Friday, May 25, 2018

End of Year Performances

The end of the year is such a busy time!! The kids all have plays, performances, award ceremonies, field days, etc! Channing began with her "Pajama Party" play.
She had a part and she rocked it! She was animated, loud, and clear! 
Her friend Mallory and her are in the same class together and will be again next year! 
Everything is always about Avery, her best friend. She loves to hang out with her! The play was cute and it was short and sweet which was perfect!

Cavin performed in the "Pirates" play a couple weeks later. 
He was a handsome pirate and played the part of purple beard. He only said one line but our quiet, shy boy actually was very loud and clear. It was great!!
The songs were pretty good and I was glad that this year I got to see two new plays since they usually reoccur each year and I've seen them several times between kids. 

That same evening I enlisted my mother who went to Ella's orchestra concert as I couldn't be at both and Ragnar was working.
My mom said she did a good job. 
She also had an awards ceremony for 6th grade the following week. 
She received an award for A/B honor roll, Super Reader from her reading teacher (no surprise there), and Excellence and Dedication in Science. I am glad she is liking school and hopefully she will use her smart brain and really learn to apply herself, because she has the ability to do great things!

Lastly, Ella had her piano recital. She performed the "Star Wars" theme song.
She did a good job and I hope this summer she will have more of a desire to practice :)

Ella is 12!!!

Birthday season wrapped up with Ella's 12th birthday. She had a full day of festivities. We woke up and had donuts together. 
Our family seriously loves donuts!
We did presents early so she could use some of them later at the pool :) 
She got a lava lamp, fins, an LOL doll, beanie boos, an amazon echo dot, design sketch books, and other fun gifts. 
We went out for a big lunch since she had her party later. She chose Olive Garden and ate LOTS of breadsticks! I'm afraid I gave my carb addiction to the kids!
That afternoon, she went with a few friends to celebrate her party at the pool as it was opening day. Jaemi, Evyn, Helen, Mackayla, and Addy came. She has some cute friends who are really smart and they are great at pushing her to be better!
She loves art, so we did a painting cookie cake. She loved it and the weather was perfect.  
The next day we celebrated again with my brother Chris who shares her birthday and my niece Charlotte whose birthday is a few days later!

Ella is an avid reader! Like, that is ALL she wants to do. She loves books and I cannot get enough for her fast enough. She is really picking up the cello and learning it quickly. Her piano has suffered this year, I think due to the fact that she is picking up a different instrument, but she still takes lessons. She has thrived in 6th grade and has transitioned well from elementary school. She is not very organized, but she is very creative. She loves to come up with ideas and has a sharp mind. She LOVES art and music and is always wanting to listen to music. She also loves to sketch and draw and right now wants to be an interior designer or fashion designer. She is a good kid and is a great big sister. 

Channing turns 7!

Channing has been very excited about her birthday! She loves to celebrate and have a party! She was able to go with some friends the weekend before her birthday to celebrate her! They went to Mudpie to paint and then we went for dinner and dessert at Chick fil A. 
The girls were SO giggly! They had a great time, but by the end I needed some silence! They loved to make each other laugh and smile. Ellie, Channing, and Avery painted a butterfly and Mallory chose a turtle. They are a cute group of girls! Channing has a good group of friends.
On her actual birthday a couple days later we got our usual donuts and she got enough to share with her class. Then after school her grandparents came over to have dinner with us at Culvers.
She LOVES  Descendants, so I attempted an Evie cake from the movie. She was thrilled even though it was just a simple cake. 
She was making sure we did everything right! 
Then we got to open presents. She asked for LOL dolls, a Hatchimal, an enchantimal, a nail salon kit, The Greatest Showman movie, and jewelry. 
Then her DREAM came true. On Saturday, I took her to get her ears pierced. She was so excited and has been asking for years. When we got to Claire's she got really nervous but braved it and only cried for like 30 seconds. 
She is our girly girl and is all about fashion so she picked glitter heart earrings!
She is growing up so fast!! She is 3'11 and 54 pounds. She is becoming quite a good reader and has become so much more confident this year. Her teacher has really helped her feel like she can do anything and she is outgoing and really blossomed. She loves anything regarding fashion, clothing, jewelry, makeup, and shoes! She enjoys dancing in ballet. She did Destination Imagination club this year. She learned to ride her bike, tie her shoes, and swim. She declared her 6-7th year as monumental! She is a great singer and loves to sing everywhere. She also is always talking, is a talented/creative artist, and has incredible handwriting. We love our orange headed girl and all the sass she brings to the family!