Monday, July 16, 2018

A weekend trip to Baton Rouge!

This summer since our family trip plans changed, we have been trying to utilize the every other Friday Ragnar has off. We went to college station and to the presidential library and the drive through safari, and this weekend we headed to Baton Rouge to see Daphne.
She took the kids to get a flower to plant and then the kids ran through the sprinklers. 
The next morning we went on a Cajun Pride Swamp tour. 
It was hot, but we went early, so it wasn't bad. 
We saw a lot of alligators. 
A cute raccoon family. 
The tour guide would use bait to have the alligators come close. He would throw out marshmallows to have them come closer, and then he would feed them. 
He gave us all a turn to hold the baby alligator. 
The kids were brave, but Deacon and I opted to just look ;)
It was a fun family outing and now we can say we've tried it!
That afternoon the kids were pooped! Miraculously Channing fell asleep in Ragnar's arms. We watched the movie Ferdinand that night and hung out. We always have a nice time with Daphne and she is good at doing things with the kids that we don't make the time for.

A visit from Marisa

My sister Marisa and her family came to Houston for a couple weeks at the end of June beginning of July. We were supposed to head up to Arkansas for our family trip, but she ended up moving the baptism for her son Liam to Houston. We were blessed to be able to participate and be a part of his day regardless. Channing and Ragnar worked really hard with only a couple weeks practice to be able to perform the song "Choose Him Again." They were able to get it ready and Ragnar played the piano and Channing did a great job singing it. 
We are proud of Liam and look forward to the many good decisions he will make. Since he was baptized on June 30th, his birthday, we spent the rest of the day celebrating. We went to the clubhouse and had a pool party and dinner and had a fun night with the families. My brother Chris, Natalie, Marisa, and I were all able to be there, so we were just missing my brother Corey's family.

The rest of the time the Schrmans were here, we played and hung out. We had a brunch and games on the 4th of July,  and we went to the movies and saw The Incredibles 2 later that week.
The kids did pretty well..minus the fact that Deacon has to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes when we go to the movie... I don't know if he gets nervous or bored..but it's a little obnoxious. 
We went to Red Robin for lunch afterward which was nice! I love a good burger!
That weekend we had a girls day and went to lunch at Los Cucos and then got pedicures. It was nice to hang out with my sisters and mom.
I was blessed with great sisters! 
Our toes look so pretty ;)
We have a wonderful mother.
On July 10th it was my dad's birthday so my sisters and I went to do an endowment session with him. It was neat to be in the temple with him on his special day. He took us to Chinese afterward which was nice. 
When we got back to my parents, the kids all celebrated with grandpa!
He is a good man and I am glad we got to celebrate another year of his life!

The rest of the time Marisa was here we played games, the kids went to the pools and we just hung out together.
It was good to see her and her family and I sure wish they lived closer!