23, 2019. I can't believe he will be in Kindergarten in a couple months. He worked with Mrs. Brittany for 9 months and loved the ABC academy. He grew so much over the past year and really got good at his numbers, letters, and handwriting. He loved going to preschool every time and really looked forward to Monday and Wednesday when it was preschool day. They did his party at Jumpalooza and the kids loved it.
Here was his first day of school and his last. 
He loved being with his two friends he talked about Max 
And Laine. 
She did awards related to candy and Deacon received the "Skor" award for his winning attitude and personality. Anyone who knows him knows he is super athletic and competitive. She said he would be told what to do and say "that's easy, I can do that" and then do it. He likes to be challenged and do things. 
He will miss his teacher. 
When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he said a "house mover" cause he wants to help people. So sweet! 
I was really sad the last week of school as I really will miss my buddy. He is such a fun kid to have around and such a good, obedient kid. I will miss having him with me and I am sad about entering a new phase of life without my kiddos at home anymore. He is growing up too fast!