Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ella's First Temple Experience

On June 15, 2018 we took Ella to the LDS Houston, Texas temple for the first time to perform baptisms for the dead. We gathered 30 names and Ragnar, Ella, and I did 10 baptisms each. It was a beautiful summer morning and I was so grateful she has a desire to be righteous and be worthy to be in the Lord's home. 
This temple is special to us as it is the temple Ragnar and I got married in. It has been inoperable for 8 months due to Hurricane Harvey flooding. It reopened a couple weeks before her birthday and we were so excited! 
Ella is a kind hearted, loving girl who always wants to do what is right. She is smart and creative and it was a special day to be with her.
The kids came with us and stayed in the annex with my mom and sister while we did baptisms. They took a few pictures before we went in. 
Channing always loves a good picture! 
From silly to charming! That's our 3 year old! 
Cavin is a sweet kid. 
We are lucky to have these cute kids!
Family selfie!
Our eternal family! 
I was so grateful my mom and dad were able to participate with us. My dad helped confirm us and my mom came in for a little while and helped with my kids. It was neat to have them there with us. 
We loved our morning with Ella and hope she always has a desire to follow her Savior. 

Channing Dance Recital

On June 9th, Channing finished out her ballet season with her dance recital. She was very excited as she loves to perform. 
She danced to a beautiful song called "Braver Still" and did a wonderful job.
She looked beautiful. 
Grandma and Natalie came to support Channing at her recital and she was exited to have them there.
Channing and her best friend Avery always love to dance together. She is lucky to have such a good friend. We enjoy watching Channing dance and do something she loves.

Lake Charles Weekend!

The first weekend of summer we headed to Lake Charles to meet Daphne halfway for a fun day out. We went to a beach in Lake Charles that was pretty vacant and we enjoyed the sun!
The sand was pretty white and soft and we made a sand castle.
The kids enjoyed digging with the shovel. 
Daphne brought her dog Cortex who seemed to have a nice time in the water and the kids are getting more and more comfortable with him. 
Brother and Sister! Always great to see her! 
A beautiful family day! 
After the beach we went over to Millenium Park. It was a super hot day but the kids enjoyed the splash pad and if it would have been cooler they could have played at the park for a long time! 
We cooled down with Sonic slushes and then hit the road! The kids were all out within a few minutes of driving home. They were exhausted. It was a fun day! I don't love the beach as there is so much mess and sand, but we did have a nice day!